don't want to want more kids


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2010
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When I had monty at 19 I knew I would have more children 3 years later I had dolly but hated being pregnant so having one of each though I wouldnt have any more but then as soon as dolly turned one I started thinking maybe one more.
I didnt plan herbie but was over the moon when I found out I was pregnant as I knew I wanted an other.
Now I really dont want to want any more children cos of money , house space cars etc and I think 3 is a nice amount but I just dont like to think herbie is my last and I will never have another baby.
I would have another if I though this feel would go away but it hasnt after my last 3 children so what would make it after my 4th,
I wish I could just think thats my lots and be happy but in the back of my mind I think maybe one more but when will I stop?
my mam is one of 5 and my dad is one of 11 so dunno if its in the genes lol
my mam says if eva she asked me what I wanted to be when I was older I would just say I wanted 10 kids lol.

so do use know how many kids you want and know when you will stop?
or is anybody like me and keep wanting more?
or has anybody wanted more but stopped them selfs ?
I'm so broody ATM but don't want anymore children. I'd love to be pregnant again but for me 2's enough!! I've just had the coil put in which lasts 5 years so at least I know their be no more children until then x x
I didn't want any! Lol! I said 100% no more children throughout being pg with Seb as I hated it buuuuutttttt now he's here, I want another! Lol! Not just yet but I think 3 is the number I want. I would stop myself after that even if I wanted more but I know it'd be hard!
As Ella is my first I still would like at least 1 more but that may well be it. I will def go into the next pregnancy with a feeling that this is the last but who knows, it really all depends on money unfortunately!
I know its so hard I love the baby stage so I'm jusr trying to tell myself that no matter now many you have the baby stage dosnt last for long so just stop lol
My mam has 4 and I asked her was that all she wanted and she said no she wanted more but got sterilised to kind of stop herself and just think thats it now I cant.
Think I will get some long term contraception then see after that how I still feel.
How can we all be so bloody broody when we are all sat here with babies lol
This is my 4th and I was adamant I wasn't gonna have anymore after my 3rd but my 3rd was my husbands 1st and I also had an emergency c section so kinda felt robbed of that birth and felt sorry that my dh hadn't experienced a natural birth. So here I am 7 months pregnant again and prayin 4 a vbac.
This has been the hardest in terms of organisin tho,had to het a bigger car cos standard 5 seats isn't enough and were gonna have to move cos the rooms just aren't big enough,my mum and dad were both from big families so I do think there's some genetic connection somewhere xxx
i really dont wanns go trugh it all again n we have both said no more but sometimes i look at noa n he grows so quick im thinking i will never have thid sgsin.. this baby time :( is makes mee sad.. but i dont think i would change my mind
I love the baby stage too lanny!!! I actually love labour and birth as well, just hate being pg! Perhaps you could think about fostering? That's something I'd love to do when the children are older x
I am exactly the same lanny. I have 3 of my own too but my hubby's kids live with us too, all in a 3 bed house. I am desperately sad at the thought of never being pregnant or going through labour again, but where would we fit in another? There is alway a few years down the line, but hubby will be pretty aged and doesn't want to be an old fart dad lol.

I'l never say never, just not yet .....
I love the baby stage too lanny!!! I actually love labour and birth as well, just hate being pg! Perhaps you could think about fostering? That's something I'd love to do when the children are older x

yea thanks an idea I think i would love when mine have grow a little, I was talking to a lady the other day and she said she started child minding for the same reason that she wanted more children but had to stop at some point.
I keep saying I'm taking herbie to never never land so he cant grow up lol my little peter pan
I am exactly the same lanny. I have 3 of my own too but my hubby's kids live with us too, all in a 3 bed house. I am desperately sad at the thought of never being pregnant or going through labour again, but where would we fit in another? There is alway a few years down the line, but hubby will be pretty aged and doesn't want to be an old fart dad lol.

