Different strengths of pregnancy tests information...

maybe baby

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2010
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Hi Everyone,

Hope you are all well.

Just thought I'd post some information about the strengths/sensitivities of pregnancy tests-

Apparently, if a woman is pregnant, the amount of hCG in her system should be around 25 mIU at 10 dpo (days past ovulation), 50 mIU at 12 dpo, 100 mIU at around two weeks dpo.

On average a woman's HCG levels double every 30 hours. Non-pregnant women have HCG levels of 5.

- Superdrug 10 mIU

-First response early tests (up to 6 days before AF) 12.5 mIU

-Boots own pregnancy tests 25 mIU

-Clearblue 25 mIU

-Hospital non-branded HCG tests 100 mIU

Also remember some women don't produce enough hCG until 3 weeks after their period is due so don't give up hope of pregnancy if AF hasn't arrived and you still get a BFN.

Good luck and Babdust to everyone xx
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Thanks MaybeBaby, that has cheered me up a bit. Im a week late now, but still getting BFN's. Im hoping there is still a chance :)
Aww That must be hard...

Do you know when you ovulated? if you know when you ovulated your period should be 2 weeks after that so you may not be as late as you think?

Nope, tbh Im not even sure I did ovulate. I did tests from cd 9 - cd 19 and then ran out. I didnt get a strong positive, only faint lines, so maybe I ovulated later? or maybe not at all?
Oh ok. well I guess its just a case of waiting then..

Massive fingers crossed for you, keep me posted..

Thanks! Im still hoping, but tbh I think the pg tests are right. Im just hoping my cycles become a bit shorter...
How long are your cycles hun?

I'm about 36 days I won't even make the September testing thread! I'll be beginning of November!

wow, that must be so disheartening, have you read about agnus castus? I have heard it is good at reducing cycle length.
Before going on the pill I was always 28/29 days, since coming off the pill I was 28/30 days for my first two cycles, now Im on day 37. I have never been this long before, I am 34 next month, so Im worried that has something to do with it?
Well I've been on the pill for 10 years, I'm 28. I do suspect the long cycles are a result of the pill.

Do you know if long cycles are a bad thing when TTC?

As far as i'm aware long cycles aren't a problem but late ovulation in a cycle is, as it means the egg doesn't have time to implant properly, I think that's something agnus castus hepls with, but i'm not too sure..

Any ideas??

but late ovulation in a cycle is, as it means the egg doesn't have time to implant properly

Oh i hope not :(

I don't think long cycles is too much of an issue physically, but it makes it harder to time BD for OV because you have to cover a larger timeframe - plus you get to try less often than someone with a shorter cycle.

Sorry you both are missing your AF n getting BFNs :(
This is really helpful, thanks maybe baby. I am due on Sunday/Monday I think. My ebay cheapies are 10miu. At the risk of sounding really thick, they should have detected something by now I'm guessing :-( booo.
thanks maybe baby thats really helpful info, its making em think i should invest in some decent tests instead of using the ebay cheapies! x
So the hospital tests aren't as strong as the others??

Just bumping this thread up as it may help all the newbies who haven't seen it...

Good Luck everyone!
Good thinking

:thanks: maybe baby. i posted a thread asking about tests a few mins ago. this is really helpful info. x x x

also if anybody here has had the implanon inserted and removed how long did it take you to concieve afterwards??? just thought i'd throw that out there!!!

thanks x x x
No worries Hun,

I think maybe Mummy24 who's preggers in Tri 1 had it, it didn't take her long I don't think.

Replied to wrong thread there... I'm talking about Implanon!

Thanks maybe baby :) I haven't seen it - but very helpful info.
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