Closed - old IVF thread

What a turnaround! :good:

Great news :) enjoy your drug free day! xx
OH Wow Tinks!! I've just seen your last post - brilliant news, I'm so pleased for you, it's sunday now, so hope your enjoying a day free of jabs today. That's amazing news that your on for collection tomorow- I'm betting you get a great hawl of eggs with that lot in there - good luck to you XX

Scotch - how are you double DR jabs going , is the hypno still working for you with them

Lou - Re Devon thank you
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What an emotional few days for you Tink! good luck for tomorrow hun xx
on a different note entirely. my husbands nan died yesterday. she was old, 88. and her quality of life had deteriorated recently... but still a shock.. and still sad. she was very sweet. my husband was really close to her so he's struggling.
i'm glad we're not at a critical stage of ICSI. the past 12 months have been such a strain. I feel like we're desperately in need of light-hearted fun... life isn't really like that though is it. it's what we're led to expect but it's not like that. life is littered with challenges. the fun has to be crowbarred in. and when you're tired and weary that's hard.
sorry girls, I realise this is pretty negative. and I know we need each other to be positive. positive promised for next post. xx
Aw I'm so sorry about your hubby's nan dying :(

I think even when they're not well, if they get to a certain age there is an illusion that they'll be around forever so it's always going to be a shock when they do finally pass and that only compounds the grief.

I lost my grandad about, gosh he's been dead 12 years already, and I was very close to him and it still haunts me now. If I think about him for too long I get upset, still.

I've actually been saying the same to my husband that we need a break, just a couple of days away. Maybe you could arrange a nice weekend going somewhere that you've always fancied visiting?

I'm thinking the lake district for us xx
It's been a roller coaster of a few days but now feeling extremely happy and xcited again though a little nervous.
I wish I was enjoying a drug and needle free day but I'm on more drugs than I care to count everyday anyway and was already injecting 3-4times a day before IVF so it's just a tiny cut down to me :whistle:
It's nice not to have to taste the vile nasal spray though and FX no more headaches and sickness feeling now the Gonal F has stopped, I had a nice symptom free day yesterday after not having to inject Friday :)
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Sorry to read about your husbands nan, Rea :hug: thinking of you both x
Rea sorry to hear about your husbands nan, my great grandma passed way recently and was similar in that she had a poor quality of life towards the end, and it was still so hard when she went. Big hugs for you both and make sure you look after hubby xxx

Tinkerbell eeek how exciting, massive good luck for tomorrow will be thinking about you! It's great that things turned around so quickly! You'll be joining me in the 2ww before you know it (although is it a 10 day wait for IVF?!)

JJmum how are you doing? Are you due to trigger tomorrow? I'm guessing your couple of big ones will be too big by then but you'll have loads of others that have caught up?

Lou a break sounds good, i love the lake district! Do you do much walking? the mountains up there are great! We have a free weekend this coming one so was thinking of maybe booking a night away to take my mind off the 2ww! How many days now till you are due to start?

Hope you're all having a lovely weekend, I have been out for a massive 3 course lunch today with the in laws so now vegetating on the sofa!! I hope that eating too much won't put off a little embryo growing!!
Ohhh, Tinker - egg collection tomorrow!!! :good:

It's a crazy day, but it'll be over before you know it... Fingers crossed for loads of amazing eggies! OMG! And then fertilisation result, urgh, I hate that. I get sweaty palms thinking about it. Phew, at least my situation is very rare :good:

JJ - is it a scan for you tomorrow? Good luck!

Blondy - I do like walking but haven't had much opportunity to go on a proper trek recently, last one was last year - we went up the highest mountain in Scotlant ( I think that is what hubby said) and it took us 6 hours. I thought I was going to die :oooo:

You should definitely get away :)

Another 25 ish days wait for me - I think I'm going to do a Vicky and go all countdown crazy ;)

I'm so jealous of you lot being in the thick of it :(
Thanks girls xx
Lou - you're right about having a break... we're doing just that as soon as we finish school (and before I have to inject the one that needs to be refrigerated) going away for two nights to a pretty village to chill. It's only an hour away and is all quaint.
Lakes are gorgeous.... I love it up there... One of my closest friends lives up there so even though it's a trek (we live on south coast) I tend to go at least once a year. They live near Keswick. Where are you thinking of heading?

