Breast to Bottle


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2006
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To all you bottle feeding mums out there.

Did any of you start breast feeding and then go onto the bottle. OH and I are having a real quandry as my milk is very poor and not satisfying our son and with the support of my MW we are starting to introduce bottles once or twice a day to supplement.

I'm still expressing/breast feeding whenever I can and my right breast is working quite well, but the left - despite all the effort - is producing next to nothing.

Connor is now starting to get a real greedy guts and I just can't keep up. Bottle feeding is very convenient for us and he is still getting breast benefit throughout the day when I do have enough to give him.

I know all the advice about keeping going, but it's getting me down and I just wondered if anyone else had phased out the breast in favour of the bottle without suffering a guilt trip?
I breast fed Oliver at the beginning but when he reached about 8 weeks old I really struggled with the evening feeds as he was feeding all evening and I was getting exhausted. Me and DH decided to give him a bottle of formula to give me a break and I have to say it was the best thing I did. I then relaxed so when I was feeding him I enjoyed it and also my DH got to help rather than sitting there watching me get more and more tired and not being able to help. I continued to breast feed the rest of the time until he reached about 15 weeks and then stopped completely - I don't feel guilty as I did what was best for me and my son - if you want to chat then feel free to PM me

That's exactly how I feel - as soon as we knew if we bottle fed him, he was full and SLEPT I totally relaxed.

It takes me about an hour at least to breast feed him, it takes him so long to suckle we end up using both breasts and then we still have to top him up.

I think he's a bit of a lazy sucker to be honest as he latches on brilliantly, sucks for about 10 mins, then comes off and has to be put back on.

I also think it's because he's working so hard to get very little out that we are both getting frustrated. I'm starting to dread when feeding time approaches.

OH is being really supportive, encouraging me to keep going when I'd really much rather just stop!!!
If you'd rather stop then do it, a happy mom makes for a happy baby, don't let anyone make you feel guilty.
I would always say in an ideal world a mom would at least give it a go. You gave it a go...he's had lots of benefit from it already. Don't beat yourself up about it, there's so much more to being a good mom, it's not all about the boobies :hug:
I am not a mom yet but I do believe in mothers instinct and if you feel now is the right time for you to start bottle feeding then do it...Like urchin says it doesn't make you any less of a mother it just means bottle is best for your LO now
Shaz said:
I'd really much rather just stop!!!

Mate you said it your self if thats how you feel then stop. Don't feel guilty and don't worry about and don't listen to ANYONE who says ''but breast is better'' etc etc - As Urchin says being a great mum is not about giving breast, its about the overall picture so don't worry about it, sit back, chill out relax and ask yourself honestly which you would prefer to do




or continue with both

once YOU and YOU alone get the answer, don't feel guilty and go for it!

You are doing a great job so far, I gurantee it!
Hiya, I fed my little girl for 11 weeks but last week had to stop as I needed to take some medication. To be honest I feel quite relieved she is on the bottle because when I fed she could be feeding 10 to 12 times a day which was a bit tiring. Its also nice to have my boobs no longer leaking all the time. Do what is right for you, I think breastfeeding is hard work and you have given the colostrum, its not worth getting down about if it isnt working out for you. It sounds like he is happy with formula so dont be too hard on yourself, I think in my experience becoming a mother makes you feel guilty about every little thing as all you want is to do the right thing by your baby. Also you must be knackered and that makes everything so much harder. :hug:
I bottle fed Charlie from day one, i felt totally pressured when pregnant by midwifes and health visitors that breastfeeding was something i had to do, when he was born i was so bloody knackered and he was screaming for food almost immediately that i said to the midwife who delivered him that i didnt think i could face it and she went and got me a bottle, she was lovely and said it wasnt poison i was giving him it was milk and that if that was what i wanted to do then i shouldnt let anyone pressure me. I was so relieved as it was something i didnt think i was ever going to feel comfortable with, i just couldnt have got my boobs out in front of people, especially not male members of my family, Charlie is thriving, i am happy and i can get a break whenever i need one without having to worry about him needing my boobs, i think if it something that works then good for you but if you are feeling stressed and unhappy and dreading feeding time then you need to reassess as feeding time should be a pleasure not a chore, good luck and dont let anyone tell you whats best for your baby, only you know that.
I tried to breast feed max but he wasnt having any of it! he had some expressed milk and some formula, he has turned out just fine! do what makes you happy and dont let it stress you out, it wont do either of you any good

