Bottle or Breast?

I really hated the idea of breastfeeding so before the birth i got some bottles and steriliser etc so I would be prepared and so I wouldfnt feel under pressure to HAVE to bfeed. In the end it all felt quite natural and I never even questioned whether or not to do it, but once i started i didnt want to stop so hung on 'just another day' every time i felt like giving up and here we are 8 weeks later and I am thinking only another 3-4 months and she will be moving onto solids and I will be sad not to be exclusively feeding her anymore!
So I would say keep an open mind as with everything else and try not to stress about it too much beforehand. Good luck x
I'd say that breastmilk is the best thing you can give your baby as its made by you for your baby so is exactley what your baby needs.. unless you get ill or your little one is early and then sometimes breast isn't always an option or indeed "best" for little one...I managed to feed a 6 week prem baby myself with my own milk for three weeks and breastfeeding for about ten days of that and it was the most painful, exhilerating, frighting, loving experience of my life.

I had to give up cos my little one wasn't thriving - he had four months on formula and bottles which then resulted in him getting head to toe eczema. At 4 months i took him off formula against all professional advice and put him on full fat goats milk :) his eczema cleared and he gets the occasional patch behind his knees in the summer now...there was NO WAY my baby was having steroid creams on his delicate skin NO WAY!

As sherlock said.. formula milk is based on cows milk which is incredibly hard for humans to digest cos of the lactose... tis why many people suffer eczema and other auto immune disorders cos they are lactose intollerant but we are socially ingrained to drink cows milk so this is what we have...i have known so many babies get bad colic too from formula milk.. again tis the lactose giving them this colic IMHO.

I am keeping an open mind this time - I will have formula and bottles here just incase but i am going to breastfeed for aslong as my breastmilk is good nutritious milk.
Snuggle said:
I really wish I had persevered more with trying to BF with Maddison. I will try much harder next time round

Exactly what I was going to say. I breastfed Ella for 6 weeks, then she caught oral thrush and passed it onto me :( She was fine, but my nipples were really sore and even expressing hurt. We switched to formula and it's been that way ever since..Even when we were both better I was still producing milk but was lazy and never re-introduced it :( At the time I thought it was the right decision but looking back I feel incredibly guilty and miss that special time only Ella and I had, I would give anything to have that back again. I would reccommend you give it a try, even if it's just for a little while. :hug:
After carrying your baby for 9months, I believe breastfeeding is the next best thing you can do with your body for your baby :D However, it's not the best thing you can do for your baby, the best thing you can do is take care of yourself so you can be your best for your baby, sometimes that does not include breastfeeding, and that's fine.

I breastfed and formula fed and I must say the breastfeeding part was easy, the initial moment of introducing formula to Isaac was done by a MW in hospital with a sippy cup and not to go all dramatic and self pitying, I was in a rubbish place to say no, I just wanted my baby fed and I was being told he was starving.

The point is, no matter what happens, be open to any eventuality and know that no matter what you end up giving your baby, there's only the two options, and neither should be judged, just enjoy watching your baby grow :hug:
I do plan on breast feeding pip, but i refuse to let people make me feel bad if for whatever reason I cant!
Theres a lot of reasons why people cant breastfeed and for people to make them feel ashamed for it is horrible!
I suffer depression on and off and have over the last 8 years! My doc has advised that I take them after the birth! The problem is you cant BF while taking these pills! Now I will see how I go on but I will not continue BFing while my mental health suffers as that is obviously not good for my baby!
I was the same as you Minxy! With my first, I tried for 4 days and he just wasnt feeding! he was starving! :( I sent my OH to my sisters at 1am for a bottle and formula and the relief to see him feeding was immense!
The thought of the failure affected me for a long time! i didnt even try to BF my second son (he was born 10 1/2months later) as I couldnt bear to go through that again so soon! (midwife also advised me not too!)
Both my boys are very intelligent! Both on the Gifted and Talented register! Both doing school work meant for children in the years above them!
For years I felt that I had let them down! I didnt! they are healthy and intelligent!
I'd say try to BF and if it works out then fantastic! But do not feel bad if you cant for whatever reason! You are not hurting your child!
Sorry to ramble lol its just recently, people keep making comments about BF and kinda saying that if you dont BF you are a bad mum! (ooh not on here ladies lol dont take me the wrong way!! :D) lol and even some of these people are saying this and they aint even had a baby!? They annoy me! lol
I didn't breastfeed my first born (now 13) because he was in SCBU and i was unable to walk but this time i really wanna give it a try but i'm concerned because a few years ago i had breast impants. My breast tissue is barely existent but i'm determined.

Has anyone here successfully breast-fed with impants?
Lots of women succesfully breastfeed with implants, its more breast reduction or uplift where some women have problems.

