** Due in February 2018 **

Right, TMI but constipation is KILLING me.
Im not bloated or uncomfortable, I just want to do a good toilet!
When I do manage to go, I rip a new one and end up bleeding. Im so sorry ladies :lol:
So I went to boots yesterday and they advised I start taking Lactulose to soften the stools.

Aside from that, I also have sinisitus (self diagnosed) which is Nasal congestion and very normal during pregnancy.

So although I don't have sickness, Ive got other symptoms!

I coughed abit hard earlier this morning and started feeling pulls and tugs in my tummy!
Yup yup and yup.

When do we get to start glowing and looking all feminine and pregnant?

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This is so ridiculous and I know it is but I'm worried...

I'm not getting anymore cramps/stretching etc. Is that normal? I'm 8w2d at the moment. I'm worrying myself stupid that baby has died or something which I know is silly but I can't help it.

I've got a scan 4 weeks tomorrow, 29 days to wait... I'm not sure I can wait!

This is so ridiculous and I know it is but I'm worried...

I'm not getting anymore cramps/stretching etc. Is that normal? I'm 8w2d at the moment. I'm worrying myself stupid that baby has died or something which I know is silly but I can't help it.

I've got a scan 4 weeks tomorrow, 29 days to wait... I'm not sure I can wait!

I'm only just approaching 4 weeks and lines were getting lighter...every medical professional I have spoken to has told me to stop worrying...if I've not bled, there's no problem. Same goes for symptoms coming and going...it's just hormones going up and down and perfectly normal so please try not to worry.

At 8 weeks, you could pay fir a private scan for peace of mind if you wanted to but if it's just symptoms disappearing, I really wouldn't worry. Xx
I paid for a scan at 6 weeks and it was good to see the heartbeat etc but I'm still stupidly worried! Xx

I paid for a scan at 6 weeks and it was good to see the heartbeat etc but I'm still stupidly worried! Xx

It's about your stress levels between now and the 12 week scan. If you can manage them, wait, but if you're likely to make yourself ill with worry, book another scan. I really don't think you have anything to worry about, symptoms come and go for many mums during pregnancy. Xx
It's probably after seeing the other lady on here have a missed miscarriage yesterday... that's hit me hard, I've been there before (but with spotting) and it's horrendous.

I've booked a scan for next Wednesday .. I can wait xx

It's probably after seeing the other lady on here have a missed miscarriage yesterday... that's hit me hard, I've been there before (but with spotting) and it's horrendous.

I've booked a scan for next Wednesday .. I can wait xx

Bless you. Yes, I'm doing a pretty good job of faking being fine but I'm nervous every time I use the loo. It's surely not healthy to be checking your loo paper so closely. I'm not even going to relax after 12 weeks I don't think as my mc was 14 weeks.

Keeping my fx for you xx
Oddly I'm feeling OK (I've had 5 miscarriages all together) have always felt a good vibe with my successful pregnancies though and that is how I feel this time.

I have had so much heartache, I just can't let the past rule me like that?

My rule is 'try not to worry until you have something to worry about'


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Oddly I'm feeling OK (I've had 5 miscarriages all together) have always felt a good vibe with my successful pregnancies though and that is how I feel this time.

I have had so much heartache, I just can't let the past rule me like that?

My rule is 'try not to worry until you have something to worry about'


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Yes, totally get that. Not letting the worry spoil our joy. Grief has been a close friend of our family since I was 14 and that many losses certainly gives you perspective!
Nat that's a great rule!

GG I hear you on the toilet paper thing! I'm always inspecting it!

I've had two miscarriages and one chemical - but I haven't been pregnancy for the last 5 years since I had my son. And I caught on the first cycle TTC this time, crazy luck. I'm trying to be positive x

Nat that's a great rule!

GG I hear you on the toilet paper thing! I'm always inspecting it!

I've had two miscarriages and one chemical - but I haven't been pregnancy for the last 5 years since I had my son. And I caught on the first cycle TTC this time, crazy luck. I'm trying to be positive x

Dtd for the first time unprotected in 4 years and randomly happened to be on my ovulation date so yes...crazy luck.
Hi ladies, still very new to the site I only joined last week and have spent every evening reading through all of the threads, so nice to see so many lovely women giving each other support. I am 6 + 6 today. I can't control this anxious feeling after having a miscarriage in Feb, I called to book in for my first appointment with midwife and mentoined miscarriage and apparently they do not scan early unless 2+ miscarriages! Not sure I can wait another 5-6 weeks to see if my little bean is ok. I can see lots of ladies have booked privately for reassurance scans and I'm thinking I may do the same. Time feels like it's standing still at the moment �� expected due date is the 16th Feb xxxx
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Ladies.... I pooped today.

I am sure you all know my relief.

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Thankyou xxxx
P.S I'm glad I'm not the only one who's woken this morning relieved to go to the toilet he he! The joys of early pregnancy x
Thankyou xxxx
P.S I'm glad I'm not the only one who's woken this morning relieved to go to the toilet he he! The joys of early pregnancy x
It's the small pleasures. Pooping, having a whole day without undercurrents of nausea and finding that one bra that still fits.

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Ladies.... I pooped today.

I am sure you all know my relief.

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I convey my wholehearted congratulations on the arrival of your long awaited poo! Lol

Over here, one fairly sore right nipple, one left nipple that appears to have got up and left in the middle of the night, offered itself up for ritualistic burning and reattached itself using Samurai sharpened blades!

Slight nausea through the day and restless legs...whoever said we get restless leg syndrome at night can come and feed 20 horses, walk 4 dogs and do my housework for me. Not stopped since I woke up!
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