Lou - I've been offline as Devon has been ill, all sorted now, but god Lou , sorry I missed your last few days of excitement!!! How amazing to get 10 eggs, and 7 embies from them - you have normal fert rate !!!! Whoop Whoop for the ASO thing .......so clever, and yayy for your conviction of research and going to belguim for it, it's all paying off, less said about your shocking EC the better really - felt so sorry for you when reading about it! I'm soooooo pleased for you on your embies tho... Can't wait to hear how embies are progressing for you, not long till sat now..
Skeando - well done for starting DR - time will fly and your be stimming before you know it..
Laura - god I had more ups and downs than I care to admit too... it's all natural, part of the process.
Well done for your DR scan, great news and hope your injections are going well. I know what you mean about wanting to inject, you just want to get on with it and now your at the business end of the process with stimming, it's more in your control.. Lots water and protein.....
I had my failed cycle review yesterdaY - Thanks for asking Rea
Well had one of the horrible ladies I had at ET, she was foriegn and , don't know wether the language or different country ways was the reason, but she had a right frosty matter of fact manner, no bedside manner at all, and I felt like she didn't care at all. We went through my cycle in super fast points using my notes , and it sounds like my frozen embie, really is/was the best one I got. Then she went straight into medicated FET without asking me what I thought my next steps were, then I asked about natural, she said the study they had been doing on the difference between medicated and natural had now finished and although not yet published, it seems to show no real difference in results for them. So all good there. Well at my request she hurried through natural, (obvisosly not a fan), and told me that after your lh surge they put Embie back 36 hrs later!!! I was shocked, so if ET was falling on a weekend then it would be canceled... So I politely said why was I told different info, and that a weekday surge would mean 7 full days later (the same day of week , the next week) they put embie back. she would not agree or check this, I was gobsmacked...I would fall under a weekend! I asked about prices if it was canceled , and she went off to get the finance fella to talk to me, (thank goodness he must have been busy), she came back with a nurse who said she had been conducting the medicated V natural trial and she confirmed it was a full 7 days later after surge for ET! yayyyy phew.
I thanked her and she left, I then politely thanked the horrible lady for checking that for me, as you would, and she had turned into super frosty!!! She shuffled her papers and stared at me like a teanager would. so I said oh is that it now, yes she said, she said well good luck in a really odd voice , like a kid having to say it even tho they don't want to, and I left!! I think when I book in for my next cycle I shall make a note , that I do not want her!! I mean I'm paying for this, and it's not cheep... I'm glad I pushed it, now I am all set for natural cycle - guess what not even progesterone is used!!! No drugs whatsoever....... horayyyyy (Oh they wouldn't change anything on a future IVF cycle either, same as before).
Sorry to go on, but I'm so excited again, natural just feels right for me and my body.. (I sooo don't feel Down regging is the way to go for me)