Closed - old IVF thread

Hi blondy has no idea you were so far I to IUI. I wish the very best and hope it works for you! You done as though you have it all under control and I am thrilled to see some positive results for you! Mega big hugs and luck! Gizzy.

Tinks I am so going to pm you Loub and scotch when we start IVF! Will remember all these tips xxx good luck with your scans. Gizzy xxxxx
Tinks , good luck for your scan, wow things have move fast for you - I'm two days behind you I think, but my scan is not till friday 6th.

Blondy, well done on your scan, that sounds like it's working well for you - very exciting times isn't it.

Rea and Lou - I just realised that it is July 1st today - the time will fly and your'll be starting next month Lou....

I have done 4 stim jabs, onto day 5 today - I'm often bloated after a big meal , but it will be gone by the morning - this is the first time I am still bloated in the morning - I'm not drinking any more water than the last 2 months of drink 2L, so maybee it's the jabs...Didn't think this would happen till later so I shall have to dig out old baggy tops , my kids/mates will nottice by next week....that iv'e let myself gooo.

Humm maybee I just need a poo... ha ha ha

Hope everyone else are doing ok
Great news Blondy :) Hope it goes well for you tomorrow!

JJ - maybe your tummy is a bit knackered after all those babies so it shows more :) Maybe you need to be drinking more water. I'd easy get through 3L per day. Or yes, a poo might fix it lol ;)

I hadn't realised it was now July, I suppose that's good. I've just been having a shitter of a last few days, everything that can go wrong does go wrong and it's been shocking *sigh*
JJ I bloated a lot and didn't fit into most my clothes by about day 6 of stimms...
Thanks ladies, feeling a little nervous for scan tomorrow now, but hopefully all will be growing nicely!
Tinkerbell good luck on Tuesday, are you having any side effects? thanks for the injection tips, mine isn't a pen just individual syringes and the nurse showed us to do it upside down like that - it seems loads easier!
JJ hope that the bloat is easing off (have you been for a poo!?!?) and only 5 days till your scan - yey!
Lou what has been going wrong? hope you're feeling a little better now xxx
I woke up today feeling slightly worried, i'm scared the scan tomorrow is going to show something bad like my lining awful or my follicles just aren't growing :(

I just took my 8th injection and I keep reading about everyone saying they were very bloated by this point and i'm not. I've ben feeling really bloated after I've eaten dinner of the evening but apart from that I'm not too bad and my clothes are still fitting fine. What if they stupidly gave me the wrong dose and it was too low for me to respond to? As you can tell i'm in a right strange mood today.

How was your scan Blondy? everything looking good? Side effects wise I've just been having headaches and feeling sick, not sure how normal that is.
Tinks the scans can be a bit scary but if things aren't going to plan they can change the plan and it all works in the end.

Everyone's different in their responses and how they get side effects

Good luck xxx
How was the scan Blondy? :)

Try not to worry Tink :hug:

I'm sure that your scan will be fine. I don't remember having any bloating and certainly not out growing clothes and they got plenty of great looking eggs out of me ;)

Do me a favour and write down the follicle sizes as they read them out so I can have a nosey xx
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Thanks Louise, good to know. I'd love to go to or row and be told everything's perfect and I'm ready but trying not to spend my evening getting my hopes up about that incase not.

I'm really hoping I can remember all the follicle sizes as I wanted to share the details anyway, was hoping the nursemigt write them down or give me some know printout. Would I look strange laying down, legs up and making notes haha?
Does how you respond depend on age, hormone levels etc?
Evening ladies

Hope scan went well today Blondy - logged on to see how you got on, and you haven't posted yet! NOooooo I need my daily PF fix of excitement.....

Tinks - good luck for your scan tomorow , try not to worry, I'll be exactly the same

6 Jabs down, 3 to go till day 9 scan...

Lou you cheeky one - I'll have you know my belly is not knackered- its tight, toned and tasty - ill give you youngsters a run for your money in a bikini. comp.. ha ha ha

Well it turns out I didn't need a poo afterall, I was and still am bloated , my jeans didn't fit me tight anyway and so now Iv'e just taken the belt out today, they are holding themselves up now and having lots of grumbley periody pains, wish my tummy was seethrough so I could check if anything was happening, any growth of folicles etc..

Well today I have finally finished tiling the bathroom, I was really tired and fed up with it, but I got it done, and so 165 tiles later , it's going to look lovely when I grout it tomorow and then we have to work out how to lay some lino without ruining it in loo and bathroom, few little things in kitchen to do, then all the DIY stuff is going back in the shed ,and I am getting my book out "A Game of Thrones" and relaxing liked I should have been when DR started... I feel like I'm going to have a holiday - holiday from DIY, and a more normal house.... showers here we go.....never had one before at home.

