Breast or bottle?


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2006
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Im quite natural in the way i do things. And i dont think bottle is probably the best idea. But it seems a little more, i dont know, appealing than breastfeeding Seris. I want to give her the best start. What would oyu recommend i do? Thank you
im gonig to try breastfeeding its meant to be the best thing for them :think:
Breastfeeding is always the best start if all goes well, but if you try it and it doesn't work then you have another option on the bottle side.

At least if you tried you can be chuffed you gave it a go and if it works and you love it then bonus keep going :)
I bottle feed as damien was prem and didn't take to breast feeding. I think breast feeding is a lovely way to feed and bond, but the same bond can be acheived with bottle feeding. Dont feel guilty if you cant breastfeed, but its worth a shot :D
minikins said:
Breastfeeding is always the best start if all goes well, but if you try it and it doesn't work then you have another option on the bottle side.

At least if you tried you can be chuffed you gave it a go and if it works and you love it then bonus keep going :)

I agree!
It entirely up to you & don't let anyone pressure you into anything you don't want to do or don't feel you have to do certain things (not just to do with feeding) just because so & so said it was the best. Every baby & Mum is different & you have to find whats right for you.

I wanted to breastfeed & did it for about 3 weeks but had to go onto the bottle which, as I found out after, was best for us all round. I had a very tough time trying to b/f (the pain was awful, my nipples kept bleeding & I had huge flaps of skin coming off, yuk!, and I had mastitis twice :shock:) every time I fed Jamie I was in tears. Also as he was such a big boy I wasn't producing enough milk to satisfy him & when I changed on to the bottle he was so much happier it was amazing, also my DH could get involved which he loved.

I gave myself a real hard time changing over & felt so guilty & felt like I was failing him but I soon realised I wasn't at all & had done my best & he had had the colostum & some of my milk so he'd got the antibodies.

Do what feels right for you hun.

Nicki.x :D
I tried both. This may sound weird but when I tried BF zack I dunno it felt really strange. I think of boobs as more sexual and for your partner, I know there.. there to feed a baby. I dont think in anyway its wrong to BF dont get me wrong. It just wasnt right for me. But might be for you. I really wanted to BF zack but it just felt really weird to me. Going to try again this time and see what happens.
Breast, for a number of reasons, in fact here is 10 (shamelessly stolen from

Ten Good Reasons to Breastfeed…

1.Breastmilk is the perfect food
it provides everything your baby needs, in the quantities it needs it, for the first sixth months of its life
(DoH website, NBAW 2001)

2.It's the healthiest option for your baby
your baby has a lower risk of gastro-enteritis, respiratory, unirary tract and ear infections, eczema and childhood diabetes
(, 101 reasons to your child)

3.It's the healthiest option for you
you have a lower risk of pre-menopausal breast cancer and ovarian cancer
(, 101 reasons to breastfeed your child)

4.It's convenient
it's always available and instantly at the right temperature

5.It's free
in fact it saves you an estimated £450 across a year

6.It saves the nation money
it's estimated that the NHS spends at least £35million per year treating gastro-enteritis in bottle-fed babies in England
(Breastfeeding: Good Practice Guidance to the NHS, Department of Health 1995.

7.Breastfed babies have higher IQs
A recent study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that breastfed infants tested 5.2 IQ points higher than bottlefed infants
(, 101 reasons to breastfeed your child)

8.Breastfed babies are less likely to be obese as adults
(DoH website, NBAW 2000)

9.It's more environmentally friendly
Breastmilk is produced and delivered to the consumer without any pollution, unnecessary packaging or waste
(, 101 reasons to breastfeed your child)

10.Women who breastfeed regain their figures sooner than women who bottlefeed.
When your body is making breastmilk it burns about 500 calories a day

I suffered with latch problems, split nipples, blocked ducts and mastitis several times. Thanks to the support of fellow breastfeeders on this forum including Beanie, Emilia, Urchin, Hypnorm etc I managed to get through this and am still feeding. All I can say is that there is support out there, but it wont come to you (i.e. I didn't find my HV very useful at all). Make sure you've got the telephone numbers of your local breastfeeding counsellors and be prepared. Breastfeeding certainly wasn't the rosy picture I expected, it's hard work but rewarding.
rosieroo said:
. All I can say is that there is support out there, but it wont come to you (i.e. I didn't find my HV very useful at all).

How true!

I had sore nipples and the pain was excrutiating. The hv's showed my how to latch on but it just never worked out. I went onto bottle after 9 days and have never regretted it. It would be nice to try again with no2. Im more confident in myself as a mum this time so might have more confidence in the feeding. I would love to do it and dream about it, my boobs feel different this time.

Try breast and if it doesnt work go for the bottle. As long as baby is getting fed it will all be okay and be confident!
All you can do is try and if it works out, it works out if not its no biggy x

I will give it ago and just see what happens thats all you can do x :angel:
I never even thought about bottle feeding whilst i was pregnant - i seriously just thought that breastfeeding would be the most natural and easy thing to do. I attended workshops and read so much prior to giving birth.

Breastfeeding is such a positive thing for health reasons and emotional reasons like bonding etc but that doesn't mean that your child will love you any less for bottle feeding them.

I had a very traumatic delivery whcih luckily i can laugh about now. I was physically unable to sit for more than 20 min periods but was desperate to breastfeed Jacob. The pain i experienced whilst sitting up for hours on end (he was a very hungry baby) was unbearable and after a week we chose to bottle feed him.

