Pregnancy test sensitivity List

To be fair a negative frer at 17DPO approx (i don't use OPKs) is enough for me to think I'm probably not pg. So I'd rather wait a couple more days for AF to show than waste money on a test that I will probably mess up anyway. Sorry girls... Bad mood. Never ever been this late. Just want to know what's going on with my stupid body :( xx
Boots have buy one get one half price on pregnancy tests as the moment and their early test ones are on clearance as wll. Although at their prices they need some sort of offer. Includes Clear Blue as well

It still costs me £16.44 for a double digi and double value test, doesn't seem like much of an offer! Asda's regular prices are cheaper than that!

I took the boots own ones back after reading here that they were 50mIU, no use to man nor beast at 10DPO!

Question - I Just read this, and I used a Boots test and got my BFP, it came up fairly quick and was a pretty strong line. Is this a good sign that there is plenty of hcg knocking about then?
One Step internet cheapies are 10miu, both hpt and opks I think..
Im a wee bit confused i got a possitive with tesco own brand, negative with CB, is the tesco more sensitive??
Someties. But usually its on the leaflet inside or can findcout onkine
Just bought some cheapies from Asda - £1 for twin pack and they say they are 20 mIu each :)
Just a quick question ladies what mIu is the best the higher the better or the lower the better? Please
Hi- the lower it is the more sensitive it will be. Xxx
Fab post! I never knew that! I've been using clear blue digital and it was negative but I think I'm just on the 12 days now so that coupe be why?? Fingers crossed!
well have been suffering all week with very very very painfull boobies lowere back ache overwelming tiredness :( my periods so irregular so not sure when its due .
i test monday morn with boots pregnancy test am so sure i could see a very faint blue line to complete the cross thats needed for a BFP but my partner said he cant see it !!! grrr then i was thinking is it an evap line so i am waiting till the weekend and wont be buying another cheap test will get the first responese so fingers crossed or i will well and truley feel stupid when he says i told you there was nothing there wont i :roll: xx
I used B&M's Clear & Simple on Sunday and saw nothing. Used a tesco one earlier and could have swore I saw something but I am convinced it's just in my mind!

Definitely a good idea to have an idea of how sensitive they are. I looked on the leaflets & on the box of the tesco ones and it didn't say, so glad I had the heads up from here!
FRER most sensitive test is 6.3mlu for those unsure you can check the insert within your box to check the sensitivity purchased. Mine say 6.3mlu which is how they generally tend to be the best x
Just bought some 10miu from amazon.
20 OF THEM!! lol
can some one explain the terminology to me?

Im new with buying pregnancy tests and not sure where to start??

Thank you

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