

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2012
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As some of you know i got my BFP on the 9th March and on the 12th I had a bleed some bright red blood which then tapered off to brown spotting for 2 weeks. No cramps no flowing blood nothing like that... it was barely there and only really when i wiped....

On Sunday I passed a largish brown clot..... then on Monday the spotting went to nothing....

This morning i woke up and decided to use the last test i have..... it came back not pregnant..... so i got another one this evening... same thing...

I truly believe i've miscarried and that clot was probably my baby....

I'm having to get up early tomorrow and call the EPU to go and get scanned and see if my worst fears are confirmed..... devastated is an understatement....
So sorry hun, really hope that it's not the case :hugs: x
awww hun im sorry,dont rule it out completely wait until the epu x
:-( so sorry to hear that. I had a mc in September at 6 weeks and know how devastating it is. Conceived again in October and all is well this time. I just keep reminding myself that baby 1 was obviously unhealthy in some way and there was nothing I could do about it. Thinking of you xx
Sorry to hear this huni, praying for you that it's not what you think

:( so sorry to hear that, hope for the best...
Thanks everyone.... i know that if i have had an mc then its probably for the best but it's still heart wrenching... what's worse is I have to go alone to the epu Hubby can't get off work...... i'll let you all know how it goes tomorrow... xxx
Oh fuck sweetie!

I really, truly hope it's not what you think.

I'll be honest with you though, bright red blood and clots have always meant the worst for me. That does not mean the same for you though hun so try to keep calm until you see the EPU...

There is such thing called the 'hook effect' and this is the point your hCG levels such high levels that hpt no longer register it and will not pick up your BFP. I think this can happen from around 8 weeks ??? hpt's are not designed to pick up hCG levels this far along if that makes sense.

I hope and pray that all is OK with you hun....

Really hope it's not the case, hope the scan tomorrow shows otherwise, thinking of you hunny x

:hug: :hug:
Oh fuck sweetie!

I really, truly hope it's not what you think.

I'll be honest with you though, bright red blood and clots have always meant the worst for me. That does not mean the same for you though hun so try to keep calm until you see the EPU...

There is such thing called the 'hook effect' and this is the point your hCG levels such high levels that hpt no longer register it and will not pick up your BFP. I think this can happen from around 8 weeks ??? hpt's are not designed to pick up hCG levels this far along if that makes sense.

I hope and pray that all is OK with you hun....


It was only a small amount bright red so i'm hoping its ok... it was more the brown clot that had me worried....

I had heard something about that with HPT's fingers crossed it is that xxxxxxxxxxx
I sincerely hope that's not the case sweetie!! Fingers crossed u get good news tomorrow! X

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Just read up on the hook effect and the variant hook effect.... i would laugh if it is that... as my hubby and i knew this wouldn't be a normal pregnancy lol.... xxx
Good luck tomorrow, really hope it,s not bad news xx
Really hope everything is ok and the clot was a pocket of dried old blood coming away, I've heard that can happen I think my Mw called it a haematoma (sp?). Praying all will be ok xxx

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