Derren brown - faith healing

The thing is, with reading the bible and studying it, the things these guys are doing is actually against God! To tell someone they must have 'secret sin' is a contradictory term as nothing is secret from God! That's horrific that she killed herself-she was just a child :( it makes me so sad that people will use faith, belief etc for their own gain!

I totally agree with you! It was totally sad, and surely these people if they knew the Bible would realise that that kind of thing wasn't of god. I can uinderstand people being desperate and stuff, and to be honest, if I had a child who was in that situation I'd try anything if it meant a chance of being well...

But these people are telling people to throw away their medicines and people are dying and stuff..

It's just horrendous..:(

The secret sin thing is terrible too, especially coming from a so called "pastor"...The bible cleary states that the only person worthy of judging others of their sins is God. Poor Girl....
I thought Id done a post on this last night but I must have dreamt it lol.

I LOVE Derren Brown, Ive seen all his shows on tv and read his amazing book. I loved this program exposing the Faith Healing scams. Its appalling and Im glad he did the show with respect, honesty and without slagging anyone off or dissing the faith that some people have. It was an eye opener. Im Pagan and dont believe in faith healing but I understand those that follow God do but its sad that they have the wool pulled over their eyes in this way :(
I thought Id done a post on this last night but I must have dreamt it lol.

I LOVE Derren Brown, Ive seen all his shows on tv and read his amazing book. I loved this program exposing the Faith Healing scams. Its appalling and Im glad he did the show with respect, honesty and without slagging anyone off or dissing the faith that some people have. It was an eye opener. Im Pagan and dont believe in faith healing but I understand those that follow God do but its sad that they have the wool pulled over their eyes in this way :(

I am a Christian and believe in God and Jesus (obviously lol) but do not believe in faith healers! I believe that God can heal through prayer and He heals through grace but not through these people! Jesus healed people for no money, he even begged the people he healed not to tell and we're told not to brag about anything apart from Jesus so what these people do is wrong and against Christian teaching through the bible. :( I'm not having a go I just want to make it clear I don't believe in these people. Real faith healers would do it quietly, for no money, no fame, no fortune etc echoing Jesus and His teachings.
The thing is, with reading the bible and studying it, the things these guys are doing is actually against God! To tell someone they must have 'secret sin' is a contradictory term as nothing is secret from God! That's horrific that she killed herself-she was just a child :( it makes me so sad that people will use faith, belief etc for their own gain!

I totally agree with you! It was totally sad, and surely these people if they knew the Bible would realise that that kind of thing wasn't of god. I can uinderstand people being desperate and stuff, and to be honest, if I had a child who was in that situation I'd try anything if it meant a chance of being well...

But these people are telling people to throw away their medicines and people are dying and stuff..

It's just horrendous..:(

The secret sin thing is terrible too, especially coming from a so called "pastor"...The bible cleary states that the only person worthy of judging others of their sins is God. Poor Girl....

You said exactly what I wanted to say with regards to 'if they knew the bible' but I couldn't find the words :)
Sorry Helen, I didnt make it clear, I mean the people on the show who were involved. I didnt mean everyone in general. The people who did attend the Faith Healers and paid were the ones who I felt were misled and had the wool pulled over. I have studied many religions over the years and am an eclectic Pagan so follow many Gods and would never dis anyones faith :)
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Ah sorry :)

I used to be into Wicca but Christianity has been calling me for years and i'm finally 'born again' x x
Well good for you Helen, thats great. I was an atheist before I found Paganism and have got into many a disagreement with my family over it as they think Im crazy sometimes. Dad likes the whole Wiccan thing like me but Mum just doesnt get it. Weve argues many a time over it. I 'smell' spirits too and she thinks Im completely nuts.
I think it's awful when you don't get support from your family :( I gotta ask what 'smelling' spirits is? Like smelling their favourite aftershave or something? Where I used to live I used to smell a mans aftershave in my bedroom and used to feel someone standing next to my bed staring at me.
Clairalience (smelling)
Also known as Clairescence. In the field of parapsychology, clairalience [presumably from late 17th century French clair (clear) & alience (smelling)] is a form of extra-sensory perception wherein a person accesses psychic knowledge through the physical sense of smell.

Ive had this strange 'ability' for years and years since being about 15. Everyone thinks Im crazy mad and I dont often talk about it. I can smell in anyones house if theres something there. Ive had several weird experiences with smell, spirits, residual energies and visitors. Its bloody scary and freaks me out.

You think Im a weirdo now right lol
I thought you were a weirdo before ;) lmao x only joking x

It's very interesting! As a child I used to walk into places and instantly tell if it was'good or 'bad' and very often I'd beg my parents in tears to leave somewhere for no apparrant reason if it felt 'bad' x x it interests me greatly especially now!
Yes see, thats it. You know what Im talking about. Ive 'met' some very strange visitors and every single time, Im scared. I havent had an experience for a couple of years now thankfully. I love all things supernatural.
Yep I completely get what you're talking about x I haven't felt anything since moving up here, the last thing I felt was at my old house (where I smelt the aftershave). The scariest moment was when my then boyfriend walked past a door that was off it's hinges and it 'flew' forwards and nearly knocked him out! I'd walked past it literally seconds before and nothing had happened. I used to feel this thing staring at me at night. I used to have horrific nightmares in that house of everything that terrifies me and haven't had them since moving!
OMG I have goosebumps. I had an encounter with my ex husbands Nan at Xmas one year. I could smell her but didnt know it was her till MIL mentioned she liked roses and thats what I could smell. My hairs on my arms stand on end, my heart pounds and I just know theres something there. We used to live in an old cottage and our dog and me and my Dad knew there was a lady there who liked the staircase, we could smell her. I swear she moved with me when I left home!
Have to say though girls, and I'm not having a go. But because of my personal experience with faith healing and all the rest of the crap that went on the majority of people do know the bible very well. But in these sorts of cults ( churchs) people are so brainwashed and so frightened to question anything that they end up believing everything the leader says. If anyone does question it they will be told they're going to hell. It amazes me that most of these people are highly intelligent but have gotten so beaten down and have quite literally had their minds controlled that they will believe anything! It's frightening especially when its someone's faith!

