Update: Cam's had a funny turn with his fingernails. He has always had really odd toenails. They are thick and curved and dont grow much at all. I always thought that was just the way they were. However in the last month or so his fingernails have started to fall off, from the cuticle upwards.
So, I took him to the GP to see if she thought it was cause for concern. Remembering Cam has HFMD around the same time his nails began to come off I thought she would put it down to that. She wasnt really sure tbh. She reckons the toenails are something renal but the fingernails as we thought could be the backend of the HFMD coming out. She wanted me to watch him closely for the next few weeks and if it continues to take him back to test.
Then last week... he had an appointment with his local consultant. I told him everything above and he seemed quite concerned about the change in his nails. With them being a "window into the body" he asked for bloodwork and clippings to be taken there and then. We are currently waiting the result of these. It could be that something has changed in Cams kidney function that has caused this. Alternatively it could be completely unrelated.
We see the nephrologist in April xx