*!*!*!*!cbfm thread!*!*!*!*

Least you got the peak, maybe the monitor didn't pick up on the high???

I will expect a peak tomorrow morning then either a high or low then either a 28 or 30 day cycle.

I'm also having my 21 day bloods next week so will be going crazy until I get my results!! X
I've recently had a whole heap of those bloods done. For them to get the most accurate results the bloods need to be take 7 days before af arrives, so cd21 but only if you have a 28 day cycle. With you oving late this month the results might not be 100 per cent accurate.

If you know your Luteal phase and can work out when af is going arrive it might be worth ringing the doc and telling him you expect to have a longer cycle and should you move the test day.

If he says on, then don't forget to remind him the you think you ov'd around cd17 as that's when you got your first peak, so he can work out the results.

I usually have a 31day cycle and so had my last 2 bloods taken on cd 25 give or take a day depending if it fell on a weekend. This month I'm expecting a 26day cycle and will having bloods taken on cd20 again give or take a day.

Hope none of this has confused you, just didn't want you wasting a blood test and having to wait another cycle x x x
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Hi Hun, no it hasn't confused me. I have had a :) before on cd18 and then had a 28 day cycle so maybe my LP isn't long enough? I will discuss with the doc next week. X
Sill high readings for me. This is CD16 and been getting highs since CD10! Opk's are getting darker so hoping for a peak tomorrow or Sunday. Happy it wasn't today as I'm not home from conference until later this evening and hubby is working late tonight! Come on eggy - come over the weekend :)
Hey poppy i dont think your LP is too bad, pretty sure the normal range is between 10-14days anything above or below is possible a cause for concern. So your fine! But still mention it to the docs x

Hey mishi all i can say is yay for still getting highs...odd you've been getting them for so long but its not so uncommon. I reckon little eggy knew it had to wait! Haha fingers crossed it makes an appearance over the weekend x x
So Monitor still not giving me a peak, but here are my opk's - all four from bottom are from today - definite surge!

If I don't get a peak next month I might sell the damn thing - internet cheapies seem to be more reliable for me and a lot less expensive!

Oh wow yeah definately positive there's no arguing with them. I just don't understand why the monitor isn't picking it up. The only thing I can think is that the monitor isn't sensitive enough for you?

Maybe your surge doesn't get high enough for the monitor?

I still have my fingers crossed that you get a peak.

My monitor has now changed to high after my 2 early peaks. So suppose I'm now in my tww.

X x x
Clairabella~ welcome!! How are you getting on with your cbfm? How long have been using it? I've popped your name on the main thread page. Good luck to you and hope you get your BFP this month.

Ive been using my CBFM since Jan 2012, have 28 days cycles and usually Get my highs from cd 7, peak from cd9.
Fx for this cycle xx
Do I have had a peak Friday and Saturday and back down to high today. Does this mean I should ov today or tommrow? I dtd last night
You can ovulate anytime from the first peak I think, so 12-48 hours after the first peak.

I would do the deed again tonight, just to be sure.

I dtd the day before my peak (just lucky as didn't know was gonna ov) both days of my peaks. I could be bothered last night (monitor read high) but we did have a fumble this morning.

So now just waiting to see what happens.

Good luck to you poppy, bet you did cart wheels when you saw the peak! Lol x
Hey poppy I just checked on the clearblue website and it says ovulation can occur between 24-36 hours after the first peak. So I would say if you had sex today then you've covered all the basis so to speak x
Still high for me, despite my +ve opk yesterday.
The only time it's picked up my surge was in March - the first cycle after my pregnancy.
I wonder if you're right Emma and the monitor isn't sensitive enough for me?
Will give it one more go, but then abandon ship if I don't get a peak on it.xx
Thanks Emma, yes when I got the peak I was so excited I ran though to hubby with the monitor in my hand haha. I will dtd tonight just to cover things. I hope the tww goes quickly for us all! X
My hubby always notices the CBFM and he's asks if it's sexy time ha ha
Hi ladies. I am on cd 8 and I have just won the bidding for a CBFM on ebay so I shall be joining you on my next cycle (that's if I don't catch on this cycle-But sick of getting my hopes up!)
Look forward to chatting with you all xxx
Yay for you joining up rednurse! Obviously I hope you have no need for the monitor ;)

I'm nipping out tomorrow to get some royal jelly, never knew about it until I read your thread!

Haha clairabella, my monitor is always out on the side, but he has no problem walking in on me mid peeing in my pot! Tut men lol

Good luck to those in the tww x x
Thanks Emma! Ive decided not to get my hopes up an more and instead just focus on doing healthier things each month. The theory being that I won't continually be disappointed. Now if I get af this month I will have a new toy to look forward to using :-))
That's a really good attitude to have I find. I never dwell on the what ifs or symptom spotting, and if af arrives I just look at it as being 1 cycle closer to getting my bfp.

I use to be a poas addict, and test everytime I got a twinge! And I'd be so upset everytime I saw the bfn or when af arrived. Now it doesn't bother me, don't know if that's a good thing or bad?! Lol

X x x
I'm pretty sure that's a good thing hun! A relaxed attitude like that has to be best xxx
Well its definately helped with my state of mind! Lol

I thought i was going a little insane with the poas, and symptom spotting, and charting etc etc.

Its nice just to chill a little, although last month i was a little too chilled as i forgot about my monitor a couple of times! :D

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