Closed - old IVF thread

:cool: ooo yes Lou. Special fortune cookies! lets take them to Dragons Den!! The millions of LTTCC people we could reach..... MWA HA HA HAAAAAA
hmmmmmm just realised I have no role..... I shall be the........ cookie twister!

Oh no re the waiting for period malarky :( I felt like i'd entered a 'programmed' stage where that kind of waiting wouldn't happen. I hope my body behaves when I'm at that stage! I've got such erratic periods, they never appear when they're supposed to!

We will get 6 weeks off this year :) and yes, some of that will be in school clearing things out / setting up for new class.... and some of it will be planning and prepping for new class.... BUT it's loads of time off and we can decide when to do planning so it's great! It's a funny job really - very condensed periods of long hours and pressure and then big fat holidays :)
Im a teacher Lou and I am completely off for almost 7 weeks. Im in Scotland though so Im already on holiday! LOVE IT!!
i read into the period thing - most people get theirs within a week of starting DR, but it can take 2-3 weeks

I'm on day 14 and unless it's one of those that's going to creep up and shout boo at me to take me by surprise there's no way there's a period anywhere near coming to me...hope that's not an issue...

oh well, I'll find out tomorrow I'm sure...
Lol Rea :lol: Cookie twister is a very very important position ;)

Laura - that s fab getting all those hols :good:

Scotch - best of luck tomorrow! The main aim of the down regulation is to get control over your ovaries which they can still have achieved with or without a bleed. If you have no lining there, then you'll be fine. If you do have some lining, they might try to put you on something like norestisterone to force a bleed. Personally, I think I'd push for them forcing a bleed just for to tick all the boxes :)
Well I've got a pair of huge cysts on my left ovary. I've had a blood test to check if this is the case but what I've been told is that when this happens the cysts usually produce lots of oestrogen which stops the dr drugs having the desired effect.

I'm waiting to hear back from them (by 5 pm) to find out what we have to do.

I feel crushed. I'm so exhausted although that's probably partly the fault of the cold I'm almost over and I didn't have enough strength this morning to hear that. Luckily I had porkpie and my mum on the phone to make me feel better.

IVF sucks balls. I'm sick of it
Sorry Scotch :hug: I just replied on your other thread but you didn't mention the cysts :(

If they aren't releasing hormones then hopefully they'll just get you down regulated properly, but if they are releasing hormones then you'll probably have to either get them drained or maybe they'll wait for them to disappear?

It's not something I'm familiar with.

The important thing is not having too much estrogen in your system.

It'll all be worth it. You have your little frosties just waiting for somewhere nice to grow and they don't mind if it's sooner or later as long as its cushy ;)
Thanks lou. Just a case of waiting for my phone call I guess...
I've got an update! An actual genuine update :good:

I am officially on my last cycle before treatment starts!!! :dance::dance::dance:

The next time I get my period I will start down regulation! Omg, I think I'm actually going to cry - damn hormones :cry:

Woo hoo :dance:
Sorry to ear the scan didn't go to great Scotch, fingers crossed they'll figure out what's going on and get those cysts sorted and have the DR working soon

Ooh exciting Louise, another step forward to the BFP you WILL be gettin on this round
Double dosage and another scan next Thursday

The girl who freaks at needles is going to be stabbed twice a day :banghead:
Sorry Scotch, fx for you that it's sorted soon :clover: :hugs:

Well, i think that's good news considering you have two cysts :) Come next week it'll be sorted I'm sure.

Can't you just use a bigger syringe and still inject once?

I've just been emailing to my consultant about my protocol and just when I think I've got my head around the names of all the drugs, I find out I'm using another new one - decapeptyl :roll:

I think it's instead of cetrotide. Correction, instead of buserelin as it impacts the pituitary.

Also, I thought they'd be overlooking the majority of my immune results (tests to see if I am "pregnancy compatible") and it turns out they are being discussed in the next meeting so I might have to juggle even more medications when I thought I'd escaped them.

The only thing I wanted was my Clexane for my protein c resistance and I've opened a can of worms :x
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Scotch -- that's not what we all wanted to happen for you! A bloody hurdle! In fact two bloody hurdles!! Rubbish hun :( It's good to hear they've come up with a plan though! Good job you've been doing so well with the needles... fingers crossed Thursday brings news that they've buggered off and your ovaries can get to making the eggies! xx

Lou -- woohoo :) nice to think that the the NEXT time you're on it'll be action stations :)

Laurat -- ooo nice that you're on hols already! I'm very ready for the end of term. I think the kids are all a bit frazzled too to be honest. What year do you teach? I teach Year 6 so they're a bit emotional at this time of year as they'll be heading to a new school in sept.
lou that's a hell of a lot of drugs

i have to inject twice a day with the increased dose so sadly can't bung them in one needle.

have done another hypno session though and feeling calm and positive again :) this hypno malarky's way better than drugs!
I know, its loads. She was mentioning the metformin, steroids and even the intralipids - urgh. I'm hoping the head doctor isn't too convinced by immune results, I'm already on 8 tablets :shock:

All I need is another 5 plus injections and I'll be rattling :(

Ah I see about the two dosages. Strange that it didn't DR you when it worked fine for you IVF :eh:
I did antagonist for first cycle so didn't DR at all. I started stimms on day 2
Hi Ladies!
I am so sorry I haven't updated - I had a bit of a meltdown on Monday as I had 5 follies growing and a really high estradiol level so was on the verge of overstimulating and cancelling, however managed to pull it back by missing a dose and then injecting a lower dose the next on Wednesday I had a 17.5, 17 and 16.5 (and a few 12) on my right ovary with 10mm lining, so I had the trigger shot at 10pm that night and going in for IUI in about an hour and a half! eeek I'm nervous!! Also got to DTD tonight to finish the job off! so as of tomorrow I will be in my first ever 2ww!
Do any of you feel ov happening? I don't really feel any different other than sore nips but I've had those for a few days now, I;m putting them down to the gonal f!

How are you all? Just had a read through everybodys updates!

Tinkerbell is it your next scan today? I hope you've got lots of juicy follies in there!
JJmum - when is your scan? How are the stims going?
Scotch - I'm sorry the DR hasn't worked yet. You're doing so well with the needles this time, I bet you can handle 2 per day! The end result will hopefully be worth it xx
Lou - eeek exciting that it's your last cycle before you start!! you're officially nearly there!!
Blondy, that's brilliant news. So hoping you'll be our first :bfp: on here

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