could this be it?!?!?

she just booted me so hard!
how is that possible she's so squished in there hahah!
oh no i was hoping to read that you where pushing her out right now!! well she will come when shes ready! (hurry up!!)
hahah i wish, she's giving me hell, making me take extra trips to the toilet with an achy pelvis :lol:
Just wanted to wish you luck for the birth , sounds promising and enjoy her when she arrives X
thank you jj mum!
i hope she comes soon, i just want to give her kisses already!
just come home from the hospital and they have confirmed that my waters have broken!
the first went at 3am this morning and i've been having little bursts every now and then with regular tightenings
i just have to stay at home and rest til i go into proper labour! :yay:
:cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer: Yay! Not long now!!!!!!!

Ill be watchign this thread like a hawk! lol. xx Good Luck!
hahaha i'm so tired been awake since three, gunna try and have a sleep before the really strong contractions start, it's gunna be a loooong day :lol:
Hopefully it won't be too hot today for you.

Im glad she hasn't made you wait too long :) Lets hope she makes it quick too, if you've been up since 3 I can't imagine you'll be wanting to have her at midday tomorrow lol.
go rach! u can do it!!!!! cant wait to hear from u. good luck will be thinking about u x
:yay: am so excited for you :yay: I know it's hard but try and getvsome kip, I really wished I had done with katie! Do you have a text buddy Hun?
Yay!! Goodluck!! Hope you get to hold your little girl in the next few hours x x x
:yay: My heart skipped a beat just now i'm that excited :yay:

Try and rest chick. Good luck gonna be a mammy very soon!!! :yay: xx
Wow, exciting day!! I hope you manage to get some rest before it all really kicks off, I hope it all goes really well and can't wait to hear your story :) good luck!!!! :yay:

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