Dp naughty step thread

I've got a couple of frers but I really don't feel pregnant so unwilling to waste them - will see ow I feel tomorrow

Oh Tweety, can it be you are OV if not PG? I had strong lines on OV sticks before i tested with htp.
We are still using LAM which is quite effective but need to sort something soon as i dont want to be pg now. I still have lots of weight to lose, joining WW from August

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Tested today but it wasn't FMU, just held as long as I could which wasn't that long! Was negative so will wait a week or some and if still no sign of AF will test with FMU but I don't feel pregnant. xx
Can I come sit on the step too?
Oh was in a strange mood and actually fancied some! Phahahaha
As AF isn't set into a proper cycle yet and I've given up on opks here I am!
I got BFN this morning too

Only had one FRER so I have nothing to pee on.

Been cramping now for 4 days and its starting to piss me off tbh!

Wish AF would hurry up!
I think AF is here? CD25 - very early for me! I have a 30-31 day cycle.

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Didn't u say ur ov lines went awol this month or somethin ? Perhaps to do with that.

I'm reg like clockwork since J its great lol cramps a bitch though! xxxxx
Didn't u say ur ov lines went awol this month or somethin ? Perhaps to do with that.

I'm reg like clockwork since J its great lol cramps a bitch though! xxxxx

I started testing CD12, and only got faint lines.... Going to start testing CD10 this month.

Also it was CD25 yesterday and not 27... so I am almost a week early??

Didn't u say ur ov lines went awol this month or somethin ? Perhaps to do with that.

I'm reg like clockwork since J its great lol cramps a bitch though! xxxxx

I started testing CD12, and only got faint lines.... Going to start testing CD10 this month.

Also it was CD25 yesterday and not 27... so I am almost a week early??


Implantation? :whistle:
Nope, def AF!!

I don't mind, we're happy to wait.

Will see if next cycle is as short though... I've never had a cycle this short!

Hmm yeah I read that you were gna be next week. I'm now too. Should be finishing up.

Maybe its the heat.. Or your body tricking you so tthat you'd maybe have missed ov and fallen pregnant haha!

Yeah make sure you test earlier nxt time! xxxxx
My body has been a wreck since having the baby - joint pains, dodgy foot, broken skin on hands - all very random but never had them during or before pregnancy??

My PMT is awful now as well !!

OH & I have noticed I'm more of a bitch now. I used to be totes fine, never moan apart from my day to day grumbles. But this week I've felt myself looking for an argument because something tiny has pissed me off! I seem to be ok I'm CD3 so I've mellowed out now LOL.

Me three! I'm a right moody cow when AF is about to come thesedays!

No sign of her still...I'm getting annoyed now though as we are going to start TTC in this next cycle!!! C'mon lady, where are you at?!!

Still no AF for me and nothing to bloody pee on!

Cramps have stopped ... Hmmmm

Answers on a postcard?
I think this justifies a digi?? :lol:

You can get them cheaper on ebay!

How about ordering one and if AF hasn't arrived by the time the digi has you use it?

Yeah its worth the investment since u hope to maybe ttc soon anyways, u will need it one way or another.

Good luck! xxxxx
I'm dpo 7 today. I've had some cramping and some butterfly feelings and I'm super tired. I slept with J on the lounge floor on Saturday night and once I was asleep I didn't wake once!

I'm excited and scared all at the same time. I've also come to realise if I'm not pregnant I will be a little disappointed!

Tweety - I agree with the others, a digi is needed! I'm not sure we can wait for ebay though? lol
Still no AF :wall2:

Still getting cramps on and off

Don't feel pregnant at all

Ordered some cheapies off ebay, might order a frer and a digi just in case :lol:

Think my body is just in shock after stopping expressing :lol:

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