Research on the net you will find lots :hug:

If you want to give it ago I suggest you don't buy bottles, you do it and make sure you have lots of support and find breastfeeding groups and help sites on the net, I wouldn't of been able to go for a year without support.

The first month or so you will want to jack it in and go to the easier option, but when you get through it you feel fantastic!

The best thing you could ever do!, at least give it a bloody good go!

I bf for 6 months and still give him a night time bf now. It was hard at first only because I was really unprepared for the amount of feeding I had to do and how tired I was. I was lucky though that I've never had sore/cracked/bleeding nipples - just a few blocked ducts in the first few months but that was easy to fix - I just let him suck from the blocked one. I never had any formula in the house because there was no question in my mind that I would do it.....I never thought for a second that I couldn't/wouldn't do it so maybe that made it a bit easier (although I did have people telling me I should formula feed!) xx
MissGobby said:
when i first found out i was expecting i said i would like to try breastfeeding, now though,im not too sure, i know the breast milk is supposed to be better than bottle milk but these days there are loads of things saying its about as good etc....would love your opinions ladies! :)

Breast everytime. Its the best thing. no doubt about it. Its good for you and good for baby.

At least give it a go. Plan to BF. You may suprise yourself and like it.
Its easier than bottle feeding thats for sure. All that sterilising and getting up to warm bottles in the night! What a chore. LOL
don't hate me, but i don't agree with all the pressure put on mothers with the 'breast is best' campaign.

At the time i really wanted to breast feed, and for a number of reasons it didn't work.

my feeling now is happy-mummy-and-baby is best. there are so many babies that have been formula fed and are happy and healthy. i don't beat myself up so much over it now days.

My next one, i plan to breastfeed, but my expectations are not as high as they where with Alice.
i agree with the whole pressure thats put on mums to breast-feed. my bestfriend was determined not to B/f becuase she didnt feel comfortable. when she was in hospital the M/w presured her so much and even told her that she is doing wrong by her baby, so in the end she cracked and b/f him....

she had an awful birth and didnt sleep for 3days, her LO was feeding ever 2hrs and she was so tired to be able to apreciate those first precious days. i think that all the pressure to B/F spoilt her 1st experience which i think is really sad.

none of my family ever breastfed their children and we have all been very healthy babies and adults.

personlly i think that it is down to how a mother feels, at the moment the though of breast feeding really makes me feel sqwimish and i dont feel comfortable even talking about it, therefor i dont think that me being so uncomfortable is best of the baby.....

but who knows nearer the time........

p.s please dont hate me now!
I think it is awful that people feel the need to say "dont hate me!" People shouldnt hate you for making your own choice in this!
Tinkerbell if that is your choice, then you shouldnt have to make apologies for it! That kinda goes back to the pressure of it! You feel people wont like you for your choice and at the end of the day, its your baby and your body! :hug:
bonuspregnant said:
I didn't breastfeed my first born (now 13) because he was in SCBU and i was unable to walk but this time i really wanna give it a try but i'm concerned because a few years ago i had breast impants. My breast tissue is barely existent but i'm determined.

Has anyone here successfully breast-fed with impants?

i'm managing to feed with breast implants so far. mine are silicone, over the muscle with the incisions under the breast. my milk supply seems ok so far.
I tried breastfeeding my older boy too but only lasted a week that time though.
You wont know if surgery has affected your ability to breastfeed until you try.

Leanne....I would definately give breastfeeding a go, you have nothing to lose and can always switch to a bottle of formula if it doesnt work out :D
I can only give you my opinion on breastfeeding as that is the only one i have experience on.

Ever since we had decided on having a child i had decided that breastfeeding was the way i was going to go. I wanted my child to have the best start in life and receive the immunity to loads of things from me.
Yes i was totally unprepared for the pain that it would entail, i honestly didnt think it would be that painful. I must stress though that not all women have sore/cracked/bleeding nipples. And i must say i did find that there is alot of pressure to breastfeed, i was asked quite alot whether i was going to breastfeed.

If you are gonna try the breastfeeding you defo have to have your mind set on it, i did totally and there were times i wanted OH to go to the shops to get some formula as i was in tears at times when feeding her as the pain was so bad for me.

Once i had started putting on the Lansinoh cream it got better. Now it is so much better. I am going to try to continue for as long as i can with it.

If you have it in your mind you wanna feed give it a go hun :)

Like other girls have said Formula milk is not poison so which ever route you go down its whatever is best for you and baby :D
Hi Leanne

First of allcongratulations! Its great to see you got there. I know you were trying when I was.

