Closed - old IVF thread

Im a bit daft I know but what is a frer? I have loads of cheapie stick tests, two Boots own and 2 Clearblue Digis in a bag stored away in a cupboard since last year. Think Ill need to try them first. LOL save me some money!
Laura good luck for Weds!! Frer is first response xxx
JennyMarie - glad to see you here again, good that they have the knowedge on the abnormal fertilization, and also on the non fert ones. I have heard of a procedure called assisted hatching on thicker edged eggs but thats once they have fert, and before transfer, so they must have a way of helping them with fert..Glad they are seeing you nice and quickly to give you some possible routes forward , good luck on tuesdayX

Laura - Wishing you all the luck in the world for testing on wednesday, I would leave the Clearblue ones till past af due date myself, and use the own brand ones first, there usually quite good. FRER tell you upto 6 days before the day of missed period and are good, but like you say it's parting with extra cash,if you have some already, maybee try one of yours first, 13dpo should be good by then. I do agree with testing slightly early , as it gives you a few days to come to terms with either result before you have to report it to the clinic and anyone who knows.X
Make sure its a first responce early result NOT a first responce easy read - they are rubbish. X
Good luck for Wednesday Laura, wishing you lots of luck. First response make 2 types of tests, it's the more sensitive one you want which is called first response early result, it says on the packaging 'up to 6 days before' xx
Thats what Im a bit confused with when an af would be due Ive not had one for over 20 months. I was just going with DPO and af expected day at 14 days past the actual insemination does that seem right?
Laura that sounds about right to me , as your iui must have been done aiming to catch ovulation.

Good luck to you Laura - I so hope you get a bfp XX
Ok probably another daft question but I know your fmu is supposed to be the besr for a test but I cant face doing it in the morning. Can I store my fmu is my pee pot and do the test at about 5pm? Or do I assume at 5 pm on 13 DPO I should have high enough hcg if it is positive. Dont want ambiguity just to know.
Hey doll, fmu is best and yes I think you can store it and test later. I have done this myself when I didn't have any tests one morning but didn't want to wait til the next morning if that makes sense. Eeek its tomoro! Really hoping its the result you deserve huni xxx
Laura -

Just so there is no 'what ifs' regarding the pee. Also shake the pee before testing.

Its sick that we all have pee pots, I love mine though. Once I accidentally dropped it and it sent horrrible smelly fmu pee all over the floor, me and the walls EWWWWWWWWWWW it was rank.

Just looked at the link - I'm very juvenile but the 'men should wash their penis' bit made me chuckle! Who knew peeing in a pot would be such a minefield! Lol. My pee pot is the lid of a can of hair mousse. Had it since I started TTC, which is quite mingin to be honest. I look forward to the day I can chuck it out for good!

That is gross you spilled the pee - boak! We've all done it at some point! Lol x
It's a no go for me i'm afraid! (failed cycle 2)

Well ladies, I got to 12.07 lunchtime before the clinic called me, really thought I had done it when it got to 12 noon. (they had till lunchtime to call me), I was naked when phone went , as just had a very quick run to get blood flowing as thought it might help implantation and just got out of shower, I was leaving for clinic 20 mins later, hubby had even made me a packed lunch to eat in car...

My lovely little blastobaby did not survive the thaw from deep freeze - I went and had a good sob in a hot bath!

Just thinking about it now I was one of the lucky 25% that had a blastocyst that was good enougth to freeze. Then I am now one of the unlucky 10% of ladies that embies don't survive the freeze, that's actually very tall odds, but doesn't make it any easier, esp as freezing cost 700 and FET that consisited of one scan! costing another £790! I'm so glad I had not had medicated cycle.. That would have gone along way to paying half a fresh cycle. (sorry little bitter right now!)

Jenny Marie and Lou, I think I understand now how you feel not making it to transfer, I feel empty and very robbed of my chance to let nature take it's course in my body.

She said that's it, no review, next steps , nothing now she also said as I'm not on any drugs I can ring them anytime to book in for next cycle , and typical im on day 19 now, if I actually had the money I could have got the sniffing drug quickly and started down regs in two days.... I don't know what i'm going to do as Iv'e nearly financially run this family off the rails for this.....
JennyMarie - Hope your appointment/review went really well today and you have more answers and next steps to work with

Laura- I have everything crossed for you in the morning, or 5pm from the pot! ha :)dust:come on bfp) :dust:
JJ I'm so sorry to hear that. I know there's nothing I can say but I am thinking of u. It is so unfair when you have done everything you can to prepare. My two week wait should be coming to an end at the weekend and I can't help thinking about it. My hubby is taking me out for dinner to take my mind of it, bless him xx

Our appt didn't go too well today. It would seem that it's not just the factor of poor quality sperm. My AMH levels are low, which is why they started me on a high dose of Gonal F before. Apparently my AMH levels are what they would expect in a woman 10 years older than me. My egg wall is also tough so they will need to do assisted hatching as well. We will hopefully fit our next cycle in before Xmas. I don't mean to sound defeatist or anything but I honestly don't think this is going to happen for us. The clinic have never given us false hope and are honest with us that this is going to be a difficult ICSI, and that was before they found out about my eggs!!

Laura I hope you can cheer us all up tomorrow with your BFP - I will be keeping everything crossed for you xx
Oh JJ I'm so so sorry. That is so sad. Just don't know what to say, it just sucks so bad! Sending you a massive hug!

Jennymarie I'm sorry you're appt didn't go well hun. Big hugs for you too xxxxxx
so sorry both JJ's Mum an Jennymarie, don't know what else to say.

Come on Laura's BFP, our thread title is due a change!
My body has finally stopped making oodles of wet cm, so hopefully its settling down and AF will appear soon and I can get back in the game asap :eek:)

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