** Due in February 2018 **

Telling everyone at work today! Can't wait. I'm 12+6. Taking some cupcakes in too.

These are the cakes we got yesterday to tell my son he was going to be a big brother


Aw such a cute idea Wednesday!

As this is my first i dont have a clue about prams etc so i googled cosatto and am now hooked onto getting one lol!
When is your 20 week scan ladies?

Mine is booked for 18 September
Haven't even had my first yet. That's 15th August. So I'm guessing my next will be around October ish. Then I apparently will have 5 more because of my BMI

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When is your 20 week scan ladies?

Mine is booked for 18 September

Mine is 20th September, I will be 20+6 and that is the exact cut off for the anomaly scan, I am going to try and get it changed!!

When is your 20 week scan ladies?

Mine is booked for 18 September
Haven't even had my first yet. That's 15th August. So I'm guessing my next will be around October ish. Then I apparently will have 5 more because of my BMI

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Wow, at least you'll see baby loads?? I have to have a GTT because of my BMI and I will have a growth scan between 36-38w [3 scans are standard at my hospital though and every one gets a growth scan!]

Did someone say cake?? :lol::lol:

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Hi guys, Im sorry to say you will have to take me off the Feb list as we lost our wee baby. I had some bleeding which started brown at 9weeks and a scan just before 10weeks showed the sac only measuring 6weeks. The following day I passed everything naturally and had a scan this past Monday to confirm.

I'd like to wish you all happy and healthy pregnancies xx
Wednesday that's lovely!! Bet he was super excited!! The cakes look yummy!

I have to have the gtt too! I've always struggled with this as I really dislike the drink!

BabyBrain I'm so sorry to hear your news Hun. I hope you're as ok as can be at this time. Wishing you all the best for the future. Xxx
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Baby brain I'm so so sorry to hear your news, sending lots of love and hugs over to you xxx
Just looking for a bit of advice/reassurance ladies, starting from this morning I've started getting a very deep sharp knifing pain, intermittently very very low down just to the right (sort of above my vagina/pubic bone) it's really quite painful when it happens like a knife stabbing me. I've had jiggles and pains before but this is quite distinct and different. I'm just coming up to 11 weeks, not had any bleeding and wondered if this was anything to be concerned about? Midwife said it could just be those ligament pains but does this sound likely and is this the location that they would affect? Has anyone else had anything similar? It seemed to be about every half hour xxx thank you xx
Hi guys, Im sorry to say you will have to take me off the Feb list as we lost our wee baby. I had some bleeding which started brown at 9weeks and a scan just before 10weeks showed the sac only measuring 6weeks. The following day I passed everything naturally and had a scan this past Monday to confirm.

I'd like to wish you all happy and healthy pregnancies xx

Sorry to hear this, wishing you well.

I can only change the Tri 2 thread (I started one for all the Feb mums) so I'll take you off of that.

Best wishes

Carnat my bmi is only 38 too. On the high side but I'm not huge lol. I'm just short for my weight.

But yep I have the glucose one and then 5 extra scans plus some other tests. I'll know baby so well before he or she arrives.

Babybrain: so sorry to hear your news. Take care of you and hopefully see you back here soon x

Babyruth that does sound more like pelvis than baby. Hope it's just ligaments shifting

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Baby Ruth I agree with ts25 it does sound more like the pelvis all the stretching and growing that's going on in there x
If it helps I get similar sensations around my hips. Like red hot pressure that lasts a few seconds then goes.

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Guys thank you both for your help, just got back from a meal and it was stabbing throughout it has really scared me as it's s lot worse than any of the other stabs and niggles I have felt. You've both made me feel a lot better thank you, going to sit with my feet up now and hope it subsides by tomorrow! Hope you are both well xxx
You're welcome Hun hope it eases up soon!! I always find a warm bath helps might be worth a try xx
It probably is ligaments Ruth xxx

It's so scary isn't it, but its probably normal. I get horrendous pains when I turn over in bed... I'm only little at around 8.5 stone so it's not like in lugging a massive stomach over or anything! Xz

Thanks Wednesday, I hope so xx just came out of the blue. Going to get off to bed now and have a good sleep and fingers crossed will feel better tomorrow! Hope you are ok xx
How's everyone doing this morning? I woke up with some energy! Taking the kiddies for a walk around some green space we have near by! They have walking trails hopefully we beat the rain that's forecast! Little picnic packed! Thought I'd make the most of it while I feel human! Have a great day everyone x
I only woke up once to pee all night. It feels like a massive achievement.
Still no real energy though

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I've woken up today without any of those pains I had yesterday thank god!! So feeling all positive again! Just off out to walk the dog and get some fresh air, hope you all have a lovely weekend xx crinkles a picnic sounds fab, enjoy ��Xx

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