** Due in February 2018 **

treetrunks - I am so so sorry. Sounds like you have been through a really rough time. I hope that you can get the support you need to continue with a full pregnancy. I believe it will happen for you. I think taking a break from TTC is a good idea.

All the best and sending lots of love.
Just an update, I started bleeding again last night and unfortunately passed a clot about the size of a peach stone, after which the bleeding dwindled to spotting within an hour. It has happened before so im quite sure its all over for me this time just waiting for a call back from the gp as to how to proceed in the future.
Thinking I want a break from ttc next month, its all too much.
Good luck everyone for the rest of your pregnancies and thanks for the support xx
So so sorry to hear this treetrunks. You take good care of yourself and hopefully you'll be back soon xxxxx thinking of you xxxx

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So sorry treetrunks.. you really have had a rough time. I hope the GP is able to assist you moving forward. Wish you the best of luck xx
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Thanks everyone it seems to have stopped again for now but I will speak to epau and see what they say. Xx

Oh no Treetrunks. Sorry to hear this! keep us updated X

I've been told my progesterone is low, they've given me an injection to take twice daily and a pessary...to add to the list of other drugs I'm on :roll:

How did you find out about your progesterone? Im only 4+4 if it wasn't a chemical and my doctor has referred me to EPU for early scan but im going to ask her to refer me for bloods in the morning. My pregnancy test is still positive this morning, going to do another in the am.
I think we will have to go via fertility assistance but my oh went to the Dr a couple of weeks ago and they refused him a SA!!
I knew I should have gone with him.
I dont have much hope for this time now to be honest, even though the bleeding has stopped, im so early there's nothing to be done or seen yet apart from bloods and we cant self refer to EPU. Xx

As I'm with the fertility clinic, once I did bloods to test my hcg levels they also tested my progesterone. I wish they tested everyone early as it's so helpful to know if your body needs more to help sustain the pregnancy
Oh bless you treetrunks. Take good care of yourself


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Treetrunks, I am so so sorry you're having such an awful time. Definitely take a month out and look after yourself. Spend some quality time with your OH just for the two of you. You deserve a break and the future is just around the corner, waiting for you when you're ready xx
Hello ladies.
Hope it's okay for me to join this thread. My booking in appointment was yesterday and my due date is March 10th but I had my cervix all burned away at colposcopy in 2013 so am unable to go to term. Also will need C section so I'll likely be end of Feb 2018. Can't quite believe it but so excited.

Have had a loss at 14 weeks before so won't relax for quite some time yet but not going to let that spoil our joy.

Hope you're all doing well. Xx
Right, TMI but constipation is KILLING me.
Im not bloated or uncomfortable, I just want to do a good toilet!
When I do manage to go, I rip a new one and end up bleeding. Im so sorry ladies :lol:
So I went to boots yesterday and they advised I start taking Lactulose to soften the stools.

Aside from that, I also have sinisitus (self diagnosed) which is Nasal congestion and very normal during pregnancy.

So although I don't have sickness, Ive got other symptoms!

I coughed abit hard earlier this morning and started feeling pulls and tugs in my tummy!
Right, TMI but constipation is KILLING me.
Im not bloated or uncomfortable, I just want to do a good toilet!
When I do manage to go, I rip a new one and end up bleeding. Im so sorry ladies :lol:
So I went to boots yesterday and they advised I start taking Lactulose to soften the stools.

Aside from that, I also have sinisitus (self diagnosed) which is Nasal congestion and very normal during pregnancy.

So although I don't have sickness, Ive got other symptoms!

I coughed abit hard earlier this morning and started feeling pulls and tugs in my tummy!

I drank lots of prune juice in my first pregnancy, although I also had hyperemesis so couldn't keep much down and yes, I remember the tugging feeling when coughing or sneezing. There's lots going on down there so quite normal.

16th February for me 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽
Finally got my appointments through. Booking appointment is this Saturday (actually a Saturday appointment is really handy) and scan on 25th July when I'll be 12w 2d.

It just got real !!!!!


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I'm sat in the bog at work and don't want to leave the toilet side :( Feel so rough.

Has anyone got help with feeling rough before? I tried last time but got told to do one. I'm not dehydrated but I really can't live the next 10 weeks like this.

I'm still only nauseas but I'm also peeing every 90 mins. People at work are beginning to notice. I'm guessing once the sickness catches up the jig will be up.

Other than that. I'm over the chemical fear now and firmly terrified of ectopic.
bloody anxiety.

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