Closed - old IVF thread

Hay Louise,

How are you feeling??

I had the call this morning, Embies are going to blast. All 8 and high quality :) 4x 5 cell 2x 3 cell 2 x 2 cell.

Transfer booked for Monday 12.30. eeek!!


That's really good news Pennie!
Wishing you a calm weekend and a perfect transfer day :) and of course a bfp to follow!! :)
JJ -- it's great that you're review meeting ended up giving you the answers and information you wanted hun :) the nurse sounded like a right arsey mare!! Well done for pushing! Some people are clearly in the wrong job!? xx
I now you've already seen but I should post that my transfer went well and two blasties on board and OTD 25th Sept :)

Rea - taking it from the other thread, what do you mean by keeping my core body temperature cool? How cool? How do I know if I'm cool and not chilly?
I know your not supposed to have hot baths once you've had the ET, and avoid things like hot water bottles. How you feeling Lou? When are you leaving Belgium?
Hiya Jenny :)

Yeah, I know not to be hot but i interpreted what Rea said as actively being cool... Unless that is what she meant, just not hot lol

Home first thing tomorrow morning. I'm feeling a bit sad actually, my house is very unfinished compared to this one.

I'm feeling fine, nothing to it! I'm still getting a bit of of ache when I pee but I don't know if it's still EC healing up, as I know wounds can get a bit tight and uncomfortable when they are about done, or if its the ET.

I don't feel crampy at all, which is nice!

Plus I was doing some reading and it seems that there is only about 6 hours between a 1 blast and a 3 so maybe I've underestimated the chances with my second one :eh:

I was thinking though, without them telling me the grade how was I supposed to make an educated decision about how many to have back? For all they knew, I wanted a single good one but two if the second is crappy... I'm still shocked they couldn't tell me I guess.
Lou, glad things are progressing with you. I'm just catching up with everything and it all sounds very nerve-wracking. Sending you lots of hugs xx
Im starting injections in the morning. Im kind of nervous now. Is it sore? Will I be sble to do it? Will it work??? All these worries going through my head!!!!
Stabby stabby! :good:

It'll hurt less if the hand you hold the weight of the syringe with is comfortable be ause otherwise it'll shake and move and ouch. It's fine though :)

Good luck :dance:
Whoop Whooop, Lou has two in the oven........... come on blasto babys - cling.......

I'm sooo pleased all went well really Lou - sounds like you have done all you can , just try to relax and let those babys do their thing....

You could always email the docs from home to ask more about grading, but sounds very good to me for day 5. You are very good at getting answers from them that way!

Laura - yayyy for stimming now! Good luck - mine needle said still as long as I pinched tummy flab before I jabbed! ha

How are you getting along JennyMarie and Pennie, I'm going to read back and see if I missed anything...
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Ahh I see Pennie you look like your down for blasto transfer tomorow!!! How exciting - wishing you good luck X

Hello Kay Kay - yayyy for coming in here in november !
Tinks - Whoop whopp for IUI bfp in november - not long at all now then.....

Scotch - like Rea said, don't worry, if were all gone, we will be stalking you bigtime......................not getting rid of us that easily..

Rea I'm loving you and Lou having same scan and otd !!! must make sure I get online that day....

(Lou , I couldn't find your blasto piccy on the other thread, someone had mentioned it, can you point me in the right direction at bit?..........)

We have had the car die on us! OH got towed to a garage, and it's going to cost £800 now to refurb our own gearbox and then put back and change clutch belt..... I was just scraping together the £790 for treatment too..... erghhhhhh timing, OH has gotten stressed with money, but well just work it out I guess, I'm trying to be a chilled out lady this time.... Mind you were having to walk everywhere and cycle to activities for kids so it will be helping fitness wise too...
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Oh JJ rubbish about the car!! Always happens at the wrong time!! Your right though walking will boost your exercise levels so always a bight side!!!!

Ive just done the first injection and I thought it was a piece of cake!!! You will do it no bother. I had kind of a disturbed sleep thinking about it . My OH pleased as I could tell he was not savouring the prospect of doing it. Thanks for your help and advice ladies! Now cone on little follicles grow like never before!!
Sorry i'll reply better in a sec, just posting my blast for JJ on tapatalk :)


Have you got pics of yours Jen? xx
Thanks JJ, I know I could email and ask but I kind think what's the point now. If they would have said that they don't give that info out because it not definitive on outcome, fine, but they didn't. They lied and acted like a pair of monkeys who had a lab full of embryos and they had no clue as to their potential :wall2:

I'm sure I'll find out at the review what kind of quality they were. I don't think it's a brilliant one... Not very compact cells and what is that big mass of cells on the left? :eh:

I have tried grading it myself but I just dunno because it's not a textbook angle.

Sorry about the car bill :( Hopefully you'll sort something out, as resourceful as you are :)

Laura - congrats on your first injection! I'm glad you found it so pain free :good:
Going for my first scan tomorrow to see if have done enough sniffing. Not had a bleed yet tho, so expect to be told to carry on and come back in a week :eek:(

Do you *have* to bleed before you are downreg'd enough?
I'm not sure, they like your ovaries quiet and you lining thin and if you have that without a bleed then I think you'll be fine :) Good luck! Xx
Skeando, I didn't bleed. One week I had a thick lining the next it was thin. They said sometimes, on dr drugs you just re-absorb it.
Im back from my transfer.

Everything went really well.

I have two blasts on board!!


That's great news Pennie :dance:

Do you have pics? Do you know what grade? Any frosties? Xx
Great news Pennie! How do you feel?

Glad the first injections went well LauraT:) I know what you mean, I didnt sleep well night before my first one, but was relieved to find they weren't so bad!

I'm not sleeping very well - hot flushes still or constantly thirsty / needing the loo!! Only another week of injections I will be so glad to stop them!! Feeling quite bloated as well, but I suppose I should take it as a sign the injections are working. Have my second scan tomorrow. Egg collection at the moment will be Weds 26th so not long now. Feeling quite nervous about the egg collection, will be glad when that's over!

JJ - sorry to hear about your car. I know how you feel. My husband just had the catalytic converter stolen from his cab which is going to cost us £700 to replace!! Could really do without that at the moment.
Skeando - I didnt bleed and my lining was fine and bloods so I got to start the injections. Hope all goes ok and next Mon you will start the injections!!!

Pennie great news you have 2 on board.

JennyMarie sorry your not sleeping well, all in the persuit of a BFP though and many more sleepless nights hopefully. You think the injections are making you feel bloated? Funny as I wondered this cause its to make your follicles grow. I still get weighed weekly and get annoyed when I put on weight. My leader has said the hormones etc probably will effect my weight but I wasnt sure. Ill need to take my weigh ins with that in my head. Like a monthly bloat almost?

All other girlies- hope your all doing ok and were working on JJ's predictions!!!
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