Campbell has kidney problems... updated: 12/08/11

Kaden was 5lbs 3oz at birth and usually hovers around the 2nd yes, kinda small!
Well Grace was 8lb at birth and pretty much followed the 50th centile until she was about 12 months ish. She has now dropped to just under the 25th centile since she was walking and more active. So I wouldn't say she was that small although she is very petite for her age, more like tall and skinny!
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Ok so a few answers hun, although not the ones you wanted :hug:

My little lady wasn't diagnosed until she was 9-10 months and they didn't sedate her for any of her tests but I remeber her being fairly pleasant through most of them.

My lil lady hasn't had the natibiotics for a while and is absolutely fine, she only had the reflus on her right kidney and had no kidney damage x
Oh and katie was 5lb 10 at birth born at 35 weeks but was above 75th-91st percentile by the time she was a month x
Only just got an appointment letter through for Campbell's first test which isnt until June 30th. Its the one to test reflux with the dye... did your babes have to be sedated for this?

No hun, no sedation was necessary x

Hope it goes well xx
Grace was sedated for this test, I assume this is the Gamma XRay? She was only just 6 months old when she had it done. If you are unsure I would call them up about it. Does it mention anything about sedation on the appt letter? X
Only just seen this hun :hug: if it's an X-ray they probs won't sedate, K has xrays every 6 months or so on her hips and they don't sedate her! I've considered asking them to, but I think it's kinda not worth it for the few minutes it takes! Hope it goes well xx
They have to be canulated in their hand so that they can administer the isotope during the x ray. This isotope is only able to be used for so long after production as it has to be brought to the hospital specifically for the test. At the Trust we were under it had to be done by 12noon or it would be invalid. I think they sedated her to be sure they got decent images as it's not just an ordinary x ray. I think it must be much more costly. They assessed Grace as a very active baby so they sedated to make sure the test was done properly. If it is the Gamma X ray to check reflux, drainage then Manchester did sedate but they may feel it isn't necessary for Campbell. I'm sure it said something on the spot letter about how they may need to sedate but it was so long ago I can't remember! Good luck with everything honey and let us know how you get on xxxxx
No nothing on the letter about sedation thats why i wondered because I remembered you mentioning before about Grace having to be sedated. He was good for his sonogram but Im not sure about this one. The letter says they will put a cathater into his bladder and fill it up, then add the dye?

How would putting isotope into his hand get to the bladder for the reflux test? confuzzled....
It's a different test to what Grace had, she had the isotope put into her hand and then she has to be scanned for like 20/30 mins it wasn't a quick test they were taking pictures all the time to see how her body dealt with the fluid - I think that's why she was sedated due to the length of the test. It basically works it's way through her system and they see how it drains etc. She didn't have her bladder filled, she didn't have a catheter at all. In that case I doubt he will be sedated. It was a Gamma Camera/Xray whatever it's called, this was nearly 4 years ago. Grace's condition is called Hydronephrosis or Dilatation of the Renal Pelvis, they thought urine might have been refluxing back to the kidney from here but it wasn't :)

She got the all clear when she was 2 but it has returned again :( she had check up a couple of weeks ago and they can't discharge her just yet. Got to wait for another ultrasound in August to see if it has remained the same or gotten worse again. Fingers crossed she will be discharged by the end of the year!
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weird. His is a reflux back into the kidney too, maybe the test has changed? He hasnt had a proper diagnosis yet. Will let you know how it goes and what exactly they do to my poor bubba xx
Campbell had his test on Wednesday- It was horrible :( He was pretty much screaming in pain the whole way through. No sedation. Had to insert a cathater up his little wink and I had to pin him to the bed. He couldnt catch his breath after was so sad.

The consultant could see reflux and we have an appt with his pediatric doctor next month. Still waiting for a date on his kidney function test xx
Oh bless his heart! Fingers crossed the kidney function test goes well xxxx
Oh bless him it must have been so hard to watch aswell xx
Aww bless him poor little man hope he's ok xx
OMG so sorry to hear he had to go through that. I had to have that done when I was 6 or 7 and I tried to run away first then screamed all the way through and got told by the doctor to stop being a baby :shock:

Must of been so hard for you both :hugs:
aww hun, poor baby thats awful. =( must have been so hard for you too. i hope he's ok! xxx

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