Campbell has kidney problems... updated: 12/08/11

Gosh poor boy (and poor Mummy) it is so hard to stay brave for them when they are so upset.

It's hard to explain all this is for their own good!

I hope there are some answers soon. It is good news that there was no blockage but I guess this leads to more uncertainty for the time being.

Just keep doing what you are doing hun - you are a star!

Awww poor little thing and poor you too. Really hope you get some answers soon x
Thanks ladies. Its strange cause he's just a normal kid. Days and sometimes weeks go by when we forget he has anything wrong with him. His nightly medication is sometimes so routine we forget why we give it almost. Then I get a letter or a phone call and its all I can think about. Scares me a lot. X
Many of these problems can be diagnosed before a baby is born through routine prenatal testing and treated with medication or surgery while the child is still young. Other problems may emerge later, such as symptoms of urinary infections, growth ******ation, high blood pressure, etc.
Hi I've just seen this thread. Your poor lil man :(

Big hugs to u both. How's he doing now?
I know all of this Matthew, thanks but irrelavant as wasn't diagnosed.

Quick update, Campbell is now on medication for Proteinuria. He is still being monitored closely and after 6 cystoscopies it looks like they wont be needed again for a while.

He is still under Southampton Hospital for Nephro and they are fab! Currently waiting some more recent blood tests xx
Great to hear little man is doing well! I was wondering how he's been getting on as I've been away for ages xx
I'm an oldie on here too. I rarely post either these day but logged on and your thread caught my eye.

Good to hear Cam is doing so well.

He sounds tiny like my Jack. He's 30lb and 92cms at 3 years 4 months :) We're currently at the very beginning of an autism diagnosis for Jack but that's a whole other story :) x
Update. Campbell has come off medication, the prophylactic antibiotics. This is because he's had no utis recently. He's been on them from 7 weeks of age so feels like forever. He is 4 and a bit now... weighs in at 31lbs and is 95cm tall. He is on a new medication for the Proteinuria called Enalipril. It is an ACE inhibitor , blood pressure medication in adults but it protects his kidneys from the protein in an attempt to prolonge it's life. Blood pressure is good. He is currently considered 'stable'
Hi hon, thanks for the update.

Glad Cam's able to come off one of his medications and is 'stable'. I've had to read through everything again to remind me of what's happened. You have all been through so much. I just want to send you all a hug.
Hiya, thanks for the love. We haven't received the confirmation letter following his last check up to say to stop the anti bs, but we did. However the last week or so he's complained of hurting to wee and also pointing to the location of his right kidney saying it hurts. We've immediately put him back on it and are making an appt to see his dr.

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