Well, not the good news we were hoping for. We had a follow up appointment on Weds with the paediatric doctor. Campbells left kidney is functioning at 2%. Anything less than 15% and they look at removing it. Okay, so everyone can function with one kidney which is fab! Only problem is Cam's right kidney has severe reflux. So now the doctor here is writing to the Urologists in Southampton Hospital to find out what they suggest is the next course of action.
It could be that they leave his as he is, continue taking the meds for the reflux and see if he outgrows it himself. Problem with this is leaving in the non functioning kidney could do more harm than good, it can cause him to have dangerously high blood pressure.
They may operate and remove the bad kidney, hoping to keep the blood pressure at bay and hope he grows out of the reflux.
They may operate and remove the kidney and also try to fix the reflux now- protecting the remaining good kidney. We need to be really careful about him getting and water infections. Doctor says that they are less and less likely the older he gets and more rare in boys than girls.
Next appt is in four months and in that time he is hoping we will hear from Southampton with the next course of action. He thinks they will want to see him down there.
Really thought the results would be good as they didnt call us, I mean you wouldn't know anything is wrong with my little man, he is so happy. Just wish he was 100%. Also the doc wanted him to have bloods done on weds too and he was such a good brave boy.
Just though i would keep you all updated xxxxxx