Closed - old IVF thread

OMG Blondy!!!!!!!!!! I Knew it! Congratulations!!!!!
Brilliant Blondy!

Love it!!! :)

Congratulations hun :) I think we'll all be cautious at first... it's only natural. But enjoy it too :) lovely, lovely news!
Wow Blondy, AMAZING news! Love it! :yay: Congratulations xxxx
Thanks ladies. I'm feeling pretty bloated and uncomfortable tonight, my ovary is v sore still.
I'm excited to test again in the morning.
How is everyone else dOing?
Tinkerbell and JJ are you feeling any symptoms yet?
When is your next scan Scotch?
Thanks ladies. I'm feeling pretty bloated and uncomfortable tonight, my ovary is v sore still.
I'm excited to test again in the morning.
How is everyone else dOing?
Tinkerbell and JJ are you feeling any symptoms yet?
When is your next scan Scotch?

Blondy - will be stalking again for your retest - piccys please, we like them..:dance:

Re symptoms, I'm now on 7dpo, but only 2 or 3 days post 5 day transfer , and apart from little bit grumbly periodness in there sometimes no symptoms. (anyone know if monday counts as a day or not as transfer at 1030? am I 2 or 3 days post transfer?)

But was tearful last night and then all day today I've been like a mad crasy woman.... I always struggle with hormone changes , I swing all over the place, like to think it would be preg symptoms, but tbh think more likely the result of the build up of being on progesterone pessaries for a full week now... All I've done today is walk, walk walk with the pushchair and Devon, can't cope at home... how mad is that..:wall2:
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i'm loitering around here too, and OMG congrats, ltttc is gonna be running low on faces soon!
Aw Jen, it is a lot to dwell on if you find yourself sitting around. I think walking is a fab idea :)

I hope you're not in your head too much, it's out of your hands :hug:

I'd just count DPO as collection being OV xx
Is it just me or is this week dragging for everyone? The waiting till a day it's sensible to test is killing me, I feel like I'm going to go out of my mind, I just want to know.
I have a horrible feeling I'm out and the witch might be coming though :( does she normally show herself at the usual time after ovulating, presuming EC day is classed as OV day, early or once cyclogest has stopped after IVF cycle?
Thanks ladies. I'm feeling pretty bloated and uncomfortable tonight, my ovary is v sore still.
I'm excited to test again in the morning.
How is everyone else dOing?
Tinkerbell and JJ are you feeling any symptoms yet?
When is your next scan Scotch?

My next scan is Monday. I'm hoping we'll get dates for transfer then.

Agree with everyone else that this week is DRAGGING

Although I'm still enjoying the oestrogen...but looking forwards to not having to inject any more. I really feel like we're over the hump of it now.
Ok Scotch, we get it - you are getting loads of sex! Not that I'm jealous, much :whistle:

I'm sooooo horny it's not fair :( I'm ovulating and I have tonnes of ewcm which I don't normally have and I'm not allowed sex *sigh* Well, I am, which makes it worse but ive decided it isn't sensible to possibly (ha) get pregnant just before my stupid IVF drugs.

Plus I've started getting worried that if I did ever get pregnant naturally that it wouldn't have a happy ending because of hubby's stupid sperm :roll:

Ok rant over. I wish I was getting my leg over is all :cry: Stupid sexy hubby. I just know he's going to have his silky feel boxers on today :wall2:

Yes, the week is dragging Tinker. I dunno why. It might have something to do with my above rant but either way I can't believe it's only Wednesday but hopefully it should speed up now :)

On my cycles I bled on my usual date. I didn't realise it at the time, I thought the progesterone wasn't working when I bled at 10dp3dt but my luteal phase is 13 days normally so it makes sense.

I'm not really sure what the pessaries do as they mustn't be near as strong as what a corpus luteum is and I bleed while I'm still taking them :oooo:

How long is your luteal phase normally? xx
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Oh I know the feeling louise, hubby won't come near me ATM as he's scared it will have a negative effect and disturb our little embie from implanting. I am too to be honest but I want some ;)

My usual LP is 14 days so I should expect AF on Tuesday (test day) I was wondering cause today I've been having AF type cramps and thought she was going to pay me an early visit.
I don't think she should pay you an early visit Tinker no matter what the outcome. I think it's kind of normal to have some strange sensation in the region with all the poking and prodding that's gone on recently :)

I remember when I had my embryo transferred I got some weird vibrations in my uterus area and thought it might be implantation but it wasnt :roll:

I think it's good though to feel that AF is on her way as it implies that the is lots of blood flow going on which will only help any embryo out ;)
Morning ladies!
Well I've done a superdrug test this morning and the line is darker than yesterday's frer, so I think I'm starting to believe it- I'm pregnant!!
This is the first time I've ovulated since I was like 16- so I'm so so happy!! I hope there's just one in there though, I had 3 juicy follicles big enough!!
Update away Lou ;) xxx
Whoop Whoop, Blondy, lovely darker lines then, our first team IUI/IVF BFP!!!!!!! Congrats again
Tinkerbell- I had light cramping/pressure since about 4dpiui and can still feel it now so it can be a good sign- uterus growing I guess? I have my fingers crossed for you!!
Wohoooo love them dark lines picture please :) !! congrats again chick really happy for you!!

I have had af type cramps since day one so it could be a good sign ;)
Congrats Blondy :)

I was very surprised actually for you to get a 1-2 on a digi on 11 DPO so who knows. I know I'm starting to sound like Maybe ;) but I think that's the earliest I've seen anyone show on a digi.

A happy and healthy 9 months to you xx

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