Different strengths of pregnancy tests information...

No matter how times I read around HPT it always gives me hope, knowing sometimes levels can be lower until after af!
Hi all. Need help. Came home from work, I am trying to concieve and late for my period so thought I'd try a test. It was a superdrug home test, it came up with a very faint pink line in the test window. Did two more with the same result. So obviously I got very excited as we've only been trying for a month without working out OV date. I've been on the pill for 10 years so didn't expect anything for a while.

I rang my hubby and he went and got some clear blue digital tests. I took one and it came back 'not pregnant'.....gutted!

Are the superdrug tests unreliable, even though I did three. I'm new to this so any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Superdrug hpts are 10mui strength hun, so it can detect v early. It may well b a positive hun.

Clearblue digi are 25mui, so take a few days longer to show.

All i can say is test in a couple of days and FX for ur :bfp:


On the poas website it says that clearblue normal are 25miu and clearblue digis are 50miu so like Kred said it will take longer to show up :)
Thank you for this x

Regards cycle length, so long as you have more than 10 days (with 14 being the ideal and most 'normal' number) then the egg should have time to attach to the uterine lining. I have been having 35 day cycles, ovulating on cd 21, only problem with ovulating late is the egg is a bit 'over cooked' so may loose quality.

I can't take AC, I seem to be allergic to it, but maca is working well for me, this is my first proper cycle of taking it and I ovulated 3 days earlier than normal!

I've had weird things going on with LH too. My levels don't drop after ovulation, I get strong opks all the way till AF. I think I have an oestrogen dominance, this cycle with the maca my LH levels are normal for 10 dpo! I think I'm getting there slowly!

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