Are you going to bottle or BREAST feed?????

gingerpig said:
mrs_tommo22 said:
Believe me I would love to have my baby latched on, but my boobs are horrendously big and saggy and i had problems feeding my last child because i had to support my boobs and my baby, not easy doing both!

:wave: My boobs are huge as well I'm now a 36G :shock: I couldn't support Debs as I was so weak after my c-section. I now feed her sat cross legged - she sits in the crook of my legs and I just sort of tip my boob into her mouth. Debs lies on her back or with her head turned into towards me. I support the boob that is doing the feeding I pull some of the top skin back a bit as Debs can really nip on that which is painful, plus it reduces the size of the booby and make it more teat-shaped. When she was younger I would put a thin quilt or cushion underneath her to lift her head higher but now I can tip my saggy old boobies (LOVELY mental image....) straight into her mouth as she has grown so much. I tried the more traditional breastfeeding holds - the hand-bag/rugby hold, the cradle hold etc and they didn't work for me. It wasn't until I worked how I normally sit and then fitted Debs in with that, that we got it sorted.

Thank you so muxh, you have no idea how much hope yopu have given me by putting all that down.Im so glad you read my post and put that all down for me.
I would like to breastfeed this time after my last disastorus attempt with my son, but its not always achievable.
Im not going to kill myself trying to breastfeed as I know i iwill inly get upset, but Im going to speak to my HV when LO arrives and see if she can give me some help with it.
If not I will express into a bottle, hey its better then nothing and with my financual situation I really want to save the pennies on formula milk, but will see what happpens.
i dont think she has jumped down anyones throats at their decision to bottle feed

i really wanted to breast feed my daughter, but after i had her i didnt know i had flat nipples.. the auxillary nurse tutted looked at my nipples and said.. oh you wont be able to feed with those nipples. i was devistated and never thought my nipples were abnormal, she was cupfed for that day then i had a nipplette which was rubbish, midwife who was not supportive at all, i expressed and fed her but she was screaming crying with frustration at my nipple dissapearing all the time so i gave her formular to top up, the midwife shouted at me.. your confusing her its either breast or bottle - well i wasnt feeding her properly because my nipple was crap so after that row i decided to give up, then on my final mw appt i had another mw who said it was fine to do both.. i just burst into tears and felt such a failer...

so this time i want to go to breast feeding support and learn how to do it properly.. i have a strong eletric breast pump.. so if i cant feed that much then atleast the baby will be getting breast milk and im gonna get nipple sheilds, i am so deturmined to do it this time..i live in port talbot too if anyone knows of any support groups near me.. let me know.. thanks..

p.s i dont think that bottle feeding did charlotte any harm, the only down side to it i feel is that it makes the baby have colic and more wind...
I think everyone is entitled to their decision on whether they breast or bottle feed and unless they want to divulge that reason it's no-one elses business. These breast over bottle topics always end up with someone eating the head off someone else. This is supposed to be a happy time.

Personally I intend to try breast feeding BUT if it doesn't work out I will bottle feed my baby and I am not going to beat myself up over it or explain my reasons. It's hard enough being a new mum without being told by all and sundry that you have to do this and you have to do that. As my baby' mum I am certain I will know whats best for my baby, me and DH and I also know that my DH will support me however the baby is fed as long as the baby gets enough nutriants then thats alright. Both myself and DH were bottle fed as were all of our siblings and some of our nieces and nephews and we've all turned out fine. :D

a v pillow is ur best friend if u have big boobs for bf'ing.

I had one after 2 weeks before the 2 weeks it killed me bfing wit my c section scar.

if u need any support after LO then email me :)
I will buy whatever pillows will help, I just want to save some money on formula, as i noticed yesterday some of it has gone up by a pound over the last few years!
Plus i cant be assed with sterilising and making up bottles :rotfl:

But like i had said loads in other posts if i cant then i cant and will express and bottle feed
mrs_tommo22 said:
I will buy whatever pillows will help, I just want to save some money on formula, as i noticed yesterday some of it has gone up by a pound over the last few years!
Plus i cant be assed with sterilising and making up bottles :rotfl:

But like i had said loads in other posts if i cant then i cant and will express and bottle feed

LMAO thats one of the reasons why i wanted to bf.... im FAR too lazy for all the sterilising/mixing/warming malarky :lol:
I know how much extra effort it is as well after last time, thertes enough to do with a baby without doing all that.
Wow i could even try and get to bed earlier if i didnt have to do all that :rotfl:
Im a lazy mare who likes her sleep.
mrs_tommo22 said:
I know how much extra effort it is as well after last time, thertes enough to do with a baby without doing all that.
Wow i could even try and get to bed earlier if i didnt have to do all that :rotfl:
Im a lazy mare who likes her sleep.

lol bless ya...

me and my sister were discussing this coz my nephew is bottle fed... and she was on a bout its easier to bottlefeed...

personally i cant see it :l i just "whap" my boob out as and when hey presto :D lol

she has now said tho seein me feed madam for the past 5 1/2 months that she will DEFO give it a go next time....

i need a blinkie that says "proud to be a LAZY breastfeeder!"
lozzijane said:
i need a blinkie that says "proud to be a LAZY breastfeeder!"

Me toooooo - especially for the night feeds :D

Personally I didn't get on with a v-pillow - I found it too big and bulky and (for me) it was easier to cradle Debs in my crossed legs. I had a c-section too and found this way, her weight was on my legs not on my tummy. I met a girl at my parent-craft class who had to give up breastfeeding as she couldn't find a comfortable position to feed in and she was really jealous of the way I was feeding as she could see that she could have fed like that also. On the other hand if you're not used to sitting cross legged then what I am saying is probably no use whatsoever lol. But exploring options is good.
I'm going to breastfeed :)
It seems better for the baby, and why buy formula when you can get it free?
Ona serious note me too mel, I want to achieve this for my LO when shes born, I want to ain to have a totally different labour the lot.

I dont want PND again and i think me failing a lot last time around, difficult birth, which led to bonding problems and breastfeeding problems.
i know exactly what youve been through, i suffered badly with pnd but i think it was the fact i had to stop that made me get it tbh im still not fully ok but im so glad i tried it :hug:
mrs_tommo22 said:
Ona serious note me too mel, I want to achieve this for my LO when shes born, I want to ain to have a totally different labour the lot.

I dont want PND again and i think me failing a lot last time around, difficult birth, which led to bonding problems and breastfeeding problems.

Awwwwww going to be sending you easy labour and happy breast-feeding vibes then! Debs birth was quite awful and then i was poorly for ages after ti took a good couple of weeks to get breast-feeding established during which time I was using formula as the hospital said my milk had dried up. I think the important thing is to be in the moment as much possible because then you're not stressed and you just think what a lovely baby I have even if it's howling lol. The horrible birth did knock me sideways and I'm not over it properly yet, BUT being in the moment with Debs means I can just love her and schnuggle her as much as I want without worries about the past or even the future getting in the way. Thats the really important thing :hug:
mrs_tommo22 said:
Ona serious note me too mel, I want to achieve this for my LO when shes born, I want to ain to have a totally different labour the lot.

I dont want PND again and i think me failing a lot last time around, difficult birth, which led to bonding problems and breastfeeding problems.

good luck mrs t :hug:
I'm hoping to breastfeed. Basically as I can't be bothered with all the sterilising etc and I've read that it's better for the baby. (also I've always been flat as a pancake and would quite like to have boobs for a while :wink: )
mrs_tommo22 said:
I need a blinkie that says want to breastfeed

choosebreastfeeding.gif ... eeding.gif

just needs the

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