So Im supposed to be waiting until at least 5th Dec...
I caved and tested early due to my temp spike yesterday.......
So I couldn't wait! Started getting faint lines on cheap tests and they kept getting darker and darker as the days went by. Decided to try my digi test today. I'm excited and terrified. Having some cramping which I read is normal but I'm still so afraid my period is going to start. I had a chemical a few months back which is why I am scared. Dont think I will feel better until I get into a Dr.
Coffee that is amazing. Congrats
Radley so glad everything went well with your scan xx
Coffee that is amazing. Congrats
Radley so glad everything went well with your scan xx
Congratulations, Coffee! I hope everything goes so well for you.
So I couldn't wait! Started getting faint lines on cheap tests and they kept getting darker and darker as the days went by. Decided to try my digi test today. I'm excited and terrified. Having some cramping which I read is normal but I'm still so afraid my period is going to start. I had a chemical a few months back which is why I am scared. Dont think I will feel better until I get into a Dr.
Congrats Coffee!!! How exciting!!!
Thank you for the kind words Radley! Glad to know your little bean is hanging in there!x