Raspberry leaf tea

i quite liked it actually thought it was nice!
I think im gonna have one a day for this week, then next week have 2, then the following week 3, ect
Im not sure how many u shud be having a day in the last 3 weeks though but i do want them to have some effect so i hope i drink enough!! xxx
I am drinking 2 a day and that will be my maximum.
IIRC you start off at 2 cups a day and work up to 6-7 a day at 37 weeks and after. Tea is a much weaker form so you need to be drinking a fair bit.

Its bloody hard downing 6 cups of that at day so I switched to tablets at 34 weeks or so and took them. Was taking 6 tablets a daym 2 with each meal.

FWIW ladies, first baby, second stage labour was 34 minutes :shock: My MW was seriously impressed at the speed of it once fully dilated and pushing.
lea m said:
babydust said:
:D it wasnt that bad it was like drinking a raspberry lemsip i did put a tea spoon of sugar in it
Just what I was goin to say! Like a fruit lemsip! I also add a sugar! And I make a 3/4 cup instead fo a full cup as I find it nicer!!

that sounds nice! dunno if i can be bothered though, feels like i've left it a bit late lol.
they reckon its good for after labour too though as it helps the womb to contract and reduced bleeding ect, also its apparantly good to take if your planning to breastfeed
it did taste yumm
charlotte_ said:
[quote="lea m":xdundmjm]
babydust said:
:D it wasnt that bad it was like drinking a raspberry lemsip i did put a tea spoon of sugar in it
Just what I was goin to say! Like a fruit lemsip! I also add a sugar! And I make a 3/4 cup instead fo a full cup as I find it nicer!!

that sounds nice! dunno if i can be bothered though, feels like i've left it a bit late lol.[/quote:xdundmjm]
Well I only started them last week so too late for me too! But I do like it and maybe, just maybe it will help even if just a little!? I hope so! Oh and I must say, after I have drank a brew, I get a strong BH! :shock: I wasnt expecting that as everything I have read said it wont start labour just help while in it so didnt even think it would give me BH but it does! I checked it out and thats pretty normal so nothing to worry about!
iv just had my second cup of the day and i swear i just had my first braxton hicks contractions.. can it really be that effective??????
christmasbabygirl said:
iv just had my second cup of the day and i swear i just had my first braxton hicks contractions.. can it really be that effective??????

Raspberry leaf tea has nothing to do with inducing labour or anything like that. It aids the second stage of labour (the pushing baby out part) and the healing after giving birth (helping stop the bleeding and so on). RLT will not start labour.

You having BH is nothing to do with your drinking RLT. You are having BH because you are PG and its your bodys way of preparing itself for labour. BH are nothing to do with labour beginning. Actual contractions are nothing like BH and many women never even have them.
Well when i had a chat with the herbalist she said it can start braxton hicks thats all!!!!
Just seemed a funny coincidence that i had my first ones today ,after having none through the pregnancy, when drinking the tea, sorry if i got it wrong lol
oh thanks lea
iv def had a few last night and not felt any up untill then and i started on the tea yesterday. didnt think the herbalist wud give me wrong info, she told me she took them when she was preg.
how do you know if you are having braxton hicks?? :oops:
kmac said:
how do you know if you are having braxton hicks?? :oops:
Well my tummy goes rock hard! It seems stronger that the top TBH but that could just be me! Mine do hurt or are uncomfortable but generally they arent supposed to hurt! I didnt have them at all with the other 3! I like them lol I feel like they are helping me get ready for labour! :cheer:
Dec_mummie_08 said:
Can it help bring on labour or does it jus help you during ur labour?


It will just help you during labour! It can bring about BH but not labour contractions! :hug:
well i bought 2 boxes today and thought i'd get started.

OMG its vile stuff!!! thought i would :puke: i tried it with and without sugar and it still taste gross!!
I'll try and carry on with it for a little longer (only had one cup so far) but i can see i'll more than likely switch to tablets. what a quitter :lol:
lea m said:
Well I certainly have BH after having RLT! I didnt think it would do that like I said but did check to see if it was normal and it is! It can bring on BH but not labour!

Hi all,

I have heard this before about taking Raspberry Leaf tea for helping with labour and was all ready but after reading the site above it says not to take it if you have had a c section before... :(

Has anybody taken this after having a c section? I was really looking forward to taking it as well. I did have the c section 10 years ago so maybe it will be ok now... :pray:

Lollypop x
I havent had a section hun so cant answer but maybe it would be best to ask you MW!?
I am definitely going to have to try this! Whether or not it makes a difference we will have to wait and see... :D

Is the only place you can get it from, somewhere like Holland & Barrett's? Is it not possible to get in a regular supermarket like Tesco's?

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