Campbell has kidney problems... updated: 12/08/11

sorry you feel like youre having to chase these things up! Its not good enough. good luck for tomorrow x
Fingers crossed for you that's it all well xxx
I can't even imagine what you're going through, I found it bad enough taking LO to 3 hospital appointments let alone actually take her there for operations. Big bugs xxxxxxxxxxx
hi hun,
He saw the kidney specialist, she didn't tell us much we don't know. Just that he Will be under close eye, what she needs to see his kidney do. Officially diagnosed him with kidney impairment. she said when"some doctors might call it kidney failure...but don't panic" oh cheers!

She is lovely though. He has another op on July 5th with urologists and will see the nethrologist then too Xx

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
I'm sure it's such a worry for you :(
Really hope this next op helps your little man xx
I had exactly the same thing as a 10 week old baby. If they could sort it 35 (shhhhhh) years ago they can sort it now. The advances with medical science now is 100 times better than before and I was left with no lasting concerns. Good luck hun. xxx
yeah he has other problems too hun that can leave lasting damage. the kidney impairment is a nasty.byproduct of PUV. thank you though...i am hopeful Xx

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
Thanks hun Xx

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
gosh I havent updated in ages. Campbell had another op in July. He also has now been having high blood pressure which I am a buy concerned about. we've known for a little while now high bp could rear its head due to the non functioning kidney.

the op went well although he has to go back under in January as the strictures can behave unpredictably.

he has a joint consultant clinic coming up in this month with both the uriologist and nephro... hopefully they'll have a plan of action. :'(


Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
I hope it goes well for him, poor little man :( xx
sorry to hear this is going on so long and hes still not out of the woods. Keep us updated, Im thinking of you x
thanks hun! we go to southampton on Wednesday... hopefully will have more news.

thankfully having in depth scans with this bub too Xx

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
Just adding to my journal really and for anyone who is following- we have a catch up with our local paed tomorrow and and ultrasound on Friday to check the look of the right kidney. It was showing at bright on the last ultrasound which sounds like a good thing but apparently it means there is a problem with its function.

His next operation is booked in for 3rd January (yeah Happy New Year docs!)

Hope all goes well today x

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Today went ok. More of a touching base with local doctors. His blood pressure wasnt too high. Needs to see a dietician as he's small. Have to take in first morning urine and have bloods done at same point this week. Xx

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
Off to southampton for cams ultrasound x

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
The sonographer was nice, i asked her to explain everything to me. Kidney is still showing abnormal and bright. She is putting that in the report to the doctors and we will prob hear from them soon... His next op is 3rd Jan Xx

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
thanks hun. it should be ok for op, its his fourth. xx

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