Closed - old IVF thread

Thanks scotch - IUI all done, it was very easy and quick, there's 50 million good swimmers in there eek! Now just got to seal the deal tonight! The nurse said my cervix looked open and ovulatory like :)
Oh Blondy thats brilliant news!!! Im really happy for you. I feel that you have had so many similarities as me in the past with the failed clomid and letrazole etc so when I see you responding for the IUI it makes me excited too as I may actually be able to ovulate too!!!' go Blondy BFP!!!!
Wow my dr symptoms are back with a vengeance. That's got to be a good thing :)

It's amusing how going through this makes you pleased when you feel rough!
Oh wow that's great news Blondy, will keep everything crossed that you'll be our first with a BFP in a couple of weeks x

Hope that means the DR is starting to work now Scotch x

Am just in waiting room for my next scan, really want them to tell me EC will be Monday, Jenni hope your scan goes well today x
Scotch I'm sorry you got DR cysts, apparently it's quiet common. Great they can continue tho and not stop and drain or cancel the cycle. Double dose is not good tho, but bet your glad you were proactive and got yourself on these hypno sessions, sound like they are worth every penny - you can do it.

Good luck Tinks

Blondy - yayyy for having done your IUI now, good luck for your 2WW - 1st thread BFP on it's way.......

Welcome Pennie- Sorry youve had a rough few years, but think your luck is turning now - good luck on your first IVF

Lou - not good about the lots of drugs, but prob still good as it will help you! Yayyy for starting IVF on your next cycle........ 4 weeks will fly by.....
So my first scan - Day 10 of stims

Went well

I have the following (I took paper and pen Lou! are you proud of me?)

Right OV - 19,16,14,13,12,11,10,10,10
Left OV - 17,15,15,12,11,10 and a 6 which they said is not worth noting

As far as I know no other small ones in there

Bit worried, she said I'm border line ready for EC, I need 3 folicles 18 or bigger, so she counted the 19 and 17 as she said that will change to 18 prob overnight, and all my others are soo close in size, I was a bit downhearted that they are so much smaller, more than they can grow to 18 in just 3 days? I had a blood test for Estradol levels and then they will call me later today, with the plan. She showed me the Trigger shot and gave me the EC leaflet just incase, she thinks it will be EC next, but I think maybee longer. I have 4 injections worth left of menopur, so have enougth to get to mon, tue or wed for EC if needed (inc drug free day).

I need more than 3 mature folicles..... arghhh

What do you think, can a 10 grow in 3-4 jabs?
Look at all those follicles :good:

I'm pretty surprised that your first scan was stim day 10 though, that's pretty late. My first tends to be stim day 7.

I reckon you'll be looking at EC on Monday :)

On my most recent stim day 10 I had :19, 18, 18, 15, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 9, 9, 8, 8, 7 and I got 9 eggs all mature, three days later.

If they let you run to Tuesday then you might get a couple more eggs, but they might be risking the quality of the larger follicles and they don't like doing that.

My charts show that a follicle needs to be 14mm on the day of egg collection for a mature egg, so if you assume they grow about 1mm per day at this stage you can work it out.

Don't be disappointed, it's a good haul :)
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Complete opposite of my last scan, I'm filled with follicles :cry:
My right side has loads, I knew it as I had been getting cramps and twinges on that side but stupid woman only spotted 2 in Tuesday. I'm now risking OHSS and have had to have a blood test to see if EC can go ahead Monday or I have to wait a few days for levels to come down and have blood test everyday for next for days till it has.
Had 3 follicles over 18mm, about 3 at 18mm, 2 at 17mm, some at 15 and alot at 14, few between 10-13. She didn't tell me exact number I had, couldn't be bothered to found I expect but said alot and from the paper I saw I think it was about 20+
I feel even more worried now than I did Tuesday and dreading having ET not go ahead.
Just looked up my other stim day 10:

20, 18, 18, 17, 17, 17, 16, 16, 14, 13, 13, 12, 11, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9

Then three days later I got 14 mature eggs, so maybe your 11+ might be good Jen and you'll get 11 eggs :)
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Aw don't panic yet Tinker :hug:

I've seen girls with 30 follicles go on to have transfer as planned :)

The consultants will be worried and you might suffer a lot of discomfort after egg collection but just you keep drinking and drinking and drinking and you'll be alright xx
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Hi Tinks - I'm not sure how they could have missed all your folicles on one side the other day then, that's very odd .. You do have lots of lovely sizes of folicles tho, but good that they can monitior your blood, are they dropping your stims ? I would say other controlling that issue, your more than ready for EC monday

Did they test your blood today? When do you find out how high it was? They will know what they are doing and be carefullly watching you, so try not to worry X
Thanks for your folicle sizes Lou, thats a big help, your respond well then don't you, those mouse things best watch out in August, your eggs are coming.....

