Dragon's cave... egg game thing

oh fook hold on

Q: Why is my egg or hatchling sick?
A: Egg soft shell and hatchling sickness is caused by abnormal conditions in the egg. There are three causes of disease:

* Having too many views compared to unique views. If your egg or hatchling has over 10 times more views than unique views, then it will become sick.
* Having more clicks than unique views
* Getting too many views/unique views/clicks in a short period of time.

Removing the sickness is simply a matter of removing whatever conditions are causing it. For example, if your egg has more clicks than unique views, then in order to get rid of the disease, then you need to get enough unique views so that the number of clicks becomes lower than the number of unique views.
Why have all the eggs turned to grey shadows??
Who has a grey egg? They all have colour on my laptop :think:
Ooops must have been my lappy cause they all look fine now. Sorry. :oops:
is blueeye and blackpaw u and OH? i clicked on one of ur eggs is that all i hav to do to help? i didnt get conformation that i did anything :?
LOL this is funny. flame ur egg looks gray on my screen too! wheres these eggs in blue puddles?! this is hilarious :rotfl:
weird!! i want one, might do it tomorrow!!

when they hatch, do you have a wee dragon on ur sig? :think:
ok iv just registered for a flippin egg and im going round in circles. grr!
maria1976 said:
Lol, how can we get unique views :think:

you should get lots with your posts around the forum I think.

My pink egg needs more clicks!

my green egg is better and not soft shelled anymore :dance:
I don't think I get this game... but do need to refresh the dragon page or will the eggs just appear?
ShineyHappyPeople said:
I don't think I get this game... but do need to refresh the dragon page or will the eggs just appear?

Abandonded ones appear every once in a while, the newly laid ones are there on the hour and half past the hour.

Hit refresh for a few minutes and you'll see a paragraph come up about abandoned eggs and "take one" next to it.

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