Thanks for your reply leean. Uh im crying now ..... i just wish i knew instead of giving myself false hope and not knowing its on my mind 24/7 my boyfriend says im obsessed ... not obsessed im a worrier. And after having a miscarriage & chemical its so hard not to think badly.
I worried a lot when i was pregnant with my son ... i did the complete same then, i didnt freak so much as id had no losses then.. but i tested everyday, ive spent loads on pregnancy tests alone. I've used 6 cb digital in past week , just brought 2 more. I had 2 boxes of 5 frer and a box of 2 . I've had internet cheapies too. Oooh i hate being in limbo so badly.
I opened a cb digital the other day .. i know youre not meant to, and a line was there faint but there, and ive done the same today too ... and its barely there argh i am just driving myself crazy im sick of comparing pregnancy tests too i am just going mad.
And ive got the pain in my back still its like a pounding pain at the moment ... cant get in the doctors today either as we have to ring up first thing at 8am to get a same day appointment and i cant ring up today and be in tomorrow as they changed the way they do there bookings now
I was wondering can i drop off a urine sample tomorrow .. without making an appointment? As it only takes them 2 minutes to do a dip test and it would save them an appointment too. I swear ive done it before, i cant remember :/ i might ring up and ask.
One funny thing is .. not pregnancy related but my mum went the doctors today as shes got an infection in her throat and ear, and its causing pains in her head. The doctor give her some antibiotics .. shes ended up with antibiotics for an STI lol!
Can i also rant please ..... families ... sorry not loss related .... just need to get it off my chest
I have a cousin who is 16 and she got pregnant 14 and half ... and her son is one in february, and shes due another boy in february too. And my grandad come up on xmas day to see my sons xmas presents and he was saying how shes been at his house (as they stayed for 3 nights with her mum, herself n her son) and she has hardly bothered with her son!! shes always on her phone. Yet shes always plastering on facebook i love my babies so much, plastering on facebook how much you love your child doesnt make you a good mum if you dont bother with them do they. And also her sons dad was meant to have him xmas day and text he couldnt have him .. so she went in a mood and stormed out with her little boy and her mum was ringing our grandad xmas day saying i dont know where shes gone etc. She was also threatening her brother & his girlfriend to knock them out while she is heavily pregnant. And it sooo annoys me , people out there like me and my boyfriend would love another child, or even there first child, and some people struggle to concieve or some people like me have a loss mc/chemical etc. And theres idiots like her.
And me my family always say (horrible to say) but she doesnt deserve her children her mum (my aunty) is a alcoholic. And she watcher her son a lot for her daughter. Sorry to rant, i just feel like commenting on her facebook sometimes and say grow up!!