I'm just wondering why you feel that bottlefeeding is more convienient? With breastfeeding you have the milk there, ready and at the perfect temp. No worries about making up bottles, taking them out with you, warming them up etc. You have to be dedicated either way, a baby takes a lot of dedication from the moment it's born. Bottlefeeding doesn't make you a bad mother and you're not feeding you're child crap just something that is inferior to breastmilk. It's important that you are fully aware of the implications of bottle feeding which is what your midwife is trying to do. Unfortunately the NHS doesn't have enough money to put into advertising of breastfeeding, whilst formula companies have millions of pounds to put into advertise their products (it's due to this advertising that some people wrongly believe that formula is 'as good as or almost as good as breastmilk' when in fact it's completely different). So the one of the only ways the NHS can get the message across is through midwives and Health Visitors, which can seem a bit overwhelming. They aren't allowed to promote bottlefeeding or offer advice on it, which is why they seem so against it. It's easier to give breastfeeding a try and decide to give up than go straight to bottlefeeding and potentially regret your decision.
Either way it's your decision and your baby, just make sure you're totally happy and understand your choice
If you are certain that you want to bottlefeed then you'll probably find it easier to actually contact the formula manufacturers as they all seem to have helplines etc.