Due date has been and gone and...


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Nothing! Bloody nothing! Apart from tiredness and back ache I wouldn't even know I was pregnant! My mum arrived on Thursday from another country and god we have been doing SO much walking you wouldn't believe, done raspberry leaf tea, raspberry leaf tablets, sex, hot baths, went to a chilli festival and had HOT food, champagne - you name it... Nothing seems to be working! I don't know anymore. I was really terrified of giving birth again at the end of the pregnancy as my last one didn't go very well, then got to the point where I was so fed up I was willing to do anything and now... I think I'm so beyond fed up I am actually dreading the day again and am so scared... :( x
Ahh you'll be ok! It must be annoying and frustrating to go overdue. Think it would drive me insane too. Hopefully it will go ok for you this time round and you'll have a lovely new baby at the end of it! X
I was thinking about you the other day!! You've tried everything and nothings worked! Hope bubs doesn't leave you waiting much longer!! x x
awwww bubs will be here soon hun, but yeah, i spoke to my sister and she said when she was 1 day over due with my nephew she gave up! thinking he would never come.
it must be horrible. xxxxx
Aw x hugs honey x hope baby decides it's had enough in there and it's time to arrive! x
Thanks girls... I do hope you're right! All I have to count on now is the full moon... Although I do feel like he's never gonna come out (even though I know it is not possible). It has been dragging as it is, every day over due is even worse... So much for second babies coming earlier hey... x

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