** Due in February 2018 **

Does anyone else have an almost obvious bump at 8/9 weeks? Im struggling to find clothes, especially trousers/jeans (even my reserve 'fat' ones lol), that fit! I have to use a hair bobble to expand my buttonhole on all my jeans because its too uncomfortable to squeeze into them. Ive ordered an expandable button hole thingy from ebay. I dont want to go and buy bigger sizes or maternity wear until after the 12 week safety mark and I dont know how much longer I can hide it or what to wear for the next few weeks! It gets bigger at night time too.
I got rid of my belly through diet and it's back. More like bloating than an actual bump but I didn't carry on the front with DD either.

I'm 7.5 weeks and definitely looking at elasticated waist trousers.

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When I stand its deffo more like a bump and is quite hard/firm to touch. When I sit down it just looks like fat lol.

Do you think there is something in the way you carry as to whether its a boy/girl?
I have definite swollen stomach going on. It's quite noticeable. People are starting to twig I think. I've had it for a few weeks now.
Sorry to hear some of you are having such a hard time, I hope you get answers / happy news soon.

The upside of being fat is that I looked 6 months pregnant anyway :D


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Lol carnat. I'm a bigger lady so chances are I'll still look just bloated in 7 months.

Having some odd hip pain tonight. All in the bone like ive knocked it. It's not bad enough to concern me but I do wish it would sod off.
Anyone else ready for tri 2 already?

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Hi all, thank you for your replies and well wishes! I'm officially now 8 weeks and my belly feels huge already! Wearing an elastic on my trousers when I'm in work, so bloated lol 😂. Got my 'early bird' appointment tomorrow at 11am not sure what to expect from that.. then first midwife appoinment next Wednesday. Soooo excited 😊
Has anyone here had a corpus luteum cyst? Mine was confirmed on a scan and seems to be growing I'm getting a lot of right side stabbing but I presume this will sort itself out? Xxxx:roll:
Hi all, thank you for your replies and well wishes! I'm officially now 8 weeks and my belly feels huge already! Wearing an elastic on my trousers when I'm in work, so bloated lol 😂. Got my 'early bird' appointment tomorrow at 11am not sure what to expect from that.. then first midwife appoinment next Wednesday. Soooo excited 😊
Has anyone here had a corpus luteum cyst? Mine was confirmed on a scan and seems to be growing I'm getting a lot of right side stabbing but I presume this will sort itself out? Xxxx:roll:

Did you have the scan on the cyst before you were pregnant? If so, mention the stabbing pains tomorrow so they can get you checked if they think there's a chance it could be an ectopic pregnancy. I'm sure it's not, but one sided pain is an indicator.

I don't for one second think you'll have any problems but just saying in case.

Best of luck for tomorrow xxx
Hi all, thank you for your replies and well wishes! I'm officially now 8 weeks and my belly feels huge already! Wearing an elastic on my trousers when I'm in work, so bloated lol 😂. Got my 'early bird' appointment tomorrow at 11am not sure what to expect from that.. then first midwife appoinment next Wednesday. Soooo excited 😊
Has anyone here had a corpus luteum cyst? Mine was confirmed on a scan and seems to be growing I'm getting a lot of right side stabbing but I presume this will sort itself out? Xxxx:roll:

I have a cyst as well. Was having pains early on in the pregnancy but they seem to have calmed down now.

Are you from the north east?? We have 'early bird' appointments here too, you get weighed and have a carbon monoxide test thing and a group chat on how to look after yourself on pregnancy etc.
Thanks for your replies guys! I had the scans after falling pregnant they suspected ectopic but thankfully they have ruled that out 😳Xxx they first thought the cyst was a co-existing ectopic by my overy but now diagnosed it as a corpus luteum cyst? !

I'm based in Cheshire but that sound like the sort of thing I will be expecting tomorrow! It's very exciting xx taking hubbie with me too he'll be like a rabbit in headlights hahaha xxxx has your cyst gone now do you think?
Hey ladies!
I haven't even had chance to come on here in a few days, I will update the OP later when I get in from work.
I had a private scan yesterday, she moved me forward to 10+4, taking my due date to 31st Jan, and baby is absolutely perfect! I'd post a pic but I'm not 100% sure how to xx
Hey ladies!
I haven't even had chance to come on here in a few days, I will update the OP later when I get in from work.
I had a private scan yesterday, she moved me forward to 10+4, taking my due date to 31st Jan, and baby is absolutely perfect! I'd post a pic but I'm not 100% sure how to xx
Great news x

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Thanks for your replies guys! I had the scans after falling pregnant they suspected ectopic but thankfully they have ruled that out 😳Xxx they first thought the cyst was a co-existing ectopic by my overy but now diagnosed it as a corpus luteum cyst? !

I'm based in Cheshire but that sound like the sort of thing I will be expecting tomorrow! It's very exciting xx taking hubbie with me too he'll be like a rabbit in headlights hahaha xxxx has your cyst gone now do you think?

Fab...that was my only worry so brilliant that you know it's not ectopic. Xx

Hey ladies!
I haven't even had chance to come on here in a few days, I will update the OP later when I get in from work.
I had a private scan yesterday, she moved me forward to 10+4, taking my due date to 31st Jan, and baby is absolutely perfect! I'd post a pic but I'm not 100% sure how to xx

Fabulous...Congratulations xx
Symptoms seem to be taking a break today. Breasts are not as tender. Still have discharge and a desperate need to poop. But still no nausea and I'm not as tired. I'm 7w 4d . I know they'll come and go but they were keeping me sane lol.

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I think the nausea has really hit now, has been constant for 2 days. I don't feel the need to throw up, but I just feel like I've eaten something awful.
Booking appointment today.

Looks like I'm high dependency as suspected, waiting for my consultant appointment and nuchal scan to come through. Feeing ok symptom wise..I remember this was when I started feeling better last time.
I had my first midwife appointment today,made everything more real!! I have dating scan on Thursday. Havent a clue how far I am really due to possible messed up cycle although I kind of guessed 9 weeks. Then the midwife examined my tummy and said it seems my uterus has just 'popped out' of my pelvis and going by this she reckons I could already be 12 weeks?! Either that or twins,yikes!
Thursday can not come quick enough now Im so anxious and excited to know!! Im looking at my maternity folder here now thinking this is so surreal!!
Still put off almost all food and not really knowing what I want to eat.
Im back to work tomorrow after 6 weeks off for my Mums passing so need to sort out what to wear to hide my bump til after Thursday.
Loveandpeace - sounds exciting! Will be great to find out how far along you are x

Good luck for your first day back Loveandpeace. Am very excited to hear how far along you are too.

Just think tri 1 could be almost done for you?


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How are we all today? :)

Have my second driving lesson tomorrow, absolutely terrified but no way near as nervous as i was for my first lesson!

First midwife appointment in 8 Days, god its dragging so bad..I dont know if its because i found out earlier, but with my first i think the only reason i got a midwife appointment within the same week is because i was a lot further along :think:..Well at least after my first midwife appointment ill only have to wait another 3 weeks for my 12 week scan..Every cloud and all that ;)

Symptoms..Im quite blessed to not of had sickness at all, but i have felt very nauseous a few times but no sick thank god! :D (not gloating honest!!), slight cramps but nothing major, tiredness, sensitive boobs, and a hell of a lot of bloating..

My appetite is still hit and miss :(, some days im quite hungry..And other days i can quite happily pass on food!, cravings recently have been cheese slices, salad and mayonnaise sandwiches..:lol:, what is this baby doing to me?

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