Campbell has kidney problems... updated: 12/08/11

It was horrible girls. OH stood int he corner and looked like he was gonna cry. Campbell was purple in the face. Just glad it is over and wont have to have it again. The had to reinsert it twice (*whince*) and then filled his bladder. Then we had to wait for him to wee but he couldnt! I was saying to the doctor that I didnt think he could go as he was grunting like he was trying to push it out but nothing came! So they filled it up more! Eventually he wee'd (think it was more pressure building up) and shot the cathater out with it. I just scooped him up and he was doing that sob where you've cried so much you cant breathe and catch your breath.

Docs appt is actually this month, forgot we were in July so will know details then. He's young enough not to remember any of it though, only tramatised me!

:hug: sounds horrible, sorry you had to go through that. Hope it all works out ok x
Latest update- Had appointment with the Pediatric consultant to discuss the results of the first test for reflux. The results show that there doesnt appear to be any reflux on the left side. There is severe reflux on the right side. The doctor expected the reflux to be on the left side because that is the side where the small kidney is and thinks it is very strange they are on opposite sides. Also the doctor who performed the test was a little concerned about how Campbell urinates. It should flow in a constant stream but she though it was trickling out- start and stop. We need to check him for this to see what is happening. His trimethroprim has been upped and we are waiting a date for the scan to check his kidney function still which we should get in a couple weeks.

Pediatric doctor is going to speak to the Uriologists to see what they think about the reflux and kidney being on opposite sides and also we need to let him know how the urine flows because if it is trickling it could be something else entirely causing the reflux and would need operating on.

That is all we know for now!

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Thanks for updating hun, hope you get good news at the scan :hug:
I hope the scan gives you some definitive (and good!) sounds like the docs are on top of things though, everything crossed for some good news at the scan :hugs: xx
Oh Pudds how horrible that you are going through this (only just read the thread). The poor wee soul it must have been terrible for you all. Hope you get a good result following the scan x
:hug: Hope his next scan goes well and you get some answers :hug: x
Thanks ladies, me too!! Still no test date though. Am going to chase it in the morning. xx
Got Campbell's next appointment is Nov 1st, test to check his kidney function! xxx
Good luck honey, glad you have a test date through now :) fingers crossed that all goes well xxx
yeah me too. talk about dragging it out or what! xx
Cam had his test yesterday. Had to have canula in his little hand, then Isotope. We went away for 3 hours then came back for 30 minute scan. He didnt half scream bloody blue murder though, even with numbing cream. Breaks my heart.

He was really sick Monday evening too, about 8 times so I didnt think he would be well enough for the test but they went ahead anyway. Was sick again last night but has been alright today.

Results in a week and follow up consultation on the 30th.

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Sorry he had to go through that, poor little man :( I hope the results are good though xxx
Hope the results are fine Hun & you get some answers xx
Hope all is ok and you got some answers xxx

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That must be what Grace had then, didnt realise that was a kidney function test. They never explain these bloody things properly! Grace wasn't too happy either when she had it down, poor little babbas.

Fingers crossed for the results xxx
follow up on weds, day after his birthday! hoping its all good! btw... ^^WTF? Exiled is right.

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