Blondy - a nice little night away for you both sounds like a perfect distraction :) and I can't imagine a slap up meal will upset your little embryo - probably just give it high culinary expectations once he/she's weaned ;)
I can't believe in 12 hours I'll be having collection, I have to be there at 8am and booked for 8.30am and shouldn't be any delays as I'm first on the list :)
I'm feeling nervous, worried how much pain I'm going to wake up with and being put to sleep and then of course how many mature eggs they get. Eek, it's all such a nervous time.

Any tips for the 2ww and how to stay thinking neutral? At the moment I'm feeling so upbeat and positive that's it will work I need to realise that it might not though.

Blondy, I can't believe how quickly everything turned around. I think you're right the 2ww is more around 10 days with IVF, at least I think it is. I'm sure Louise knows? So I could be testing around same day as you x
good luck tomorrow tinks

egg collection was ok when I had it done. I was sore after, but took a nice afternoon on the sofa and it wasn' ttoo bad

The first few days of the 2ww are quite exciting - it's the first time something actually happens during it. first how many eggs then the next morning how many fertilised, then when they're going back and how they're getting on and finally embryo transfer.

then it's a bit weird as nothing happens and you're just waiting, but you're quite a long way through the 2ww by then :)
Good luck Tinker :)

Don't worry if you can't sleep tonight because the sedation will make you feel well rested ;)

Yeah 2ww is only about 10 days, but you still have a few days of the embryos growing in the lab before it starts so overall it's a couple of week like normal it's just you don't have the embryos inside at first :)

As for surviving the 2ww, I think if you can manage it then the best thing to do is cut yourself off from the forum and just come back when you are ready to test and could get a positive.

Everyone on here wants you to get pregnant and the optimism can make you feel a bit invisible - it depends how you cope with that.

I should point out that I didn't manage to avoid the forum and I'm not sure I would next time either because i want people to know, but I think it would be better for emotional stability :oooo:
Good luck with ur egg collection . Haven't been on for days so will catch up with everyone today x
Rea- Sorry to hear about your hubbys Nan - that break will be lovely at the end of the summer.
Blondy - Yum for the nosh up meal, Embie will be feeding his/her face XX

Tinks- hope your back home now after a brilliant EC and not too sore with it - lets hope those eggs all get plenty of jiggy action in the lab tonight
Well I had my day 13 folicle scan all looking good, so really pleased

Right OV - 22,21,20,19,16,15,14,13.5 and 8 and 7
Left OV - 22,18,16,15,15,13.5 and 6 and 4

So I'm thinking 12 big enougth to be classed as mature (over size 14 they said) and maybee 2 more if the 2x 13.5's get bigger over the next day or so. That's way better than 6, plus possible 1 I had at my scan on friday. She said that as long as my 22's don't get to 25 before collection they should still be fine. She said only 75% of folicles contain an egg, so fingers crossed.

So no last Menopur jab for me tonight! yayy and just waiting for my callback re my Estrodol levels and time for my trigger shot tonight and last sniff.. (won't miss them).

EC is wed 11th mid day.. with ET either fri, sat, sun or monday apparently.
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I had the little eggies collected :dance:

It all went well and only in the last hour have I started to feel quite sore but nothing unbearable. I had the collection about 8.45-9am and left around 11.
They have 14 eggs not sure if that's what they collected or that's how many were good, if thats what they collected, we're having ICSI because of my husbands low count but today was quite surprised to be told his sample had 61million and after they washed them, got the good ones out etc there was 28million so his numbers have certainly improved.

Now just have to wait what seems like forever for the phone all tomorrow to say how many fertilised, come on little eggs do well!
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Wow! Well done Tinker :good:

I wouldn't take their follicle counts too literally, they don't seem to be very good at it :shock:

14 is an amazing number and good news abouts hubby's sperm too!!! Lots of rnr and looking forward to some more good news tomorrow! :)

JJ - I'm glad your scan went well, those follicle sizes are shocking - really hope they have some good eggs inside :) I've never had any empty follicles of a mature size before so you might match Tinker ;) Enjoy your drug free day tomorrow xx

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