Absolutely Pinky! I agree that the people are brainwashed and the leaders may know the bible but they're twisting it to control people and do things that are against God and the bible. For example from something you told me, that I won't go into detail about here, the bible teaches that we should love our enemies and pray that they will be saved and care about them-even the people who have hurt us severly (sp) we are called to love and pray for them in a positive way as Jesus did. So what happened was definately against the bible and therefore against God. I think you'll understand me. X x x
I agree pinky! I read a book recently on the children of god and I was amazed at the things that intelligent people did/believed because of brainwashing and the faith they had in their "religion", which was the most distorted view of Christianity I've ever come across and their leader! It really upset me reading it :(

I was talking to my sister about the programme earlier and she said a friend of her's has recently seen a faith healer and is genuinely convinced that she's seen miracles performed and that she herself has been healed of something! She doesn't know what she's been healed of, but se believes she has been! That made me really sad too :(
I think I get very upset because the people in these cults (churches) could have been shown the love, compassion, grace and salvation of God but instead they've been brainwashed and warped into lost souls :( :cry: it breaks my heart and affects me very deeply that they might never know the Truth.

May have to ignore this thread for now. I'm getting very close to tears. Not from anything Antibes said or done but just about it all in general
I agree pinky! I read a book recently on the children of god and I was amazed at the things that intelligent people did/believed because of brainwashing and the faith they had in their "religion", which was the most distorted view of Christianity I've ever come across and their leader! It really upset me reading it :(

I was talking to my sister about the programme earlier and she said a friend of her's has recently seen a faith healer and is genuinely convinced that she's seen miracles performed and that she herself has been healed of something! She doesn't know what she's been healed of, but se believes she has been! That made me really sad too :(

Do you still have the book? Could I borrow it?
I've passed it onto a friend, but I'll see if she's still got it! It was a really interesting read, but at the same time really upsetting, just so hard to imagine! There are some seriously warped, fucked up people out there :( and unfortunately they prey on the most vulnerable and exploit their faith and weaknesses
Have to say though girls, and I'm not having a go. But because of my personal experience with faith healing and all the rest of the crap that went on the majority of people do know the bible very well. But in these sorts of cults ( churchs) people are so brainwashed and so frightened to question anything that they end up believing everything the leader says. If anyone does question it they will be told they're going to hell. It amazes me that most of these people are highly intelligent but have gotten so beaten down and have quite literally had their minds controlled that they will believe anything! It's frightening especially when its someone's faith!

This is so true pinky!

I was brought up in a Baptist church - not very strict, but not exactly lenient either..

My Dad was brethren (they take a very very literal translation of the bible, really strict and would ex communicate anyone who disagreed with any of the elders..) and my mum salvation army.

A lot of churches do use their elders and preachers to "brainwash" their congregations, I've seen it! Children are taught from a young age to fear God and that if they don't believe in him then they are going to hell.

A personal example, although slightly off topic as not to do with faith healing would be my own Family.

My parents were young when they met (Dad 16 and mum 20), and basically DTD despite not yet being married. My mum ended up pregnant with me. The elders of the church wanted them to be ex communicated (disowned from the church, friends and family) but memeber of the church stuck up for them and they were allowed to stay on the condition that they married. They were told, that if they didnt marry as soon as possible, they would doom MY soul to hell. (WTF i know) My parents at the time being so young, never questioned this, and tied the knot. (my dad had JUST turned 17)

I was taught from a young age that the penalty for any sin would be hell, unless God decided to forgive me...

My parents after consulting the bible decided some of the views of the church we were in were warped and corrupted and We moved church when I was 4...

Parents went on to have 4 more kids, and were heavily involved in all church activies...

By the time my mum was on her fifth baby, she was physically and emotionally drained, and felt like she had put all her efforts and time into the church, and not enough into her family. She asked for help, and a break from her what she was doing but was just told that "God would provide, god would heal". She kept going and nearly suffered a mental breakdown.

We decided to take a break from church to evaluate what we really believed and what we had been scared, or forced and herded into believing.

After being involved in the same church for nearly 15 years, growing up with people there, all my friends...when we left, everyone just called us heathens, and told us we were doomed to hell...

Growing up in that environment now I don't know what I really believed and what was just fear. Thats why this program really enraged me.. I know what it's like to stand in a praise gathering and be moved by the music, and the holy spirit (if thats really what I felt) and it makes me so mad that people are being exploited once in this vulnerable state :( x

Sorry for the rantish post there, just really felt i had to share that! x

Thank for listening girls...Haven't spoken to anyone really about this! x

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