Raspberry leaf tea


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2007
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:wave: has anyone started drinking raspberry leaf tea? It was recommended to me by a few people so I am gonna give it a go. Had my first cup now and it tastes good..

I found this on google if you want to know more about it..
The benefits

Raspberry leaf tea is nutrient rich and contains many of the vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy pregnancy including vitamins A, C, E and B, magnesium, calcium and iron. Consuming raspberry leaf tea not only helps mother and baby to get all the nutrients they need but can also help to replenish a new mothers stores after the birth.

Raspberry leaf tea also contains the alkaloid 'fragine' which is said to strengthen and tone the muscles of the uterus, helping them to contract more efficiently during labour. Research has found that taking raspberry leaf during the weeks prior to delivery helps to shorten the second stage of labour by making contractions more effective. Some studies have also found that it reduces the need for an assisted delivery (i.e. an emergency cesarean or use of forceps or ventouse).

Sipping raspberry leaf tea during and after the birth is also said to help the uterus contract back down to size, reduce after birth bleeding and help initiate the let down of breastmilk.

While there hasn't been a huge amount of research into this area, the general consensus does seem to be that drinking raspberry leaf tea during the latter stages of pregnancy can help to make for a 'better' labour with few side effects.

How to take raspberry leaf tea

Raspberry leaf tea can be taken in tea bag, loose leaf, tablet or tincture form and is available from most herbalists and health food stores.

It is advisable to wait until the 32nd week of pregnancy before trying raspberry leaf tea as there is a concern that consumption before this time in the more fragile, earlier stages of pregnancy could lead to problems. Once you have reached the 32nd week of your pregnancy you could begin with one cup of raspberry leaf tea a day and gradually increase up to 4 cups or tables a day (although this may vary in accordance with the strength of the blend and the manufacturers instructions).
I've been taking the tablets for a few weeks now, I started on 1500mg & now on 3000mg, i'll let you know if they've done the trick in a few days hopefully!! x
Im thinking of getting some tommoro,
is it expensive in teabag form, and does it taste like raspberrys?? xx
Pie & Twink - best of luck hun x

Christmasbabygirl - I got the tea from Holland and Barret. There are 20 bags and it cost about £ 1.20 . It actually tastes and smells like raspberry. It's much nicer than I thought it would be.
I got mine from Holland and Barretts too! I only started drinking it the other day though! lol So a bit late! I have long second stage labours normally so hopefully this will help a little!! :pray:
I think i will get some now hopefully will work with a speedy labour :D
im 41week on monday.. this sounds good..i like the fact it can help with uterus contracting back as in my first pregnancy my uterus didnt contract back after the birth so i hemoraged which was quite traumatic... but i guess maybe its too late to start drinking it? lol
If you have 52 days left I'd be more inclined to take it in tablet form so as to get maximum benefit. You need the tea from 32/33 weeks and to be up to something like 6 cups a day by 37 weeks. Tablet form you start later and are up to the max dose pretty quickly.

I'd go get some tabs and take up to 6 a day (depending on the doseage of the tabs it can vary, but usually 6 a day is about right)
Sherlock said:
I'd go get some tabs and take up to 6 a day (depending on the doseage of the tabs it can vary, but usually 6 a day is about right)

Im already on 7 pills a day with the crohns so i think taking a further 6 maybe a bit much (the others are already getting stuck with the baby being so high up still). Is it not worth me taking the tea now? I think i left it a bit late.

Claire x
I decided not to go for the tablets as I was told they were huge lol! I struggle to swallow paracetamols! I like the tea though! And the more I drink it the more I like it! :D
can anyone describe what it tastes like?
i'm tempted to try but if i think it's horrible i won't drink it & waste my money.
just want to add, i drank rasberry leaf tea from about 34 weeks.. increased it slowly to 4cups a day untill i had LO, its said to help the 2nd stage of labour.. i.e te pushing.. after 16hours of contractions, and an Epidural.. i pushed my lil man out in 15mins.. so i DEF recommend the tea xxx
babydust said:
:D it wasnt that bad it was like drinking a raspberry lemsip i did put a tea spoon of sugar in it
Just what I was goin to say! Like a fruit lemsip! I also add a sugar! And I make a 3/4 cup instead fo a full cup as I find it nicer!!

Charlotte H your second stage was fantastic Im so hoping mine will be quicker this time!! :pray:
Hey ladies just bought some of the tea bags from health shop!
Im 33weeks and 1 day, does anybody know how much i shud be taking, it doesnt say anything about dosage opn the box, just says its 48%raspberry leaf.
i know u start off with a few cups then up it, but how ma ny shud i start with, and when shall i increase ect??? please help lol xxxx
I got my bags today - also the ones from Holland and Barratt.
I'm not keen on fruity teas in general, but i've just finished my first cup and I would say it tastes OK - not the nicest thing ever but not the worst either!!
I don't know how much to take either???
think I will have one for a day or two then increase to 3 then 4?
What's everyone else doing?
I take the capsules as don't like 'funny' teas. I started at 32 weeks and am taking 3 a day at the mo. I had a really quick labour last time, I don't know if it made a difference or not but there's nothing to lose by trying!

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