i tried to breast feed alice, but she was given a bottle in the hospital (they needed to get fluids into her), and she got used to the bottle. she didn't want to work to get any from me, and i was to much of a push over. I also found it easier knowing exactly how much she had taken. we did 5 weeks of half me half formula, but i was worried about expressing as i didn't want to empty myself just to have alice want to try and take a feed later on (if that makes sense?).

go with what you want. don't worry about the whole, breast is best ideas. happy mum is best in my book!
:wave: Firstly you should feel very pleased with yourself to have fed Connor (lovely name) yourself for any amount of time!! He has had a wonderful start from you and will have your antibodies by now anyway.

I fed Aidan myself for 3 months then a combination of him being increasingly hungry and harder to fill up, cracked nipples and another illness led me to wean him onto the bottle. Well what a relief! I love my boy and loved feeding him but i know he's getting so much more from the formula than he was getting from me at the end. I also like knowing how many ounces he has taken and the freedom that bottle feeding gives you.

If you do decide to stop BFing I would try to slow down your feeds rather than stop completely, you dont want to get engorged and end up with mastitis or something similar. Just do whatever feels comfortable for both of you, you know your little boy better than anyone!

Love Claire xxx
I breastfed my first DD for sixteen weeks. I hated every minute of it. I had incredibly sore nipples, and it seemed I had enough milk to feed ten babies! I was leaking all over the place and very uncomfortable. It got to the stage that whenever my baby cried for food, I would cry. When I introduced the bottle it was like a fog cleared from my life, and I really started to bond with my little girl. I did feel guilty at first but soon realised that we were both happier once I weaned.
With DD number two I tried again but had the same dreadful nipple problem. Then I got thrush so we went to pumping and feeding from the bottle. I stuck that out for ten weeks.
Now number three is on the way and I'm determined to give it another go, at least in the beginning. However, I certainly won't beat myself up if it doesn't go smoothly. Better that both you and the baby are content, that makes life so much easier.
You've done a great job to get this far, give yourself a pat on the back!

Thanks for all your support girls - like most of you I am now expression twice a day (boobies get full first thing in the morning and in the evening so I pump then) and then Connor gets what I've expressed for his 8.00pm feed and we formula feed the rest of the time.

Am going to keep going on this while I'm laid up at home (4 weeks to go and counting!!) and then once I'm driving again I'll stop and just keep bottling it.

Connor seems very happy with the bottle - although he does posset a bit more with the formula, despite the fact that we wind him well during and after the feed. He spits a bit back once he's back in his crib bless him!!

Like Star said - I do feel more in control and must happier - when he cries for food now I'm happy to give him a bottle and interact with him - I can see his eyes which I can't while I'm breast feeding him. I also used to dread mealtimes - and I really want to enjoy my baby!!
I breast fed Jake exclusively for about 4 weeks but he would cry all of the time in the evenings until I put him to the breast so I started thinking he wasn't getting enough. After that I would breast feed him when I was at home as much as I could and then formula feed or express breast milk when I went out anywhere as it was more convenient anyway than having to flop your boob out in public. I did this until Jake was 8 weeks old and then I could hardly get any breast milk so I started just formula feeding. I felt really guilty at first but Jake has been fine and he has stopped crying all evening and has been sleeping through the night. You just have to think that atleast you tried your best and just keep using all the breast milk you have for as long as possible.

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