I know we shouldn't talk about religion but it's important to talk about it don't you think? Anyway I'd really like your opinions....
After a bit of arsing about with the education dept giving me alot of worthless and incorrect information I have now found out (off my own back) that Isaac can start nursery (attached to primary school) from Spring 09 if there is a place for him, if not then he can start summer 09 but most probably next September 09. Although he will be 3 this december coming I think its better, after chatting to the school recpetionist, to wait untill next september so he will start with all the other children and not feel like the new boy like he would if he started in say spring or summer 09. (Not all schools have more than the sept intake but our local school does if places are available).
When choosing his nursery/primary school I went onto my local education dept website and read all the Ofsted reports for all the schools and as it turns out we have an outstanding school virtually on our back door step! (phew)! Its an ordinary school, by that I mean non-religious. Now the reason I'm writing this post is because the only other outstanding school in my borough is a faith school (Christian). Being non- church goers and with no religious views we have absolutely zero chance of Isaac getting a place at this school should he not get a place at the school I mentioned before on our back door step. Of course the school has to take a certain amount of non-religious children but really when the majority of applicants have to have a reference from the local parish to show they are worshipping you have to ask yourself why would you bother to apply?..And anyway.. (A)-why would you want to send a non religious child to a religious school? and (B)-I would rather Isaac not be the 'token' non-religious child who is simply there to make up numbers and represent some warped show of the school being culturally sensitive and PC. You're probably wondeirng why this should bother me as like I said why would I want to send Isaac to a faith school anyway?...well it bothers me for a few reasons, mainly because this school is outstanding in its Ofsted reports but is restricted as to the children it will allow to learn there. Surely this is blatant discrimination? I mean what has religion got to do with learning basics like English and Maths? Which brings me to the next reason this bothers me...The school website is proud to announce that the school approaches education with 'Christian values', well we are not christian but we DO have values, Isaac will be brought up to know right from wrong and be well mannered..oh I don't have to go on about that, you get the idea! The school does state that children can be excluded from the RE lessons but it is highly recommended that all children take part. So what parent in their right mind would want their child to be the 'odd one out' and excluded from lessons? Kids have a hard enough time fitting in as it is without drawing attention to themselves. It stinks of snobbery to me, as if those of us who aren't christian have less morals and values as those who are christian. (And thats without mentioning the scores of families who pretend to worship JUST to get their child into a faith school...don't get me started on that!!!!)
Me and Isaac have visited the nursery/school I would like him to attend and it is lovely but I am aware that when Isaac starts 'big school' I am allowed 3 choices. Obviously I want to choose the best schools in the borough but straight away the faith school is out of reach. How is this fair? and why in this day and age when we live in a multi cultural society and access to good education is becoming an issue should we tolerate this as the norm?
Sorry for the rant but I really value your opinions and I need to get it off my chest!!
Thanks x
After a bit of arsing about with the education dept giving me alot of worthless and incorrect information I have now found out (off my own back) that Isaac can start nursery (attached to primary school) from Spring 09 if there is a place for him, if not then he can start summer 09 but most probably next September 09. Although he will be 3 this december coming I think its better, after chatting to the school recpetionist, to wait untill next september so he will start with all the other children and not feel like the new boy like he would if he started in say spring or summer 09. (Not all schools have more than the sept intake but our local school does if places are available).
When choosing his nursery/primary school I went onto my local education dept website and read all the Ofsted reports for all the schools and as it turns out we have an outstanding school virtually on our back door step! (phew)! Its an ordinary school, by that I mean non-religious. Now the reason I'm writing this post is because the only other outstanding school in my borough is a faith school (Christian). Being non- church goers and with no religious views we have absolutely zero chance of Isaac getting a place at this school should he not get a place at the school I mentioned before on our back door step. Of course the school has to take a certain amount of non-religious children but really when the majority of applicants have to have a reference from the local parish to show they are worshipping you have to ask yourself why would you bother to apply?..And anyway.. (A)-why would you want to send a non religious child to a religious school? and (B)-I would rather Isaac not be the 'token' non-religious child who is simply there to make up numbers and represent some warped show of the school being culturally sensitive and PC. You're probably wondeirng why this should bother me as like I said why would I want to send Isaac to a faith school anyway?...well it bothers me for a few reasons, mainly because this school is outstanding in its Ofsted reports but is restricted as to the children it will allow to learn there. Surely this is blatant discrimination? I mean what has religion got to do with learning basics like English and Maths? Which brings me to the next reason this bothers me...The school website is proud to announce that the school approaches education with 'Christian values', well we are not christian but we DO have values, Isaac will be brought up to know right from wrong and be well mannered..oh I don't have to go on about that, you get the idea! The school does state that children can be excluded from the RE lessons but it is highly recommended that all children take part. So what parent in their right mind would want their child to be the 'odd one out' and excluded from lessons? Kids have a hard enough time fitting in as it is without drawing attention to themselves. It stinks of snobbery to me, as if those of us who aren't christian have less morals and values as those who are christian. (And thats without mentioning the scores of families who pretend to worship JUST to get their child into a faith school...don't get me started on that!!!!)

Me and Isaac have visited the nursery/school I would like him to attend and it is lovely but I am aware that when Isaac starts 'big school' I am allowed 3 choices. Obviously I want to choose the best schools in the borough but straight away the faith school is out of reach. How is this fair? and why in this day and age when we live in a multi cultural society and access to good education is becoming an issue should we tolerate this as the norm?
Sorry for the rant but I really value your opinions and I need to get it off my chest!!
Thanks x