I would like to say a few things about breastfeeding. Do not expect it t go smooth sailing all the time. There is a real art to master breastfeeding. My little girl was born with a tongue tie, which meant she could not latch on properly. The midwife did not think it was bad enough to be causing me pain so said it didnt need fixing. After two weeks of complete agony and she was chomping on the tip of my nipples when feeding, I took her to the dr. The dr said she was very restricting and needed to have it cut. It took 2 seconds with one drop of blood and she cried for a couple of seconds. Then everything improved, until a week later. I got out of bed one morning and blacked out. I ended up having a very bad case of mastitis - breast infection. If I didnt get antibiotics straight away, I would have ended up in hospital. After 10 days, I felt way better but after a couple of days of being on the antibiotics, I went through 4 days of my little girl screaming everytime I put her to bed - this happened day and night. The only time she stopped was when I fed her. I was exhausted, as she was feeding sometimes for 3 hours at a time! Turns out she only gained 80 grams in 10 days and wasnt getting enough milk. My midwife suggested I breastfeed but top her up with formula. She has been an angel baby since. I do feel guilty that I cant seem to feed my own daughter, but it is reassuring to know she is getting fed well. She has gained 388grams in the last 5 days. Doing both is actually quite good, as when I go out I take bottles of formula - or expresed breastmilk - as im not one to breastfeed in public. I dont feel so tied down anymore and the husband can also help out with the feeds.

The amount of times I have just thought it would be a lot easier solely on the bottle were endless, but I am glad I have carried on and know that Alisa is getting the best of both.

My advice, try it out for more than a month, then make your decision. You do not want to regret not doing it as you cant go back.
Sam&Alice said:
don't hate me, but i don't agree with all the pressure put on mothers with the 'breast is best' campaign.

At the time i really wanted to breast feed, and for a number of reasons it didn't work.

my feeling now is happy-mummy-and-baby is best. there are so many babies that have been formula fed and are happy and healthy. i don't beat myself up so much over it now days.

My next one, i plan to breastfeed, but my expectations are not as high as they where with Alice.
:clap: :hug:
I think most mums that have breastfed would say the 'first few precious days' are generally pretty awful if you are feeding. Baby does feed all the time and it is painful and difficult and depressing.

Comes with the territory I'm afraid. But you just have to persevere and get through it.

I had an induced labour and once I'd got Asher out at 7pm, carried on bleeding profusely for 12 hours all through the night until 9am the next morning when I was finally able to go up to the labour ward. So I hadn't slept one wink.

I then stayed in hospital for 3 days. And you don't get much sleep with lots of screaming babies only a curtain away!

I breastfed throughout and I'm so glad I stuck at it. Don't give up if you can help it. It seems awful at the time when you can't even sit yourself up, let alone walk, but it is worth it!

Anyway, my point is, people have tough labours, they don't sleep, eat, etc and they still breastfeed. Things do improve but stick it out through those first days.
It's a very personal decision, whether or not to breatfeed and if I'd just had one child I'd be telling you a different story to this!
I really wanted to breastfeed my 1st son, I was 21 at the time and didn't have as much confidence as I have now. I lasted just under 6 weeks, and I found the entire experience negative, painful and stressful. It literally broke my heart to stop, I felt a failiure and vowed never again!
8 years later (new, supportive man) I had my 2nd son. I spent a lot of time during my pregnancy reading up on breastfeeding, and soon realised what had gone wrong the first time, I was prepared and determined to give it a second try.
10 months on I'm still at it, there have been 1 or 2 minor problems, but they were recognised and sorted out quickly.
Breastfeeding,for me has gone from being one of the most upsetting experiences to the most pleausrable and rewarding.
Like most things to do with parenthood/pregnancy, nobody can prepare you fully, and no 2 experiences are the same, but it would be such a shame if I'd carried those awful breastfeeding memories around without knowing it could, and should have been so much different.
There is a lot more support around now, some great discreet tops that don't show any of your boob when you feed, basically if you decide to try there will be something available to help you with whatever becomes a concern.
I love both my sons equally, they're both happy and healthy (i'm very lucky) but if I knew 8 years ago what I do now, I'd have breastfed for longer.
Do what you feel is right in your heart, and whatever you decide make sure your family and friends are fully supportive.
I've just started training as a BF peer mentor to help new mums so I can't promote bfing enough. One of the HV who runs the training course just met a doctor who increased BF by about 30% in the area he lived. He asked mums whether they intended to feed their baby naturally or artificially.
I'm training as a MW so obviously I'm a huge supporter of breastfeeding! But of course first and foremost you should be able to feed your baby how you like and be supported for that! It's just really important to educate the public about breastfeeding and to normalise it as it is really hidden in our culture. And so many mothers find it a lot harder than they were expecting, have problems, and give up when what they really need is lots of support!

I think the statistics are really reassuring, that about 98% of women are able to provide all the nutritional needs for their baby and breastfeed successfully. Obviously the first few wks can be really hard but I think the long-term benefits for both mum and bubs are huge. I'm looking forward to being a mum so I can have first-hand experience of what it all feels like :)

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