Celebrity Big Brother

I like that Pete guy too, still don't really know who he is but I think he's one of the most genuine people in the house, wouldn't mind him winning either.

Pete Burns is the singer with Dead or Alive - they had a hit in the 80's with "You Spin Me Round(Like A Record),the other track everyone remembers is "In Too Deep".

I want Pete to win - you know where you stand with him,although I'm a little disappointed with his views on wearing his furs :shock: .....I'm not convinced he feels entirely justified in them either!!
i dont get the deal with petes lips,

i know they went wrong and werent meant to be that big, but is he keeping them now or still trying to get them made smaller?

I think he is stunning for a bloke/woman, i really like him, hes honest.

Maggot is great bless him, preston has suprised me, going yb his music i thought he would be a bit of a lad, but he is quite the little posh boy!

Im loving chantelle now, i think she has done so well.
Chantelle was great last night and I just loved the way they all gave her such a great response once they found out..........if it was the ordinary big brother they wouldn't have been so happy for her, I bet!!
I like Pete, just love the way he talks to the others. Don't agree with the fur view but did admire how he dealt with that and plus he is brutally honest. Preston is very cute also!!!
UGH! i take it all back, Jodie Marsh is a slapper!

i couldnt belive her last night, she cries that everyone hates her and they have her all wrong, but then she acts like that! lol silly girl.

i really thought she was a nice girl from what i had seen of her.

i still dont like jordan tho! lol :P
Well what did everyone make of last night's eviction?? I am not a big Jodie fan but I did feel like she was getting a rough ride from everyone in there - I have totally changed my opinion of Michael Barrymore, he seriously needs help :shock:

i got to admit, im changeing my mind on Michael Barrymore now too, hes a bit un hinged!

Maggot to win!
Cant stand barrymore now!!

I wasnt a big Jodie fan either but have to say i felt a tad bit sorry for her!!

Think its all a load of crap really!!! but still have to watch it!! lol

Chantelle to win!!
I have never wanted Barrymore to win... don't think he should even be in it either! The family of the bloke who died must be finding it hard to watch (if they are watching it at all) and why is he crying so much!!!! drama queen!

I think Dennis, chantelle and pete are quite funny... love petes dry sense of humour (he comes out with some funny saying) "you can take a horse to water but can't take a hore to culture" very funny! I agree thou those lips!!!! need letting down a bit... Dennis is a dog! but funny with it... chantelle is a sweety..

I really don't like Jody... i find her really crude! the things she was saying she'd like to do to Pamela Anderson.. thilthy! She said she wanted to show people the real her... i think we know it already! But i agree she was getting bullied a little... she sort of gave them all the amunition and they took it too far! not sorry she got booted out thou! used to dislike Jordan till i saw Jody...

I think i'd like pete to win... but may change my mind before the end.

Michael, George and Pete all horrid! Not a fan of Jodie at all but I feel so sorry for her, she was treated awfully. They wouldn't have been that nasty to her if she was a man, they all cowards! I hated the way no body stuck up for her too!

I dont think I like any of them enough to want them to win. Chantelle and Preston are ok and I kind of like Traci. She thick as s@*t and totally vain but she seems like a genuinley nice person.
heard in the papers that the one who looks like paris hilton - well all her mates think she does too - and have taken to calling her paris travelodge - like a cheaper version of the hilton - well anyway, the company behind travel lodge want to use her in their new add campaigns when she gets out !!
Phew - am glad most people have changed their opions of Barrymore.

He thinks that because everyone (nearly everyone) cheered him when he went in that he is some kind of hero. He is a bullying, self obssessed git who thinks he is some kind of god reborn.

I like Preston as he is funny and gets along with everyone, oh ok, he is rather cute too.

I better get off my soap box - tee hee!
I've changed my mind on Barrymore too. I watched last nights prog. today and it's really getting on my wick that he keeps crying, not sure if pregnancy has turned me into a sour faced, mean, harsh, uncaring cow but come on man, stop blubbing. I never really liked Jodie but i did think Barrymore, Pete & George went over the top and did bully her & i can't stand bullies.
Have to say i'm rapidly going off Pete now too!.

I think Preston & Chantelle are really sweet together but think Preston has alot of explaining to do to his girlfriend when he gets out. If that was my man we would be having a serious row about it!!! :lol:

Its quite entertaining this year. ( NOTE TO SELF - ' Need to get out more!')
Nicki you crack me up, you just saved me loads of typing I agree with all of that.

Stop blubering man, some of us have all been through bad times but we don't cry every five minutes!!

nicki said:
I think Preston & Chantelle are really sweet together but think Preston has alot of explaining to do to his girlfriend when he gets out. If that was my man we would be having a serious row about it!!! :lol:

He seems to be getting a bit worried as he asked Pete to explain things to his girlfriend if Pete did leave like he threatened to. I feel for his poor girlfriend, especially when Preston said that Chantelle was a temprary replacement for her. Its not nice to act like that on national tv.

I lo9ve this series though, can't believe how some of them are acting. I think Pete will go this week. I know I should get out more but I am always breastfeeding and it makes it bearable as I can just sit there and watch them all
My friends boyfriend served "goldie looking chain" in pub a few weeks ago!! He said Maggot was really rude and miserable and did nothing but swear!!!!!! lol

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