*!*!*!*!cbfm thread!*!*!*!*

I am bit confused with using my brand new CBFM, my period started late morning today but I forgot to set the monitor to day 1. Do I set it early tomorrow morning (so the 6hr window is set properly for testing) or do I set it to day 2 tomorrow morning?

Ok you should set your monitor tomorrow at cd 1. Reason being is your first cd should be the first full day of flow. X
I have 2 days left of my 2ww so far no symptoms! How are you all? X
Hey poppy, af is due in 4 days. No symptoms, haven't got the usual af sore boobs either but I have been taking EPO which is ment to affect them lol.

Fx one of us gets a bfp this month x
I don't have sore boobs either so I hope that's a good sign but I have learnt not to get my hopes up. I have epo to use when af does arrive. How much do you take? X
I take 1000mg its made a slight difference to my cm but not much. So i'm gonna up my dose to 2000mg this cycle if i get a bfn. x x x
Sore boobs dont mean anything hun. Lots of ladies on here said they had sore boobs and still went on to get bfp!

x x x
Can you add me. This is my 1st cycle using CBFM and our 3rd cycle TTC. I should hopefully be testing 12th August x

Hi sorry its taken so long, i've updated the main page to include you. Good luck with this cycle x x x
Hey poppy!!!

One day left til testing...how you feeling? Any signs? Got everything crossed for you x x x
I have slightly sore boobs and lots of af cramps but so far no af. My cbfm says I'm on cd28 today but my phone calendar has cd27, I must have confused myself somewhere. The af cramps are strange as usually only get them when I'm in full flow. How are you hun? X
Ive done the exact same thing this month, my cbfm says im on cd24 and my phone says im on cd25...i'm going by my phone as everything goes in that, every twinge, backache, cramp and period! Lol

You have some good symptoms hun, fx that cramping is womb getting ready for baby! You gonna be poas in the morning?

I'm ok, had some horrendous pains in my foofoo last night, theres a post in the ttc section. I'm at the specialist on thursday at 10am. Gonna be getting my progesterone results, i'm crapping myself. I know the first test is gonna come back inconclusive as i had the test done cd21 but af didnt arrive til cd31 so dont think that will show good results. Just hope the other two do!

I'm also due to test on friday, so not long for me. Although i'm not holding out hope lol i feel no different!
Hi girls,

Poppy and Emma your symptoms sound good! When are you due to test?

I'm on cd24 today, 7dpo. Got bloods done yesterday to generally check, progesterone, LH, something else and thyroid. Hopefully have results by thurs.

I had some aching early this morning down belw. Bbs still sore. I stupidly poas this morning ofcourse bfn!

Think will test for real at the weekend. Fx for us all xxx
Hi babynumbertwo,

Hahah testing at 7dpo!!, i've heard it all now eggy might not have even implanted yet! I cant say i blame ya tho, i get really impatient waiting to test.

So we'll be getting results on the same day, fx its good news for the both of us. My bb's dont hurt this month, but i've been taking EPO which apparently stops sore bb's. So cant count that. Other than the sore foofoo last night i have no symptoms, and even then cant count the sore foofoo as i've had it in previous months and got a bfn! So we'll just have to wait and see.

Good luck hunny x x x
Haha I know Emma! I think it was the creamy feelin the morning that made me do it! Yeah don't think it's even implanted yet(if it will lol)

I had an implantation bleed with my lo, so I've been looking out for it but then who is to say will happen second time as each preg is different, right?

I'm not thinking about it as much this month even tho I slipped of the wagon this morning lol xx
Ive done the exact same thing this month, my cbfm says im on cd24 and my phone says im on cd25...i'm going by my phone as everything goes in that, every twinge, backache, cramp and period! Lol

You have some good symptoms hun, fx that cramping is womb getting ready for baby! You gonna be poas in the morning?

I'm ok, had some horrendous pains in my foofoo last night, theres a post in the ttc section. I'm at the specialist on thursday at 10am. Gonna be getting my progesterone results, i'm crapping myself. I know the first test is gonna come back inconclusive as i had the test done cd21 but af didnt arrive til cd31 so dont think that will show good results. Just hope the other two do!

I'm also due to test on friday, so not long for me. Although i'm not holding out hope lol i feel no different!

I'm not testing as every time I do it's bfn and I get upset! I will just wait for af to arrive as I now have my usual sore boobs and they are my usual sign that af is due to arrive in a few days time. Its just the cramps that I think are odd but not getting my hopes up.

Weird about the pain you had down there! If it's bothering you maybe mention it to the doc?

I had my Progesterone results back last week and they said it was 31.5, but to he honest I don't know if that is good or bad the receptionist said I don't need another appt so me and hubby have said we will get him to the docs for his test in September when we both have time off from work, he works on a building site so hard for him to get there late and leave early.

Good luck for Thursday I really hope your results are good xx
Sooooo Poppy!! Any sign?? Fx she stays away and you get your BFP! x x x x
Nope just some cramps last night and sore boobs! I hope she stays away! You alright? X
not bad. No sign of af yet, sore bbs still not here. No sign of monthly af zit! But i do have 2 days left so still time.

I feel dry as a nun down there tho! TMI Had sexy time last night, and it actullay hurts now, not sure what thats about think an appoinment at doc s is needed :(

FX the witch stays away for you...its looking promising!! Are you usually on time? x

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