Well I am not on for EC monday - got my call - very pleased with that, I feel that the bulk of my eggs are smaller , but closer in size. They said they may be sacrificing the top one/ones for the bulk - I agree , I really badley need some to freeze after ET, as I can't afford this again, and even if a BFP, I need a miscarrifdge fallback plan....

So sniffing, injecting as normal till monday and being rescanned at 1020am monday morning
to see where are at. EC won't be till Wed 11th at earliest due to the drug free day - 11 is my lucky number anyway. Just brought some different forms of protein as i'm bored of what Iv'e been eating...

Tinks - Eat lots protein, is what my other forum said, apparently it's not just for making good eggs, but to help ohss - I've been eating fish for breakfast each day..... Some also recomend (I have a website somewhere, a friend gave me), upping your salt intake after EC to help stave off OHSS more..

Oh and my lining was 9.2 or 9.4 (Can't remember) , what should it be on day 10 Lou / Scotch?
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no idea JJ, but 10 rings a bell as what mine was on a scan
Wow, I'm really surprised they are letting you go to Wednesday for EC, which clinic are you at?

I hope it works out for the best.

On stim day 10 my lining was 14mm, but I think you're right that they look for 10mm for egg collection :)
Jenni, I have no idea how they missed it but I'm really angry they did :wall2:
When the nurse scanned me on Tuesday, as I mentioned she had difficulty finidng my right ovary but surely if she didn't get a clear picture to know for certain that there was only 2 follicles then she should have double checked after counting the left, or said so and got someone else to see if they could look
I even said to her was she sure there was only 2 that side because I felt more swollen and tender that side and she just kind of dismissed me like I didn't know my own body or something. Today the nurse (a different one I may add) spotted my right straight away (not suprised it's probably hard to miss the size of it). Anyway once she had done the scan and sat back at the desk she was asking how much water I had been drinking, and then went onto tell me the news I posted earlier (lots & lots of follicles espcially on the right side) and did my blood.

Had a call back a couple of hours later and yep, my level was too high so no EC Monday and I have know idea when it will be. I did ask and she said she doesn't know, apparently is liekly to take a few days for my levels to come down which according to her are slightly high but could probably go up before they start coming down :strangle:

I fill so angry with them, if this was spotted on Tuesday it probably wouldn't have come to this would it? they could have lowered my dose then.
Now I'm to take anymore Gonal F and don't know when I can take my trigger shot and have all sorts going through my mind. What if this damages the egg quality? what if they are rubbish by the time it's safe for trigger shot & collection? what if I cant have transfer and they need to freeze them, can my body decide to just ovulate?
This is our one and only funded fresh cycle and I feel like its just ruined :cry:

I'm trying to drink as much water as possible, onto my 3L for today but I doubt it's a miracle worker and will fix my levels by tomorrow. I have to go back at 8.30am in the morning for another blood test and everyday then until they are happy.

On top of that my lining was actually thinner today :shock: how can that be? I thought it would just keep getting thicker but Tuesday was 10.2 and today 9.1 or 9.2, what if that continues to get thinner and causes even more problems. Arghh I don't know if I should scream or cry!
Glad your scan went well Jenni, going by those follicle sizes I say you'll likely have your trigger shot Monday. How exciting, not many more days of injections left and FX just over 2 weeks till your BFP :dance:
Tinks , I'm at Oxford Fertility Clinic, I shall be battling the Olympics traffic holdups on monday as that's when they are in their town! grrr

I do feel for you today, It's just a preventative step to save you getting ill. If they carried on then you could have ended up getting cycle canceled. Absolute worst worst case, they will do EC and freeze all, till levels down. A lady on my other forum , that's what happened, but her levels were already sky high on checking, so youve had a heads up which is brilliant. Sorry to keep saying a lady on another forum, but another one had this issue a few days ago , lower levels tho , but still going up and she had a day break with the stimm jab (was 300iu) and then went onto a 75iu dose after that, and they really dropped.

As you are going back tomorow for bloods again, why don't this evening write a note of all these questions worrying you, and go and ask them to be asnwered tomorow, they may not be able to say how your body will respond, but should be able to makew you aware of worst and best case scenarios and what they expect in their experiance to happen, it may not put your mind at ease, but will set your expectations, and give you something to work to..

Maybee you will have EC next wed with me..... you know you felt bad going ahead without me.... :lol: I have everything crossed for you.
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OMG Devon is sooooooo cute! Just noticed his little face :love:
OMG, had the call about 2 hours ago after another blood test this morning and my levels come down enough already and I go ahead and trigger tonight for collection on Monday :dance::dance:

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