Jenni, I have no idea how they missed it but I'm really angry they did

When the nurse scanned me on Tuesday, as I mentioned she had difficulty finidng my right ovary but surely if she didn't get a clear picture to know for certain that there was only 2 follicles then she should have double checked after counting the left, or said so and got someone else to see if they could look
I even said to her was she sure there was only 2 that side because I felt more swollen and tender that side and she just kind of dismissed me like I didn't know my own body or something. Today the nurse (a different one I may add) spotted my right straight away (not suprised it's probably hard to miss the size of it). Anyway once she had done the scan and sat back at the desk she was asking how much water I had been drinking, and then went onto tell me the news I posted earlier (lots & lots of follicles espcially on the right side) and did my blood.
Had a call back a couple of hours later and yep, my level was too high so no EC Monday and I have know idea when it will be. I did ask and she said she doesn't know, apparently is liekly to take a few days for my levels to come down which according to her are slightly high but could probably go up before they start coming down
I fill so angry with them, if this was spotted on Tuesday it probably wouldn't have come to this would it? they could have lowered my dose then.
Now I'm to take anymore Gonal F and don't know when I can take my trigger shot and have all sorts going through my mind. What if this damages the egg quality? what if they are rubbish by the time it's safe for trigger shot & collection? what if I cant have transfer and they need to freeze them, can my body decide to just ovulate?
This is our one and only funded fresh cycle and I feel like its just ruined
I'm trying to drink as much water as possible, onto my 3L for today but I doubt it's a miracle worker and will fix my levels by tomorrow. I have to go back at 8.30am in the morning for another blood test and everyday then until they are happy.
On top of that my lining was actually thinner today

how can that be? I thought it would just keep getting thicker but Tuesday was 10.2 and today 9.1 or 9.2, what if that continues to get thinner and causes even more problems. Arghh I don't know if I should scream or cry!