problems after miscarriage


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2009
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Beware-quite an overshare coming!

I had a miscarriage 2 weeks & 3 days ago. I bled & had pain for 7 days and for 7 days after this had no further pain or bleeding, just tired & emotional. On wed i begun to have pains in my cervical area, not like period pain, much lower & where the penis would touch during intercourse. I then started bleeding on thurs but its very weak, thin blood almost like its in my urine. Ive been wearing pads as can't face tampons since the mc & no blood I'm only seeing it when i wipe after peeing. Ive been thirsty & weeing loads and still occasionally having the cervical pains with little bleeding now. Ive had sex & didn't bleed after that.

My nipples have been VERY sore & tender, even wearing a bra is sore :(

Ive also had lots of hot flushes/dizzy spells & sickness & nausea

Anyone else had anything similar? Is this a period? By product of mc? I'm a bit worried :(
I am not sure hun and wouldn't like to advise apart from speaking wit your GP or the EPU if you have contact with them.

Have you by chance tested to see if your hormone levels have returned to 0 (negative result)?

If your worried then it's worth getting checked out.

just thought i would send you a :hug: no advice but hope you feel better soon
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I am sorry that this happened hun, I know how it feels.

I would really keep an eye on it, I did have light and longer bleeding after mine and that was a D&C and the same the period after.

If it is still happening, please do ask you doc for advice , after lots of bleeding you may get those symptoms, it really takes it out of you, try to keep up your iron intake too X

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