My Dad's catholic and I was forced to go to catholic schools, the secondary catholic schools in the area weren't the best but I was still made to go there (not only catholic but a convent school! I still don't like nuns and have zero respect for them).
Back then though (I left 20 years ago), the religion wasn't part of the teaching, it was limited to assemblies and the odd holy day of obligation, creationalism was never mentioned (I don't think it was even mentioned in RE lessons as we were only ever taught new testament stuff) but the quality of the education was laughable, we were girls therefore what was the point of teaching or pushing us too much as we'll only be good catholic housewives, crap sex education (that's male STAY AWAY was the limit of it). The one good point was the behaviour in the school, there was zero bullying I never saw a single incident of it, very little absenteism, only knew one girl that got into drugs and only 1 teenage pregnancy in the whole time I was at the school.
That's all changed now and it's a much better school education wise with a secular headmistress but I've heard it now has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the area.
Waffled on so much I almost forgot what I was going to say

anyway, I'd prefer not to send my future children to a faith school as I'm now an aetheist but if the only good school in the area was a faith a school then I would send them there as I believe I would owe it to my kids to give them the best education I could manage to find and I would want to back it up with proper sex education at home and an understanding of evolution, creationism winds me up! (I'd also hope that the faith school WASN'T a convent school! No nun's in my life again!

) Also my parents did have to pay a fee each term as the school was only 75% funded by the state, it wasn't a huge amount around £200 a term but I think they struggled to find the money sometimes.