Closed - old IVF thread

Wow ! 11 that's great news hun. Make sure u rest , can't wait for update tomo.

JJ - I had baseline scan last wed , started menopur too . Got Orr theatre scan this Friday. Then theatre next week if all goes to plan ec on wed and Et Friday :) I'm so excited :)
That's great news Rea, urgh I hate his bit, good luck for lots of fertilisation :dance:

Keep us updated! xx

Greek, they are planning a day 2 embryo transfer? Which clinic are you at? xx
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Rea, 11 little eggs sounds amazing :eek:)

Wishing you all the best
Great news Rea, sending lots of good fertilisation vibes your way :) x

Those that have had failed IVF cycles - how long did it take for your cycles to get back to normal? I'm CD19 today and going by my temps, which are up and down alot I still haven't ovulated this cycle :( Since I came off the pill my cycles returned right away and have been very regular apart from getting a day longer every now and then and I've not ovulated any later than CD17 in the last 20 or so cycles so now im feeling a bit frustrated wondering when I'm going to ovulate.
both my cycles between ICIS and FET were all over the place
Hiya Tinker :)

I get a regular 27-29 day cycle naturally but when I got my end of treatment bleed after buserelin my following cycles were 40, 35 and then 27 days long.

It's just your pituitary getting working again after effectively being sedated for a month.

I didn't have that problem on my cetrotide cycles xx
Louise if all goes to plan they want to do day 2 transfer . Is that a good or bad thing ?!
It's not necessarily a good or bad thing, it just seems a bit premature to me.

You want the absolute best embryo transferring fresh and which ones look the best on day 2 might be very different to which are the best on day 3 or day 5.

Plus the success rate goes up the more developed the embryo is when it's transferred.

I'm just surprised that they are calling it before you even know how many embryos you have xx
Reeeeaaaaa, where are youuuuuu??? I'm dyyyyying to knoooooow how many embryoooooo youuuuu haaaaave :oooo:
I'm here but they haven't called yet.... they said in the morning.... so they've got 14 minutes and I'm calling.. x
no answer... left message on answer machine....

Urgh, how annoying. It's so cruel for them to leave you waiting and making you worry! During my first cycle they left me until after 12 and I was livid, especially when it was actually bad news! In the following cycles I insisted they phoned me early as I was leaving after EC :)

I hope they phone soon xx
Yay! They have called :)
They actually collected 12 eggs, 9 of them were mature enough for ICSI and 6 of them have fertilised :) :) :) :dance:
She said they'd call on Thursday to let us know about ET. If there is one clear winner ET will be Thursday, but if it's not clear and a few of them are doing ok then they'll wait till Sat for blasto stage and ET will be Sat am.
Even though it's good news, both of us still got all emotional.

6 little embies growing in the lab.... :yay:
Yay! Congratulations :dance::dance::dance:

That's so exciting - grow embryos grow :pompom:
Yeah rea that's amazing news for u!!!

Louise u are making me nervous. I will e sure to put this forward on Friday when I have pre theatre scan. As I want this best for my embryos !
I always seem to be making you worried, it's just about being aware. There is nothing to worry about, nothing has happened yet lol :)

Maybe you should do some research so that you can find reassurance rather than having knee jerk reactions to what i say ;)
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Thanks Scotch and Louise, I was naive enough to think my cycles wouldn't be too messed up but I guess I just have to be patient and my body will get back to normal when it's ready.

Rea, congrats on the 6 fertilised little embryos. How are you feeling? I remember feeling so impatient at this stage, the wait for the update phone call every couple of days drove me insane.

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