Hope everyone else is ok, Scotch, GizzyKelly, and Rea..
Well, I took a piece of paper and a pen and started writing them down lol

They did offer to give me a copy once they saw I was taking notes, but don't count on it :roll:

I think does depend on age how well you respond, but it isn't set in stone that every younger lady will respond well and any older lady won't. Hormone levels might play more or a role but again, you just don't know how well you are going to to until youve done it :)

Lol JJ :lol: It did sound cheeky when I re-read it but I wasnt trying to imply you had a saggy gut, just thinking of pregnancy bumps showing sooner on women who've had a few. I suppose it depends what figure you like to see in a bikini, I'd be in the sexy curves category - no skinnies allowed! ;)

Why don't you tile the floor too? That would look fab! xx
NO MORE TILING!!!! It's taken me weeks, I already did the kitchen last year... One more tile will tip me over the edge Lou you meanie...

Re the bikinis - Well I might be ok on the belly bit, but I have to be trueful about the old lady , stretched with pregnancy Boobies - since last time and BF for 12 mths, I could tuck em in my pockets, so I'm happest in a tankini....I bet chicken fillets/stuffing would float off in a pool???

Maybee as a nice IVF side effect ,these hormones will give me my boobs back? what do you reackon? any ladies get bigger boobs with all these stim hormones and progesterone pessaries?
I'll make sure I have my notepad and pen ready then lol 14 more hours till I I know, need to stop trying to guess and google as you're right we can't guess and just need to wait and see.

No bigger boobs for me since being on the IVF meds but my skin looks awful, feel like I'm 14 again not 28 :(
Jj I had to buya new bra to fit my baps in on progesterone...

Good luck today tinks, excited to hear how you get on
Had my scan and i'm feeling disapointed and down about it :cry:

As always my right ovary was a nightmare to find and the scan was a bit uncomfortable, espcially when she was pushing on my stomach and moving the camera about quite a bit.

I only had 12 follicles, that's 1 less than at my abseline scan :shock: there was only 2 on my right ovary which really shocked me as I thought that one would have more than my left as had felt like more was happening on that side but obviously I was wrong, and where did the other 5 that were on that side last week go?
Better news with the left with a total of 10 but biggest was only 14mm at the moment, maybe I was just expecting too much to soon? she did say my right ovary might start growing more, might? I need more than might, why isn't it working on that side?

The lady that did the scan was a bit rubbish, all the others I've seen up there have explained everything but she wasn't as good at telling me what was going on, didn't even tell me the sizes until I asked and only then gave me a quick 'flash' of the paper she had filled in.

So, all together 2x14mm, 5x 12 or 13mm, 3x10mm, 2x8mm. I think thats right, was hard to note it all when she only showed me quickly so I made more of an effort to look at and remember the bigger ones.

My lining was 10.2 and I'm back on Friday for my next scan and really hoping it goes better.
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Tink, you silly billy - 12 follicles is GREAT!!! FANTASTIC!!! AMAZING!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Basically, the amount of follicles I have at my first scan is how many eggs I get - so 12 eggs is really good :)

The "ideal" amount is actually 8 eggs for quality vs quantity but assuming your eggs are great then a few over that is even better :good:

So what's that? 7+ embryos? That's seriously good.

I had a cycle where I got all but one egg from one ovary and the other two cycles were an even spread, it doesn't mean anything :)

Trust me, you don't want a million eggs :hug:
Lou's right, that's a brilliant response! I think in my first scan I had about 12 that they measured and "several smaller" which they didn't measure as they didn't think they'd catch up. I got 14 eggs which is tonnes. And gave us 7 embryos which again is amazing.

As lou said more is not necessarily better. OHSS is serious if you get it and too many often results in poorer quality eggs.

The other thing I noticed is your measurements are nicely clumped together which is apparently good.

Don't be disheartened, that's a really good response and won't put your body under too much strain. It's exactly what you should be aiming for
Really? you girls ain't just trying to cheer me up? ;) I read so many stories about ladies with 15-20 and felt rubbish with my 12 espcially as there is only 2 on my right, I felt so gutted when she said she could only see 2 on that side.

I just keep going over in my head, that I need more to make sure there is enough. Obviously not all they collect will be mature, not all will fertilise and then not all will make it and I really need some to freeze incase this cycle fails.

I actually expected the nurse to tell me to increase my Gonal F as I felt they seemed small with none being over 14mm and of course only one ovary really responding but no, i'm to stay on 150iu. I guess it's just more waiting now to see what Friday brings, I'm praying theres a couple more on the right and they have all grown and i'll be ready for collection early next week.

Thanks Lou & scotch im feeling better after your replys :hug:
i remember thinking the same - that I'd seen posts on other forums where people had 20 or 30 but they're not the norm. You're day 8 of stimms right? I had my first scan on day 9 and the biggest were 15mm with the majority about 11mm. If I remember right they grow 2mm a day from this point so it's not about whether you get there, but about when. I had egg collection on day 13 so they'd have had a chance to grow to about 18-20mm

I'm not trying to make you feel better for no reason. You are responding just fine. As I said I got 14 eggs, 7 embryos and enough to freeze so you're easily in line with where I was.

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