Jacob is one of the happiest, liveliest, brightest babies i know (ok i know i'm biased) but what i'm trying to say is that all babies are different and a breastfed baby is not necessarily going to be any healthier, happier or more intelligent than a bottlefed baby.

As long as you are happy with your choice your baby will follow - we all know how easily they pick up on our frustration or unhappiness.

Good luck on your choice - remember you can always change your mind either way round and no-one will think any less/more of you for your choice - if they do they're idiots :)
7.Breastfed babies have higher IQs
A recent study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that breastfed infants tested 5.2 IQ points higher than bottlefed infants
(, 101 reasons to breastfeed your child)

hahaha! I was Breastfed I wish that was true.... or maybe it is and im just the odd one out :?
You have to do what's right for you and your baby.

Don't take it for granted that you will be able to breast feed like I did. Our baby was born 5 weeks early and hasn't taken to breast feeding due to a poor sucking reflex.

I still feel guilty and upset about it as there is so much pressure to breast feed. But at least my baby is now feeding well on the bottle with a top up of expressed milk from me.
Breastfed babies have higher IQs
I find that funny too Violet-glow as my brother was breastfed and he is so immature 'Cries when he can't watch the T.V' or if his friends can't come over for the day and he is pretty cr*p at school too I.e he has to have help in all his lessons!
Just shows that all studies aren't successful!

I do love him though :oops: feel guilty saying all that about him now lol
Breast feeding is supposed to be best as it gives the baby a better immune system, i breast fed Kaiden for the first week, he was such a greedy baby i had to top him up with bottles then he went off the boob and prefered the bottle, i felt bad for a while but he was alot happier with the bottles so i decided to feed him bottles only. If you are going to breastfeed make sure the hospital have a MW show you how to latch her on properly and thatl help prevent cracked nipples, But its up to you to decide whats best for your baby XkelX
You will be fine whatever you choose and enjoy it's all good clean (ok messy) fun :)
I love breastfeeding. I have had an on going saga of sorts, milk didn't come in for ages, cracked, bleeding nipples, mastitis twice, thrush etc etc. But I am still going and am really pleased I did. If you are wanting to breastfeed there are just a few tips I will pass on

1. It is NORMAL for a bfing baby to want to be constantly fed in the early weeks. This is their way of ensuring that the milk supply is there, is a way of comforting them, and their tummies are tiny so they need frequent feedings. It is not a sign that your milk is not there, that it is running out or that it isn't enough for your baby, you do not need to top up with formula.

2. The most important thing you need to have is a good latch, once you have this half the battle is won. Your hospiotal should be able to help with this. Find local support fgroups, they are invaluable and help you to feel normal (and get you out the house).

3. Breastfeeding is hard in the first few weeks, both you and baby are learning how to do something new. However it does get better and easier. I can feed Seren anywhere now whereas in the beginning I needed to take of all my tops and bra and have 50+ cushions. The other day she was thirsty so I popped a blanket over my shoulder and walked round Home and Bargain feeding her. Also she feeds for less time and goes lomger between feeds and it is now the easiest thing ever. So just keep thinking, the initial period doesnot last.

There are some great sources of support on this forum, for both breastfeeding and bottle feeding so never feel like you are on your own.

I am really wanting to breastfeed and plan to persevere with it. I have a friend who is about to have her second baby and she is going to start bottle feeding at night only when the baby is about 2 weeks as she says they get more full and therefore sleep for longer during the night. Does anyone know if this is a good idea? I run my own business and the two months after the birth (Nov & Dec) are my busiest work months so the thought of extra sleep sounds great.
Formula feeding does not always make a baby sleep better. Formula is thicker then breast milk and takes the baby longer to digest so it can help them go longer but in terms of breastfeeding I personally would not recommend it. It takes 6 weeks for your milk supply to get established, so giving a bottle will interfere with this. Also the night feeds are the most important in terms of getting your milk supply up and running. Hillbilly explained it very well

Babies are supposed to wake every few hours to feed. Their tiny metabolisms arent supposed to allow them to sleep massive lengths of time. In the uninhibited breastfeeding baby's life they will wake every 3 or 4 hours (often more freq) for a lot longer than 5 months! (with exception of a few breastfed babies who do sleep through the night early) Its all part of natures way of a) ensuring AF stays away to provide mom with a break before falling pg with next baby b) keeps milk lvels up - prolactin levels up in the night time and c) keeps mother and baby close - they 'disturb' each other in the night while co-sleeping to allow easy feeding, gentle contact and providing stimulation that prevents a baby know... You have to remember that with the exception of the 'modern' western world, most babies are carried from morning to night by their familes. Some don't even touch the ground until they are 6 months old and may feed up to 4 times an hour (5 - 10 mins at a time) while attached to mommy's chest in a sling/mei tai etc

Its only since the advent of 'formula' that babies have slept 'through the night' from early days. Its akin to living on fish suppers (fish and chips to those south of the border) - you'd be sleepy too.

breastfeeding is also a mums best friend at night. In the early weeks all babies wake, and when breastfeeding you don't have to go downstairs, just latch them on. The prolactin makes you sleepy (and baby) and you will falls asleep much quicker, and have a better sleep. Whilst Seren is currently waking up twice in the night, all I do is latch her on and fall back asleep, so I barely wake. The best thing I learnt was to feed lying down and co-sleeping - if co-sleeping just make sure you follow the safety recommendations i.e. do not share if you have consumed alcohol or drugs that make you drowsy, if you smoke or if you are extremely tired etc.
if i could turn back time i would have tryed breast feeding from the start.

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