** Due in February 2018 **

Holly so sad about your friend.

But remember don't borrow trouble. Every pregnancy is a fresh one. Been telling myself that for 2 months. I might be starting to believe it.

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Thank you MrsLaw..

Good luck for today Holly!! Hope all goes well! X
Mrs law and crinkles, beautiful scan pictures!!! Bless them xxx holly good luck today!! Hope everyone is well xx
I have my scan exactly a week today! This week is going to drag so bad :( time seems to be standing still with this pregnancy! My first seemed to fly by :lol:

Whine over haha!
SebbiesMum I always find tri1 drags.. literally feels like the longest trimester for me... then the next two fly by! Although there's the last few weeks that also drag.

Holly how did you get on yesterday? Where they able to tell you what's causing your pain?
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Hi Sebbies mum, my scan is also a week today, how is time going so slow?!! Arghh fingers crossed this next week flies for us both! Holly, how was your scan yesterday? Hope all went well xxxx
Had a visit to A&E tonight and have to attend epu/egu again tomorrow morning as I have some sort of prolapse. Quite uncomfortable concerned I'm feeling my cervix. Not 100% sure but whatever it is has a little slit in it. Literally feel like I've spent the whole of tri1 in epu! Wondering if this could be the cause of my previous bleeds. Not having any bleeding at the moment thankfully.
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Had a visit to A&E tonight and have to attend epu again tomorrow morning as I have some sort of prolapse. Quite uncomfortable concerned I'm feeling my cervix. Not 100% sure but whatever it is has a little slit in it. Literally feel like I've spent the whole of tri1 in epu! Wondering if this could be the cause of my previous bleeds. Not having any bleeding at the moment thankfully.

Oh blimey Crinkles. Rest up and take things easy. Fingers crossed they can get to the bottom of it tomorrow. What a rollercoaster! (((Hugs)))
Hi crinkles, oh no really hope you are ok? I'm sure they will be able to help you at epu and it must be a good sign no bleeding.. let us know how you get on xxx
Ouch Crinkles. Good luck today. Hope they get you all sorted

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Thank you all! The EGU referred me to the GP as I would be seen quicker. GP confirmed Vaginal prolapse and said not much can be done whilst I'm pregnant. She said to keep up with my pelvic floor excercises but that with the level of prolapse I have that's more to help stop any incontonence (spelling) issues. She was quite concerned and said treatment will be needed after I've had the baby. Thankfully I haven't had any of those just problems actually passing urine. Dr has messaged the midwife who will refer me over to a consultant. She said it's probs down to having my three little ones weakening my muscles and that my bladder is pushing into the vagina causing the wall to come out. She did a very brief speculum check as my cervix is quite low. I'm now just hoping things don't get too bad in the later stages and I can have a normal delivery. As long as baby is ok that's the main thing! I have a sneaky feeling this pregnancy will be incredibly interesting.
Thank you all! The EGU referred me to the GP as I would be seen quicker. GP confirmed Vaginal prolapse and said not much can be done whilst I'm pregnant. She said to keep up with my pelvic floor excercises but that with the level of prolapse I have that's more to help stop any incontonence (spelling) issues. She was quite concerned and said treatment will be needed after I've had the baby. Thankfully I haven't had any of those just problems actually passing urine. Dr has messaged the midwife who will refer me over to a consultant. She said it's probs down to having my three little ones weakening my muscles and that my bladder is pushing into the vagina causing the wall to come out. She did a very brief speculum check as my cervix is quite low. I'm now just hoping things don't get too bad in the later stages and I can have a normal delivery. As long as baby is ok that's the main thing! I have a sneaky feeling this pregnancy will be incredibly interesting.

Been checking in all morning while I could to see how you got on. Really glad that baby is unaffected. Sounds like you'll perhaps have a very interesting pregnancy but it also sounds like you'll be supported well through it xx
Awww that must be such a relief for you crinkles that baby/pregnancy won't be affected!!! Must be a nightmare for you, but at least you've got them keeping a good eye on you and you know it can be rectified after the birth xxx
Glad to hear all is good with baby but yes it is certainly going to keep things interesting?

I am sure they'll take fab care of you and baby.

Thank you! It's a massive relief. I don't mind the discomfort as long as baby is ok then I'm happy. On the plus side hubby has taken over things a little more definitely can't complain there!

I can't thank you guys enough! This forum is amazing! Ever since I've joined! Through my ttc journey.. my loss at the start of the year and now my pregnancy. So many lovely lovely people!
Why can't my OH be like that? :( My OH is winding me up so bad today! I was up at 6 for work and in for 7 until 2, the tiredness this pregnancy seems to be getting me tenfold!! Around mid afternoon I'm absolutely exhausted!, I came home from work unable to keep my eyes open, I close my eyes for 2 seconds and I get "you're not going to sleep" in my ear :/ I need a sleep! I'm aching all over, I'm tired and I'm getting extremely angry! I don't want to shout at anyone but I do tend to get extremely irritable when I'm not allowed to rest when I'm tired!..he seems to think I won't want to sleep later if I sleep now!! I could quite easily sleep for the whole of August given half the chance at the moment!

Why do men not understand the toll that being pregnant has on your body :(
My midwife just called. All bloods are clear but my thyroid TSH is at 4.1 and she's concerned and wants me to see my GP.

I've had no thyroid for a decade. Outside of pregnancy 4.0 is top end of normal. Google has 10 different answers for normal during pregnancy. It was fine 5 weeks ago. Aaargh. Worried now. My past miscarriages were likely caused by TSH issues

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My midwife just called. All bloods are clear but my thyroid TSH is at 4.1 and she's concerned and wants me to see my GP.

I've had no thyroid for a decade. Outside of pregnancy 4.0 is top end of normal. Google has 10 different answers for normal during pregnancy. It was fine 5 weeks ago. Aaargh. Worried now. My past miscarriages were likely caused by TSH issues

Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk

Worrying for you I'm sure, but you've got an early heads up so hopefully all will be well. I'm sure it will be.

My midwife just called. All bloods are clear but my thyroid TSH is at 4.1 and she's concerned and wants me to see my GP.

I've had no thyroid for a decade. Outside of pregnancy 4.0 is top end of normal. Google has 10 different answers for normal during pregnancy. It was fine 5 weeks ago. Aaargh. Worried now. My past miscarriages were likely caused by TSH issues

Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk

Worrying for you I'm sure, but you've got an early heads up so hopefully all will be well. I'm sure it will be.

Thanks. Just a call I didn't need today haha.

Just found NHS guidelines and it should be lower than 2.5. Not too shockingly high. Mine has been in it's 20s before and I felt fine.

Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk
My midwife just called. All bloods are clear but my thyroid TSH is at 4.1 and she's concerned and wants me to see my GP.

I've had no thyroid for a decade. Outside of pregnancy 4.0 is top end of normal. Google has 10 different answers for normal during pregnancy. It was fine 5 weeks ago. Aaargh. Worried now. My past miscarriages were likely caused by TSH issues

Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk

Worrying for you I'm sure, but you've got an early heads up so hopefully all will be well. I'm sure it will be.

Thanks. Just a call I didn't need today haha.

Just found NHS guidelines and it should be lower than 2.5. Not too shockingly high. Mine has been in it's 20s before and I felt fine.

Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk

Just checked with my sister and she was at 6 in her first pregnancy and 12.4 in her second whatever that means. She was fine through both, as were my nieces xx

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