Mums with 3 kids...


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Is it much harder than 2? Fiance and I have 2 boys (3 and 1) and are thinking of having another one before we get married in June 2013... I really want another little one before... You know, we never have any more kids. But I am worried about more sleepless nights and everything else that comes with kids :D Is it harder to go to places and do things with 3? And has the third birth been the easiest? My first one was awful, second was actually rather good (as good as something like that can be, don't get me wrong, still hurt like hell) so wondering if I wanna put myself through that pain again...

All replies so much appreciated :)

B x
Can't advise as i've only got the one but just wanted to say its lovely to see you on here again! xx
I have two as well and honestly can't see it being that much different having 3! Well, I hope not anyway!!! Lol x

Ignore any mistakes-my iPhone is addicted to autocorrect!
Thank you so much for replying girls!

I am ecstatic and terrified at the same time. The more time I spend on here the more broody I get again :lol: xx
I've only got 2 so cant help, but yeah the forum is a nightmare for making ppl broody. I tend not to think too much about having another untill I come on here

I have 2 childaren and pregnant with my 3rd. All I can say is that life is already busy, it will just get busier! I found it hard with just 1 child, when I had 2 It got easier in some respect but busier at the same time. My 4 year old plays with his little sister who is 2.5 and when baby number 3 arrives my 2 children will hopefully be quite sweet and help mummy a little.
I have 6 kiddies and while it's busy I dont find it any harder then with 2. The rewards out weigh everything xxx
Loads of people have told me when you have the second its a big adjustment and it is a lot harder than 1 but after that its just automatic. Im pregnant with my 3rd and cant wait. My 2 are 2 and 4 in feb and i am due in march so they are all close together x
I have 3 but theres 7 yr gaps between mine. I don't think its any harder, the only difference is getting a baby sitter for all 3 (we don't go out much anyway) and fitting all 3 in the back of the car, my oldest is a big boy so it's a bit if a tight squeeze. Bit I suppose I'm lucky that he tends not to come out with us much, he doesn't need babysitting etc.. The older boys are great at helping out too. Maybe if they were a lot younger it would be a lot more difference? I'm not sure.

Labour 3rd round was worse than the other 2! (sorry) it was longer than the other 2 (my 1st was 1hr 50, 2nd was 4hrs and 3rd was 4hrs 35) but I went from 6-10cms with no pain relief in a couple of minutes and I felt every cm of that!
I had three close together , when my last of the three was born,(daughter) I had already had the two boys aged just turned 3 and 13 mths.

I found the big jump from 1 to 2 , and not 2 to 3, it was fine.

It is busier and a bit of a juggle, but no more than you will do with the 2 boys, number 3 will have to slot into your routene and life as you have it now, may take a couple of months to settle down, but that's the same with any baby.

I founf it harder later on as they got older, doing a school run for 6 year old and then preschool runs for 4 year old and again for a 3 year old, I should have had a pedometer to see how many miles I clocked up back and fro school morning, lunch, after lunch and eve!!

I did find swimming lessons for them stopped for a couple of years as I couldn't afford it with the cost of the creche for one and lesson for the other, then the swap later in the week, but I guess this is just a money issue later on, which we all have anyway!!

So basiclly go for it, it's lovely for them to grow up together ., and good for room sharing to be close together.

As you know Ive since had my 4th baby and it gets easier ....... keep going Berit

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