I'l never say never, just not yet .....

well theres no hope for me then you have 5 children in your house and still want more lol
thats what worrys me I would have another if I though after my 4th I could then just think thats it but I dunno I think I'm never gunna think that no matter how many I have.
I'm 25 so people keep saying you have loads of time yet but if I want more I want them in the next few years.
I have a brother 11 and he like an only child really we have all grow up and left home I dont want that.

what are the age gaps between yours
i really dont wanns go trugh it all again n we have both said no more but sometimes i look at noa n he grows so quick im thinking i will never have thid sgsin.. this baby time :( is makes mee sad.. but i dont think i would change my mind

you will forget it all the sleepless nights the lots and when noa is waking and talking you will start to want another.
and when I see my 3 together I think awww they have each other and would hate them to be on there own.
I am one of four and my youngest brother is 13 so he was a little accident and my mum wanted a 5th after him because she didnt want him to have no one as the age gap for him was 16yrs with my older brother 10yrs with me and 8yrs with my other brother, but my dad put his foot down and said no more!

needless to say she is super exicted about her first grandchild! I have always said I will have 4 because I love how close I am with my brothers despite our age gaps we are all close and I want that for my kids!

PLUS this is my first pregnancy and I already know I am going to miss being pregnant so I fear im in big trouble already!!! lol
well i said no more after i has my 1st 2 and now im on my 5th lol this will be my last though i can then concentrate on enjoying my brood and finally kick started a career in photography
I am exactly the same lanny. I have 3 of my own too but my hubby's kids live with us too, all in a 3 bed house. I am desperately sad at the thought of never being pregnant or going through labour again, but where would we fit in another? There is alway a few years down the line, but hubby will be pretty aged and doesn't want to be an old fart dad lol.

I'l never say never, just not yet .....

well theres no hope for me then you have 5 children in your house and still want more lol
thats what worrys me I would have another if I though after my 4th I could then just think thats it but I dunno I think I'm never gunna think that no matter how many I have.
I'm 25 so people keep saying you have loads of time yet but if I want more I want them in the next few years.
I have a brother 11 and he like an only child really we have all grow up and left home I dont want that.

what are the age gaps between yours

mine are 12, 8, 5, 4 & 5 months. I really think I could go on and on and still feel broody!
lol my mum tells me its called empty nest syndrome, when they start to get older you want another and so on, I am 1 of 5 and I am pregnant with my 6th, my husband has now had the snip to stop us having more or we would keep going, we are in a 3 bedroomed house which we had to put a studded wall up in big bedroom with last baby to make it to 4 bedroomed, now me and hubby are going to change dining room into our bedroom to make it 5 bedroomed, we have 2 cars mine is a 7 seater but we are going to try and get a 8 seater after xmas and part ex mine. My mum also told me my dd had to get the snip to stop them from carryingon and the feeling didn;t go until her youngets was about 10, she keeps asking me how i feel about having no more and if i want to talk she understans am fine at the moment becuase i am pregnant whatke when this baby gets a bit older i have no idea, I know i will suffer when they start shcool as I always do my childrens ages are 14, 12, 6, 5 and 11 months
I sooo want another baby!! But I just can't afford it tbh, I struggle as it is with just the two my OH wants another and we even spoke about trying next christmas but no lol x
I sooo want another! AJ is now 2 and growing soo fast.

After a traumatic labour and birth with AJ, I'm not wanting to do that bit but would love a younger bro or sis for AJ and J.
When I gave birth to Drake I felt so empty, I carried him all that time and knew it was my last...I was so gutted. My hubby definately doesn't want any more and I agree with him but I can't help but think just one more, maybe we'll get our little girl..we make such beautiful children..seemed like a waste!

But I know he's right, we're not getting any younger and there's a 7yr age gap between all of them, we can't afford more plus we have no room for them in the house as it is! (trying to persuade him that we need a brand new 4bed house lol)

My friend has gone through this and she is now pregnant with her 6th!
I know I am put and down with the idea some days I think what the heck you only live once money dosnt matter then other days I think I should just enjoy and be happy with the 3 I have got.
Yodabo did you eva watch that 9 boys and wanting a girl? think that would of been me for sure dont think I would of stopped till I had one.
My dad is one of 11, 10 boys and 1 girl
my gran had the girl on her 8th pregnancy but she was a twin with a boy so even when she got her girl she still got a boy with her lol

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