Breast Feeding Worries


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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Hello fellow tri 3 ers.

Im just interested to know how many of you are going to breastfeed?

I really really want to breast feed and im determined to be able to do it. I cant justify spending money on milk that could be free to be honest lol.

I just have a few concerns - such as how do you know when your baby has emptied your breasts? I read that they should empty each breast to prevent engorged breasts or blockages.

Also what do you do if you get a blockage? i know it says contact your GP and feed from that breast first etc, but how does it clear up?

How do you know if your baby has thrush in their mouth? I know it can be uncomfortable for them and in turn they dont like to feed. vicious circle!

Any advice or whatever is really appreciated. x
I attended a breastfeeding antenatal class which was really informative. Check with your hospital whether they have a similar class as they give magazines and handouts to refer to and discuss all of your worries.
we dont have any nhs antenatal classes which sucks :( but we have like workshops on saturdays, so i think ill go along and see what i can find :) thanks :) x
I intend to bf. I breastfed my last 2 but not my eldest so have experienced it all lol.

I never had to 'empty my breast' I found that milk is supply and demand so wot I used to do is feed baby off right breast til he'd had enough,then wind and offer the left breast. Then at the next feed I would start wiv the left breast. I found this was the best way to stop any blockages,mastitis etc.

U will b offered plenty of support once baby is here xxx
thanks, im just stressing about how youll know etc i think. x
Good questions Lexi... I'm planning to breastfeed but worrying about it not 'working' and all these questions that need answers!
I'm a new mummy, Isla is only 5 days old and I'm breastfeeding. I got tonnes of support at hospital, I also attended a class prior to having her which my DH attended as well, having his support is what has kept me going.

I got the attachment wrong on one breast and ended up with a cracked bleeding nipple :( but now I've got it right it's healed itself.

My mw sees me everyday for 3 days to check Isla and me as we are breastfeeding and are there anytime I want to speak to them.

I'm sure you will be fine, do some research, check out the childrens centres in your area as they may do classes

Emma x
as our baby will be early and in the neonatal unit I need to express and feed through atube so I will prob just keep expressing and storing the milk as much as possible and feed her from a bottle so that my OH and daughter can get involved too

but im sure that in the hospital that you will get plenty of advice x
thanks guys, its good to know that people have recieved help from hospitals and stuff, i hope i get some help from them! im sure i will i just dont know what to expect and stuff. x
I am definitely gonna give breastfeeding my best try, but have the same sort of worries as you lexi. I think it's one of those things you can't really learn too much about until you've got your baby and you're doing it!
I'm also a little worried cos my nipples have always been quite flat but I guess they'll get bigger once my body is ready to feed?
I worried myself almost sick about breast-feeding when I had my little boy and tbh with the support of my midwife, it was ok and within a couiple of weeks it was a doddle. It is one of those things u have to do to get ur head round it but u will be fine x x x
I'm also a little worried cos my nipples have always been quite flat but I guess they'll get bigger once my body is ready to feed?

DITTO! I was just thinking about starting a post on this. I have this worry, they arent inverted at all but when they arent erect they lay completely level with my boob. Am I going to have to make them erect before I try to feed everytime?

Lexi, did your MW not give you a dvd? We haven't seen it yet, but our friends watched it recently and said it was really good..

I'm a bit nervous that I'm not going to have enough cos I've only got ickle boobs :eh:
I am a bottle feeding gal!! To be honest I just dont really fancy breastfeeding and I am aware of all the benefits but think I will just stick to the bottle feeding again xx
I had a breast-feeding session as part of my NCT classes, and I have forgotten most of what they said to me!

I'm hoping they'll be helpful in the hospital, otherwise I'm just going to have to figure it all out as I go along.
Hello fellow tri 3 ers.

Im just interested to know how many of you are going to breastfeed?
I just have a few concerns - such as how do you know when your baby has emptied your breasts? I read that they should empty each breast to prevent engorged breasts or blockages.
Also what do you do if you get a blockage? i know it says contact your GP and feed from that breast first etc, but how does it clear up?
How do you know if your baby has thrush in their mouth? I know it can be uncomfortable for them and in turn they dont like to feed. vicious circle!
Any advice or whatever is really appreciated. x

hi :)

i went to a surestart breastfeeding class and it was fantastic!! me n OH were the the only two there so got 2 hours of 1:1 time and it was so good..
im gona breastfeed for the first 6months (if i can) cos i know its best for baby and am gona try for as physically long as i can dependant on when i go back to work and things, but to try for the first 6 months until there starting food :)

the lady said to us, the first bit of breastmilk is like the drink for baby, then it gets onto the more fatty stuff (the main meal) then pudding, and wait until baby pulls off naturally or falls asleep, if they drain that breast then move onto the next one, but they will probs not drink a lot off this one, (as its the watery milk for drink) then to start with the one they had a drink from first this time to drain n get the fatty milk off for hunger....
the blockages, she said, ur meant to be able to feel and to feel ur breast after each feed to see if u can feel any like "pee" like lumps, and to literally keep squeezin em gently in a rhymical pattern, round and round, like when u check for lumps normally) :oooo:

im not sure about the thrush, but she did say that they are less likely to get anything like that with B/feeding, but im not sure about that,

we need *sams mum* cos shes a breastfeeding expert :)

If they have them in your area then Baby Cafe sessions are great - you can go and have a coffee with other mums and as they're run by La Leche, there is always someone there who can offer any advice and show you better positioning etc if you're having problems. I started going when Cahal was just 4 days old as he was having problems staying awake whilst feeding, and just a slight change in position and a few tips solved the problem straight away. I've been breast feeding ever since with no problems and wouldn't change it for the world!!

Re thrush - it appears as white patches in the mouth, including the tongue and lips. Cahal got it when he was about a week old and passed it onto my nipples - I thought childbirth was bad but feeding him that week was absolutely agony. Quick to the docs got us both cleared up quickly though. It's just one of those things apparently....not the end of the world though :)
Thanks for your great replies girls, it's giving me so much more confidence to actually want to do it. I'm glad I'm not the only one asking questions though, as I'm not too sure about what I'm doing at all! X
Good topic lexi! Im hoping to breastfeed but worrying incase i cant. I'vd got an nct breastfeeding class at the end of this month so should find out more then.

Probably a silly worry but i havent had any nipple leakages so wondering if mine are even working properly?!? :roll: I know some of you ladies started with this before now

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