Hi Ladies!
I am so sorry I haven't updated - I had a bit of a meltdown on Monday as I had 5 follies growing and a really high estradiol level so was on the verge of overstimulating and cancelling, however managed to pull it back by missing a dose and then injecting a lower dose the next day...so on Wednesday I had a 17.5, 17 and 16.5 (and a few 12) on my right ovary with 10mm lining, so I had the trigger shot at 10pm that night and going in for IUI in about an hour and a half! eeek I'm nervous!! Also got to DTD tonight to finish the job off! so as of tomorrow I will be in my first ever 2ww!
Do any of you feel ov happening? I don't really feel any different other than sore nips but I've had those for a few days now, I;m putting them down to the gonal f!
How are you all? Just had a read through everybodys updates!
Tinkerbell is it your next scan today? I hope you've got lots of juicy follies in there!
JJmum - when is your scan? How are the stims going?
Scotch - I'm sorry the DR hasn't worked yet. You're doing so well with the needles this time, I bet you can handle 2 per day! The end result will hopefully be worth it xx
Lou - eeek exciting that it's your last cycle before you start!! you're officially nearly there!!