Closed - old IVF thread

Great news JJ :good:

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for lots of fertilisation :dance::dance::dance:

Sorry about you puking though, have you felt ok since?

I was actually feeling a bit better since this morning but hubby quickly pointed out that he thought he was getting better before it got worse :roll: I'm not a very good patient unfortunately - I could certainly have done with some rnr but been very busy, July is a hectic month :(

Plus I didn't sleep very well yesterday after having the police around :oooo: I wrote to the council about someone's dog after I spoke to them several times and them being all excuses and I was expecting the council to just write them a letter in support for me and instead they sent the police around :shock: I was a bit embarrassed about it all because I'm sure the police have more important things to do and god knows what the dogs owners thought when the police turned up! I never sleep well after something like that because I just obsess :(

And now I'm trying to make braised red cabbage and it just smells like pickled onions!

Just to conclude. Poor me :violin:
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Great news JJ!! I hope they're all fertilising away as we speak!!
Are you feeling better now? Good luck for the call tomorrow!!

Lou that's hilarious you had the police round, but good they're taking things seriously! What did the dog do to make you complain?
Lou - oh no your not well, but better to be ill now , than in a few weeks for your treatment. Hope you feel better soon, (loving the little violin tho, I heard it....)

Tinks - yes I did feel worse later, and managed to get up to bed earlier, when hubby woke up (nights) just come down as Devon has gone to bed(same room). I took a hot water bottle with me which was great and two paracetamol and just lay there, trying to relax my sore tense shoulders. I can't remember if I can have a soak in the bath or not! They did talk about only showers, but can't remember much - I was not all there and hubby was half asleep too! Hopefully it will all be comfier tomorow,

Did you feel better today? Are they calling you in the morning to see if you can go to blasto or have day 3 transfer?
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Great news about eggs JJ.

Hope you feel better soon Lou.

Excited about the 2ww's! xxxx
Lou that's hilarious you had the police round, but good they're taking things seriously! What did the dog do to make you complain?

There is a public path that goes up the side of their house that I like to walk my dogs along to access the fields and every time I have done recently, their dog leaves their property and starts harassing me and my dogs.

It jumps up and snatches things off me and runs off with them. He's covered me in mud, ripped all my poop bags to shreds and flattened one of my dogs when he ran into it.

They don't even know he's gone so I either have to drag him back to his house, which is practically in the middle of a field itself so takes ages with my own dogs in tow or what...? Lead him off into the middle of nowhere and hope he doesn't chase cows or run into the road or whatever?

So I took him back about five times within the space of about two weeks and they were all excuses. They even told me it was my fault because I don't walk my dogs at the same time each day so they don't know I'm coming?!? :eh:

If they would have said they'd sort it but it would take them x amount of time, fine, but because they showed no intention of sorting it... I wrote to the council :whistle:

It makes a convincing case unless you're telling it to a police officer who probably just got back from dealing with burglary or rape or some other awful incident. Then it just sounds a bit pathetic in comparison...

If there is one thing I can't stand, it's thick dog owners who think their responsibility ends at letting it out for a crap and feeding it :roll:

I cringe at the thought of the *******s next door seeing a police car outside my house though lol
JJ - I definitely felt better the next day but other 'problems' have shown in that I've felt bloated and achy since which I wondering if it's down to the progesterone suppositories, but its so uncomfortable :(
Yep, booked in tomorrow at 2.10 for transfer but will have a call in the morning to update me on how the embryos are doing and if thats to change to a 5 day transfer on Saturday.
I keep thinking about my little embies and wondering how they're doing, im excited/nervous to hear incase they have all stopped growing or we still have a good number and they're growing well
Jj it's no baths for a few days I'm afraid because of the infection risk

Tink, let us know how your embies are doing. I'm sure with that many fertilised you'll be going to blast

I've got my second suppression scan tomorrow (day 22 of dr). Still no bleed but hoping against hope the cysts have gone down
Good luck tomorrow Tink :pray:

Good luck to you too Scotch, really hope you're on your way now xx
Good luck with the scan scotch, hope they've disappeared xxx
And fingers crossed for the phone call JJ, bet it will be great news!

I am feeling crap today, my skin has broken out massively (I think there's a new mountain range about to be discovered on my left cheek) :(
Almost at the hospital, public transport has been good to us this morning
Cysts still there and as big as ever, but lining much thinner. Think the scam juggled things loose as I bled a little after. Porkpie has gone to get more buserelin as we've almost run out and I'm waiting for a blood test. As usual, full instructions by the end of the day but it looks like things are going in the right direction :)
Just had a call from one of the embryologists and transfer will be Saturday now, all 12 are still growing and most of them at a simular level so they hope by Saturday they can clearly see a few that are doing extra well.
Part of me is now worried by Saturday none of them will be great quality or we may loose them all, as you can probably tell in a bit of a worrier so just slap me!
Scotch - shame the cysts are still there, perhaps they will take a while to go down on their own, good news tho that things are moving in the right direction and your lining is thinner - yayy, sorry your having so much waiting...

Blondy - Bah hambug for rubish skin.... I have terrible skin after OV onwards each month, those witchhazel sticks are good at nighttime, just to help dry your skin a little where needed.

Tinks - brilliant news on your hoard, that means your going to blasto doesn't it, and hopefully some front jrunners will ahve emerged by then, re the worriying , it's such a mind game this IVF!

Well I have just eaten a large family bag of crisps to cheer myself up, I got the call and out of the 12 she said 1 was imature and of the then 11 , only 6 fertilzed last night. She said she would keep an eye on the others over next few hours incase late starters, matured over night etc, but said it's unlikely. So provis booked for day 3 transfer on sat at 11am and she will call me by 9am ish on sat morning to tell me if I'm getting transfer or if we go to monday blasto stage.. I have to say, I niaevely wasn't expecting that as so many people loose 1 or 2 at this stage, it was later stages with embryos I had thought more about the pitfalls..but not at fert stage as oh sperm was good. She said she didn't think it was hubbys sperm, so that made me feel even better..... I have old lady eggs

Sorry ladies to be down - Lou can I borrow your little violin today please.......ill give it back tomorow and get over myself - promise...
Aw JJMum :(

I totally get the shock of lower than expected fertilisation when the sperm look good enough :hug:

I assume they did IVF? Lower fertilisation rates is much more common for IVF than for ICSI, but hopefully that will mean that the good sperm/egg combinations revealed themselves rather than an embryologist selecting at random.

We'll see what quality embryos you get, I'm sure they'll be fab :)

I don't think your sadness warrants the little violin, so no you can't have it :shakehead:

It does feel a bit like you've spend the past couple of months lining up ducks and someone is now taking shots at them.

You will feel better tomorrow, as soon as it sinks in that you still have six babies happily growing trying their bestest to meet you on transfer day xx
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Scotch - sorry the cysts are still there but great news that things are going in the right direction and your lining is thinner x
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Jj, I got 7 embies from 12 mature eggs and had enough to freeze so please don't worry

Tinks that's fabulous news
Sorry Scotch, completely missed your update!

I have no idea what the procedure is regarding cysts, but as long as your hormone levels are good then I suppose they'll just ignore them and carry on with the next stage. The thin lining is promising though I think?

Hope the phone call is worth the wait xx

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