Closed - old IVF thread

Rea, I've never had smoother poo than cyclogest poo!


Made me laugh out loud! And feel MUCH better :) I can cope with too much, it's when it won't arrive that the problems begin!?!

Tink that's FANTASTIC news! How exciting :) :) :) I love it when a plan comes together ;) what film is that from? Or do I just think it's from a film....? Ramble alert! Think I've been around too much powder paint and PVA glue today?!
Hi ladies, I'm 4dpo today and feeling some mild cramping going on, is this normal in a 2ww?!
i had all sorts of things in my 2ww on drugs...I couldn't tell if any of it was drugs or symptoms...
Blondy- mild cramping at 4dpo, is positive - it's never too early for symptoms, lets hope the symptoms keep coming, I also started getting bunged up at very simular stage to you are now, and got a good result.

Tinks - WOW thats brilliant news, you have a lovely collection of embryos then.... fingers crossed you get to blasto, surely you will with that number - Does it feel strange to have your embies at the lab and not in you still?

Good luck Tinky X
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It feels really strange knowing the little eggies have now been removed and fertilised and are now growing embryos, I wish I could keep an eye on them throughout the day as its quite horrible feeling not knowing how they're doing. We keep saying we have 12 babies now haha, even though we know some are bound to not make it but we're full of excitement.

How are you feeling? Excited, nervous for tomorrow? X
Well I've woken up with a bit of a sore throat today so I'm hoping that's good also! Although not much should be happening at 5dpo right?!
JJ good luck today hun, will be thinking of you!! Do you have all day free to rest up afterwards (apart from looking after Devon!)
I got a sore throat - maybe I'm pregnant too! ;)

Nah Blondy, nothing would be pregnancy related this early but it's sweet that you are getting so excited :)

7/8 DPO is when your body should start experiencing implantation and it altering your hormones, but even then only tiny amounts.

Actually I'm pretty ill today :( Hubby brought back a bug from the airplane :wall2:

Gosh, it's your EC today isn't it JJ?! :shock: Good luck :good:
Haha I think I'm allowed to get excited as I've never had a 2ww before!!
Well I really hope all your symptoms lead to a BFP :good:

I haaaaaaaate 2ww, mine and everyone else's lol I just want to know now! ;)
god why does the two week wait seem to go on forever..............!!!

I turn into a crazy women every time!! I have an itchy chin, ummn maybe thats a sign!! aaahhhhh

Lets hope we can all be more chilled this time!

Good luck blondy and every one else in 2ww, im just starting mine... day 15 today!!! Bring on the craziness! xx
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Just wanted to say good luck to all you girls!:)

Its great you have a lovely gang here now to support each other!

Roll on lots of BFP's!!

Thanks Maybe, can't believe that you're in Tri 3 already :)

I have to say that I have been very disappointed with your lack of posting :shakehead:

I hope you're all sorted for the arrival - crap, you'll be due by the time my 2ww comes around :shock: Crazy :good:

Corrinne - good luck with your 2ww :)

JJ - I hope you're doing alright, get to a PC already ;)
Louise, hope you're feeling a better than early and not feeling totally ill & yukky!

JJ- where are you? how did EC go? we want to know :)
Hello ladies, I'm back!

Well guess what? I got 12 Eggs! yayyyy so pleased.

Left them to get jiggy this afternoon in the lab... fingers crossed for a good rate of fertilization and call back tomorow morning.

I'm a bit sore, but lasted 45 mins of the way home and then threw up, good job I had a nappysack in the car cubbyhole...
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Oh YAY! 12 eggs is great JJ :dance:

Hope the soreness wears off soon and you don't have my experiance of it actually getting worse throughout the day/evening. Put your feet up and just relax.

Can't wait to hear how many you have that fertilised tomorrow, we're both just sat now tapping our fingers waiting for the phone to ring tomorrow.
Wow lots of lovely eggies being fertalised around here yay :egg:

Blondy the two week wait sucks, you over anaylise everything, but at the same time its very exciting, will be keeping my fingers crossed for you :2ww:
Lou hope you are feeling better, I think you should make hubby become your personal nurse seeings as he is the one that made you ill!!!

Good luck to everyone else, cant wait to see the BFP's come rolling in xxx

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